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Chapter 040 불타는 신야성 23

Cao Hong and Cao Ren, with their one hundred thousand troops, preceded by Xu Chu leading three thousand of mailed men, marched toward Xinye. They formed a mighty host and reached Magpie Tail Slope about noon. Looking ahead, they saw what seemed a goodly army with many blue and red flags. Xu Chu pressed forward. As he neared, the flags moved from side to side, and he hesitated.

He began to think, "It could be an ambush. It is unwise to advance."

Finally Xu Chu decided to go no farther and called a halt, and he rode back to the main body to see Cao Ren.

"Those troops are only make-believe," said Cao Ren. "Advance, there is no ambush. I will hasten up the supports."

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