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Chapter 040 불타는 신야성 16

So Liu Zong decided, and the letter of surrender was composed and entrusted to one Song Zhong to convey secretly to Cao Cao. Song Zhong went straight to Wancheng and presented the letter. It was received with joy, and the bearer well rewarded.

The submission was accepted, and Cao Cao said, "Tell Liu Zong to go out to meet me in the open country, and he will be in perpetual tenure of his land."

Song Zhong left the city and took the homeward way. He had nearly reached the ferry when he fell in with a party of horse. On a closer look he saw the leader was Guan Yu. The messenger tried to escape observation, but was presently captured and taken to the leader to be questioned. At first he prevaricated but on being closely questioned told the whole story. Then he was carried off to Xinye and made to retell his story to Liu Bei who heard it with lamentations.

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