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  2. 역사순 120일 성경일독표
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  6. KJV 영어성경
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KHRV+KJV+Mattew Henry Commentary

번호   제목 닉네임 조회 등록일 추천
Notice 120일 개역한글 성경일독표
41497 2017-05-08 1
Notice KHRV (개역한글성경) + KJV Bible 목차 파일
41078 2017-04-26 1
7 요일01장 태초부터 있는 생명의 말씀. 하나님과의 사귐
3970 2010-09-11  
1 John Chapter 01 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise This epistle is a discourse upon the principles of Christianity, in doctrine and practice. The design appears to be, to refute and guard against erroneous ...
6 요일01-05장 요한일서 1John KJV Bible
3937 2017-05-11  
요한일서 1John Chapter 1 2 3 4 5  1:1That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life...
5 요일02장 온 세상 죄를 이한 화목제. 그리스도 안에 있는 자
2508 2010-09-11 1
1 John Chapter 02 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise The apostle directs to the atonement of Christ for help against sinful infirmities. (1,2) The effects of saving knowledge in producing obedience, and love...
4 요일05장 하나님을 사랑하는 것은 그의 계명들을 지키는 것이다
2339 2010-09-11  
1 John Chapter 05 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Brotherly love is the effect of the new birth, which makes obedience to all God's commandments pleasant. (1-5) Reference to witnesses agreeing to prove th...
3 요일03장 주 안에 거하는 자마다 범죄하지 아니한다
2328 2010-09-11 1
1 John Chapter 03 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise The apostle admires the love of God in making believers his children. (1,2) The purifying influence of the hope of seeing Christ, and the danger of pre...
2 요일00장 요한일서 내용요약 파일
2259 2017-04-26  
▶ 요한일서 내용요약 1. 서 론 요일1:1-4 2. 빛 안에서 행함을 통한 확신 요일1:5-2:29 3. 사랑안에 거함을 통한 확신 요일3:1-12 4. 믿음의 행실을 통한 확신 요일5:1-12 5. 결 론 요일5:13-21 ■ 요한일서 소분류 ○요일1:1 생명과...
1 요일04장 사랑 안에 거하는 자는 하나님 안에 거하고 하나님도 그 안에 거하신다
1448 2010-09-11  
1 John Chapter 04 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Believers cautioned against giving heed to every one that pretends to the Spirit. (1-6) Brotherly love enforced. (7-21) Verses 1-6 Christians who are well ...

1창세기[Genesis] 2출애굽기[Exodus] 3레위기[Leviticus] 4민수기[Numbers] 5신명기[Deuteronomy] 6여호수아[Joshua] 7사사기[Judges] 8룻기[Ruth] 9사무엘상[I Samuel] 10사무엘하[II Samuel] 11열왕기상[I Kings] 12열왕기하[II Kings] 13역대상[I Chronicles] 14역대하[II Chronicles] 15에스라[Ezra] 16느헤미아[Nehemiah] 17에스더[Esther] 18욥기[Job] 19시편[Psalms] 20잠언[Proverbs] 21전도서[Ecclesiastes] 22아가[Song of Solomon] 23이사야[Isaiah] 24예레미야[Jeremiah] 5예레미아애가[Lamentations] 26에스겔[Ezekiel] 27다니엘[Daniel] 28호세아[Hosea] 29요엘[Joel] 30아모스[Amos] 31오바댜[Obadiah] 32요나[Jonah] 33미가[Micah] 34나훔[Nahum] 35하박국[Habakkuk] 36스바냐[Zephaniah] 37학개[Haggai] 38스가랴[Zechariah] 39말라기[Malachi] 40마태복음[Matthew] 41마가복음[Mark] 42누가복음[Luke] 43요한복음[John] 44사도행전[Acts] 45로마서[Romans] 46고린도전서[I Corinthians] 47고린도후서[II Corinthians] 48갈라디아서[Galatians] 49에베소서[Ephesians] 50빌립보서[Philippians] 51골로새서[Colossians] 52데살로니가전서[I Thessalonian] 53데살로니가후서[2 Thessalonian] 54디모데전서[I Timothy] 55디모데후서[II Timothy] 56디도서[Titus] 57빌레몬서[Philemon] 58히브리서[Hebrews] 59야고보서[James] 60베드로전서[I Peter] 61베드로후서[II Peter] 62요한일서[I John] 63요한이서[II John] 64요한삼서[III John] 65유다서[Jude] 66요한계시록[Revelation]