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KHRV+KJV+Mattew Henry Commentary

번호   제목 닉네임 조회 등록일 추천
Notice 120일 개역한글 성경일독표
31342 2017-05-08 1
Notice KHRV (개역한글성경) + KJV Bible 목차 파일
29374 2017-04-26 1
7 약00장 야고보서 내용요약 파일
2001 2017-04-26  
▶ 야고보서 내용요약 1. 인 사 약1:1 2. 참된 종교의 본질 약1:2-27 3. 참된 신앙의 본질 약2:1-3:12 4. 참된 지혜의 본질 약3:13-5:18 5. 결 론 약5:19,20 ■ 야고보서 소분류 ○약1:1 시련 극복과 경건 생활 약1:1 문안 인사 ...
6 약01-05장 야고보서 James KJV Bible
4016 2017-05-11  
야고보서 James Chapter 1 2 3 4 5  1:1James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting. 1:2My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into dive...
5 약01장 시험을 당하면 기쁘게 여기라. 말씀을 행하는 자가 되라
2185 2010-09-11 1
James Chapter 01 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise This epistle of James is one of the most instructive writings in the New Testament. Being chiefly directed against particular errors at that time brought in a...
4 약02장 행함이 없는 믿음은 죽은 것이다
2995 2010-09-11  
James Chapter 02 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise All professions of faith are vain, if not producing love and justice to others. (1-13) The necessity of good works to prove the sincerity of faith, which ...
3 약03장 말에 실수가 없으면 온전한 자이다. 위로부터 난 지혜로 행하라
2177 2010-09-11 1
James Chapter 03 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Cautions against proud behaviour, and the mischief of an unruly tongue. (1-12) The excellence of heavenly wisdom, in opposition to that which is worldly. (13-18...
2 약04장 정욕으로 구하지 말라. 마귀를 대적하라
1532 2010-09-11 1
James Chapter 04 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Here are cautions against corrupt affections, and love of this world, which is enmity to God. (1-10) Exhortations to undertake no affairs of life, without co...
1 약05장 부한 자들에게 고통이 임할 것이다. 길이 참으라
1729 2010-09-11  
James Chapter 05 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise The judgments of God denounced against rich unbelievers. (1-6) Exhortation to patience and meekness under tribulations. (7-11) Cautions against rash swearing Prayer ...

1창세기[Genesis] 2출애굽기[Exodus] 3레위기[Leviticus] 4민수기[Numbers] 5신명기[Deuteronomy] 6여호수아[Joshua] 7사사기[Judges] 8룻기[Ruth] 9사무엘상[I Samuel] 10사무엘하[II Samuel] 11열왕기상[I Kings] 12열왕기하[II Kings] 13역대상[I Chronicles] 14역대하[II Chronicles] 15에스라[Ezra] 16느헤미아[Nehemiah] 17에스더[Esther] 18욥기[Job] 19시편[Psalms] 20잠언[Proverbs] 21전도서[Ecclesiastes] 22아가[Song of Solomon] 23이사야[Isaiah] 24예레미야[Jeremiah] 5예레미아애가[Lamentations] 26에스겔[Ezekiel] 27다니엘[Daniel] 28호세아[Hosea] 29요엘[Joel] 30아모스[Amos] 31오바댜[Obadiah] 32요나[Jonah] 33미가[Micah] 34나훔[Nahum] 35하박국[Habakkuk] 36스바냐[Zephaniah] 37학개[Haggai] 38스가랴[Zechariah] 39말라기[Malachi] 40마태복음[Matthew] 41마가복음[Mark] 42누가복음[Luke] 43요한복음[John] 44사도행전[Acts] 45로마서[Romans] 46고린도전서[I Corinthians] 47고린도후서[II Corinthians] 48갈라디아서[Galatians] 49에베소서[Ephesians] 50빌립보서[Philippians] 51골로새서[Colossians] 52데살로니가전서[I Thessalonian] 53데살로니가후서[2 Thessalonian] 54디모데전서[I Timothy] 55디모데후서[II Timothy] 56디도서[Titus] 57빌레몬서[Philemon] 58히브리서[Hebrews] 59야고보서[James] 60베드로전서[I Peter] 61베드로후서[II Peter] 62요한일서[I John] 63요한이서[II John] 64요한삼서[III John] 65유다서[Jude] 66요한계시록[Revelation]