Galatians Chapter 02 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

The apostle declares his being owned as an apostle of the Gentiles. (1-10)
He had publicly opposed Peter for judaizing. (11-14)
And from thence he enters upon the doctrine of justification by faith in Christ, without the works of the law. (15-21)

Verses 1-10 Observe the apostle's faithfulness in giving a full account of the doctrine he had preached among the Gentiles, and was still resolved to preach, that of Christianity, free from all mixture of Judaism. This doctrine would be ungrateful to many, yet he was not afraid to own it. His care was, lest the success of his past labours should be lessened, or his future usefulness be hindered. While we simply depend upon God for success to our labours, we should use every proper caution to remove mistakes, and against opposers. There are things which may lawfully be complied with, yet, when they cannot be done without betraying the truth, they ought to be refused. We must not give place to any conduct, whereby the truth of the gospel would be reflected upon. Though Paul conversed with the other apostles, yet he did not receive any addition to his knowledge, or authority, from them. Perceiving the grace given to him, they gave unto him and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship, whereby they acknowledged that he was designed to the honour and office of an apostle as well as themselves. They agreed that these two should go to the heathen, while they continued to preach to the Jews; judging it agreeable to the mind of Christ, so to divide their work. Here we learn that the gospel is not ours, but God's; and that men are but the keepers of it; for this we are to praise God. The apostle showed his charitable disposition, and how ready he was to own the Jewish converts as brethren, though many would scarcely allow the like favour to the converted Gentiles; but mere difference of opinion was no reason to him why he should not help them. Herein is a pattern of Christian charity, which we should extend to all the disciples of Christ.

○갈2:1 바울의 이방인 사도직
  갈2:1 바울과 다른 사도들
갈 2:1 십 사년 후에 내가 바나바와 함께 디도를 데리고 다시 예루살렘에 올라갔노니 
갈 2:2 계시를 인하여 올라가 내가 이방 가운데서 전파하는 복음을 저희에게 제출하되 유명한 자들에게 사사로이 한 것은 내가 달음질하는 것이나 달음질한 것이 헛되지 않게 하려 함이라 
갈 2:3 그러나 나와 함께 있는 헬라인 디도라도 억지로 할례를 받게 아니하였으니 
갈 2:4 이는 가만히 들어온 거짓 형제 까닭이라 저희가 가만히 들어온 것은 그리스도 예수 안에서 우리의 가진 자유를 엿보고 우리를 종으로 삼고자 함이로되 
갈 2:5 우리가 일시라도 복종치 아니하였으니 이는 복음의 진리로 너희 가운데 항상 있게 하려 함이라 
갈 2:6 유명하다는 이들 중에 (본래 어떤 이들이든지 내게 상관이 없으며 하나님은 사람의 외모를 취하지 아니하시나니) 저 유 명한 이 들은 내게 더하여 준 것이 없고 
갈 2:7 도리어 내가 무할례자에게 복음 전함을 맡기를 베드로가 할례자에게 맡음과 같이 한 것을 보고 
갈 2:8 베드로에게 역사하사 그를 할례자의 사도로 삼으신 이가 또한 내게 역사하사 나를 이방인에게 사도로 삼으셨느니라 
갈 2:9 또 내게 주신 은혜를 알므로 기둥같이 여기는 야고보와 게바와 요한도 나와 바나바에게 교제의 악수를 하였으니 이는 우 리는 이방인에게로,저희는 할례자에게로 가게 하려 함이라 
갈 2:10 다만 우리에게 가난한 자들 생각하는 것을 부탁하였으니 이것을 나도 본래 힘써 행하노라 

Verses 11-14 Notwithstanding Peter's character, yet, when Paul saw him acting so as to hurt the truth of the gospel and the peace of the church, he was not afraid to reprove him. When he saw that Peter and the others did not live up to that principle which the gospel taught, and which they professed, namely, That by the death of Christ the partition wall between Jew and Gentile was taken down, and the observance of the law of Moses was no longer in force; as Peter's offence was public, he publicly reproved him. There is a very great difference between the prudence of St. Paul, who bore with, and used for a time, the ceremonies of the law as not sinful, and the timid conduct of St. Peter, who, by withdrawing from the Gentiles, led others to think that these ceremonies were necessary.

갈 2:11 게바가 안디옥에 이르렀을 때에 책망할 일이 있기로 내가 저를 면책하였노라 
갈 2:12 야고보에게서 온 어떤 이들이 이르기 전에 게바가 이방인과 함께 먹다가 저희가 오매 그가 할례자들을 두려워하여 떠나 물러가매 
갈 2:13 남은 유대인들도 저와 같이 외식하므로 바나바도 저희의 외식에 유혹되었느니라 
갈 2:14 그러므로 나는 저희가 복음의 진리를 따라 바로 행하지 아니함을 보고 모든 자 앞에서 게바에게 이르되 네가 유대인으 로서 이방 을 좇고 유대인답게 살지 아니하면서 어찌하여 억지로 이방인을 유대인답게 살게 하려느냐 하였노라 

Verses 15-19 Paul, having thus shown he was not inferior to any apostle, not to Peter himself, speaks of the great foundation doctrine of the gospel. For what did we believe in Christ? Was it not that we might be justified by the faith of Christ? If so, is it not foolish to go back to the law, and to expect to be justified by the merit of moral works, or sacrifices, or ceremonies? The occasion of this declaration doubtless arose from the ceremonial law; but the argument is quite as strong against all dependence upon the works of the moral law, as respects justification. To give the greater weight to this, it is added, But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found sinners, is Christ the minister of sin? This would be very dishonourable to Christ, and also very hurtful to them. By considering the law itself, he saw that justification was not to be expected by the works of it, and that there was now no further need of the sacrifices and cleansings of it, since they were done away in Christ, by his offering up himself a sacrifice for us. He did not hope or fear any thing from it; any more than a dead man from enemies. But the effect was not a careless, lawless life. It was necessary, that he might live to God, and be devoted to him through the motives and grace of the gospel. It is no new prejudice, though a most unjust one, that the doctrine of justification by faith alone, tends to encourage people in sin. Not so, for to take occasion from free grace, or the doctrine of it, to live in sin, is to try to make Christ the minister of sin, at any thought of which all Christian hearts would shudder.

  갈2:15 믿음으로 얻은 구원
갈 2:15 우리는 본래 유대인이요 이방 죄인이 아니로되 
갈 2:16 사람이 의롭게 되는 것은 율법의 행위에서 난 것이 아니요 오직 예수 그리스도를 믿음으로 말미암는 줄 아는고로 우리 도 그리스 도 예수를 믿나니 이는 우리가 율법의 행위에서 아니고 그리스도를 믿음으로서 의롭다 함을 얻으려 함이라 율법의 행 위로서는 의롭다 함을 얻을 육체가 없느니라 
갈 2:17 만일 우리가 그리스도 안에서 의롭게 되려 하다가 죄인으로 나타나면 그리스도께서 죄를 짓게 하는 자냐 결코 그럴 수 없느니라 
갈 2:18 만일 내가 헐었던 것을 다시 세우면 내가 나를 범법한 자로 만드는 것이라 
갈 2:19 내가 율법으로 말미암아 율법을 향하여 죽었나니 이는 하나님을 향하여 살려 함이니라 

Verses 20-21 Here, in his own person, the apostle describes the spiritual or hidden life of a believer. The old man is crucified, ( Romans 6:6 ) , but the new man is living; sin is mortified, and grace is quickened. He has the comforts and the triumphs of grace; yet that grace is not from himself, but from another. Believers see themselves living in a state of dependence on Christ. Hence it is, that though he lives in the flesh, yet he does not live after the flesh. Those who have true faith, live by that faith; and faith fastens upon Christ's giving himself for us. He loved me, and gave himself for me. As if the apostle said, The Lord saw me fleeing from him more and more. Such wickedness, error, and ignorance were in my will and understanding, that it was not possible for me to be ransomed by any other means than by such a price. Consider well this price. Here notice the false faith of many. And their profession is accordingly; they have the form of godliness without the power of it. They think they believe the articles of faith aright, but they are deceived. For to believe in Christ crucified, is not only to believe that he was crucified, but also to believe that I am crucified with him. And this is to know Christ crucified. Hence we learn what is the nature of grace. God's grace cannot stand with man's merit. Grace is no grace unless it is freely given every way. The more simply the believer relies on Christ for every thing, the more devotedly does he walk before Him in all his ordinances and commandments. Christ lives and reigns in him, and he lives here on earth by faith in the Son of God, which works by love, causes obedience, and changes into his holy image. Thus he neither abuses the grace of God, nor makes it in vain.

갈 2:20 내가 그리스도와 함께 십자가에 못 박혔나니 그런즉 이제는 내가 산 것이 아니요 오직 내 안에 그리스도께서 사신 것이 라 이제 내가 육체 가운데 사는 것은 나를 사랑하사 나를 위하여 자기 몸 을 버리신 하나님의 아들을 믿는 믿음 안에서 사는 것 이라 
갈 2:21 내가 하나님의 은혜를 폐하지 아니하노니 만일 의롭게 되는 것이 율법으로 말미암으면 그리스도께서 헛되이 죽으셨느니 라 

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