1 Corinthians Chapter 11 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

The apostle, after an exhortation to follow him, (1)
corrects some abuses. (2-16)
Also contentions, divisions, and disorderly celebrations of the Lord's supper. (17-22)
He reminds them of the nature and design of its institution. (23-26)
And directs how to attend upon it in a due manner. (27-34)

Verse 1 The first verse of this chapter seems properly to be the close to the last. The apostle not only preached such doctrine as they ought to believe, but led such a life as they ought to live. Yet Christ being our perfect example, the actions and conduct of men, as related in the Scriptures, should be followed only so far as they are like to his.

○고전11:1 교회의 질서와 덕에 대한 바울의 교훈
고전 11:1 내가 그리스도를 본받는 자 된 것같이 너희는 나를 본받는 자 되라 

Verses 2-16 Here begin particulars respecting the public assemblies, ( 1 Corinthians 14 ) the Corinthians, some abuses had crept in; but as Christ did the will, and sought the honour of God, so the Christian should avow his subjection to Christ, doing his will and seeking his glory. We should, even in our dress and habit, avoid every thing that may dishonour Christ. The woman was made subject to man, because made for his help and comfort. And she should do nothing, in Christian assemblies, which looked like a claim of being equal. She ought to have "power," that is, a veil, on her head, because of the angels. Their presence should keep Christians from all that is wrong while in the worship of God. Nevertheless, the man and the woman were made for one another. They were to be mutual comforts and blessings, not one a slave, and the other a tyrant. God has so settled matters, both in the kingdom of providence and that of grace, that the authority and subjection of each party should be for mutual help and benefit. It was the common usage of the churches, for women to appear in public assemblies, and join in public worship, veiled; and it was right that they should do so. The Christian religion sanctions national customs wherever these are not against the great principles of truth and holiness; affected singularities receive no countenance from any thing in the Bible.

  고전11:2 교회 예배의 태도
고전 11:2 너희가 모든 일에 나를 기억하고 또 내가 너희에게 전하여 준 대로 그 유전을 너희가 지키므로 너희를 칭찬하노라 
고전 11:3 그러나 나는 너희가 알기를 원하노니 각 남자의 머리는 그리스도요 여자의 머리는 남자요 그리스도의 머리는 하나님 이시라 
고전 11:4 무릇 남자로서 머리에 무엇을 쓰고 기도나 예언을 하는 자는 그 머리를 욕되게 하는 것이요 

  고전11:5 공공 기도의 원리
고전 11:5 무릇 여자로서 머리에 쓴 것을 벗고 기도나 예언을 하는 자는 그 머리를 욕되게 하는 것이니 이는 머리민 것과 다름 이 없음이니라 
고전 11:6 만일 여자가 머리에 쓰지 않거든 깎을 것이요 만일 깎거나 미는 것이 여자에게 부끄러움이 되거든 쓸지니라 
고전 11:7 남자는 하나님의 형상과 영광이니 그 머리에 마땅히 쓰지 않거니와 여자는 남자의 영광이니라 
고전 11:8 남자가 여자에게서 난 것이 아니요 여자가 남자에게서 났으며 
고전 11:9 또 남자가 여자를 위하여 지음을 받지 아니하고 여자가 남자를 위하여 지음을 받은 것이니 
고전 11:10 이러므로 여자는 천사들을 인하여 권세 아래 있는 표를 그 머리위에 둘지니라 
고전 11:11 그러나 주 안에는 남자 없이 여자만 있지 않고 여자 없이 남자만 있지 아니하니라 
고전 11:12 여자가 남자에게서 난 것같이 남자도 여자로 말미암아 났으나 모든 것이 하나님에게서 났느니라 
고전 11:13 너희는 스스로 판단하라 여자가 쓰지 않고 하나님께 기도하는 것이 마땅하냐 
고전 11:14 만일 남자가 긴 머리가 있으면 자기에게 욕되는 것을 본성이 너희에게 가르치지 아니하느냐 
고전 11:15 만일 여자가 긴 머리가 있으면 자기에게 영광이 되나니 긴 머리는 쓰는 것을 대신하여 주신 연고니라 
고전 11:16 변론하려는 태도를 가진 자가 있을지라도 우리에게나 하나님의 모든 교회에는 이런 규례가 없느니라 

Verses 17-22 The apostle rebukes the disorders in their partaking of the Lord's supper. The ordinances of Christ, if they do not make us better, will be apt to make us worse. If the use of them does not mend, it will harden. Upon coming together, they fell into divisions, schisms. Christians may separate from each other's communion, yet be charitable one towards another; they may continue in the same communion, yet be uncharitable. This last is schism, rather than the former. There is a careless and irregular eating of the Lord's supper, which adds to guilt. Many rich Corinthians seem to have acted very wrong at the Lord's table, or at the love-feasts, which took place at the same time as the supper. The rich despised the poor, and ate and drank up the provisions they brought, before the poor were allowed to partake; thus some wanted, while others had more than enough. What should have been a bond of mutual love and affection, was made an instrument of discord and disunion. We should be careful that nothing in our behaviour at the Lord's table, appears to make light of that sacred institution. The Lord's supper is not now made an occasion for gluttony or revelling, but is it not often made the support of self-righteous pride, or a cloak for hypocrisy? Let us never rest in the outward forms of worship; but look to our hearts.

  고전11:17 무질서한 만찬에 대한 책망
고전 11:17 내가 명하는 이 일에 너희를 칭찬하지 아니하나니 이는 저희의 모임이 유익이 못되고 도리어 해로움이라 
고전 11:18 첫째는 너희가 교회에 모일 때에 너희 중에 분쟁이 있다 함을 듣고 대강 믿노니 
고전 11:19 너희 중에 편당이 있어야 너희 중에 옳다 인정함을 받은 자들이 나타나게 되리라 
고전 11:20 그런즉 너희가 함께 모여서 주의 만찬을 먹을 수 없으니 
고전 11:21 이는 먹을 때에 각각 자기의 만찬을 먼저 갖다 먹으므로 어떤 이는 시장하고 어떤 이는 취함이라 
고전 11:22 너희가 먹고 마실 집이 없느냐 너희가 하나님의 교회를 업신여기고 빈궁한 자들을 부끄럽게 하느냐 내가 너희에게 무슨 말을 하 랴 너희를 칭찬하랴 이것으로 칭찬하지 않노라 

Verses 23-34 The apostle describes the sacred ordinance, of which he had the knowledge by revelation from Christ. As to the visible signs, these are the bread and wine. What is eaten is called bread, though at the same time it is said to be the body of the Lord, plainly showing that the apostle did not mean that the bread was changed into flesh. St. Matthew tells us, our Lord bid them all drink of the cup, ch. ( Matthew 26:27 ) , as if he would, by this expression, provide against any believer being deprived of the cup. The things signified by these outward signs, are Christ's body and blood, his body broken, his blood shed, together with all the benefits which flow from his death and sacrifice. Our Saviour's actions were, taking the bread and cup, giving thanks, breaking the bread, and giving both the one and the other. The actions of the communicants were, to take the bread and eat, to take the cup and drink, and to do both in remembrance of Christ. But the outward acts are not the whole, or the principal part, of what is to be done at this holy ordinance. Those who partake of it, are to take him as their Lord and Life, yield themselves up to him, and live upon him. Here is an account of the ends of this ordinance. It is to be done in remembrance of Christ, to keep fresh in our minds his dying for us, as well as to remember Christ pleading for us, in virtue of his death, at God's right hand. It is not merely in remembrance of Christ, of what he has done and suffered; but to celebrate his grace in our redemption. We declare his death to be our life, the spring of all our comforts and hopes. And we glory in such a declaration; we show forth his death, and plead it as our accepted sacrifice and ransom. The Lord's supper is not an ordinance to be observed merely for a time, but to be continued. The apostle lays before the Corinthians the danger of receiving it with an unsuitable temper of mind; or keeping up the covenant with sin and death, while professing to renew and confirm the covenant with God. No doubt such incur great guilt, and so render themselves liable to spiritual judgements. But fearful believers should not be discouraged from attending at this holy ordinance. The Holy Spirit never caused this scripture to be written to deter serious Christians from their duty, though the devil has often made this use of it. The apostle was addressing Christians, and warning them to beware of the temporal judgements with which God chastised his offending servants. And in the midst of judgement, God remembers mercy: he many times punishes those whom he loves. It is better to bear trouble in this world, than to be miserable for ever. The apostle points our the duty of those who come to the Lord's table. Self-examination is necessary to right attendance at this holy ordinance. If we would thoroughly search ourselves, to condemn and set right what we find wrong, we should stop Divine judgements. The apostle closes all with a caution against the irregularities of which the Corinthians were guilty at the Lord's table. Let all look to it, that they do not come together to God's worship, so as to provoke him, and bring down vengeance on themselves.

고전 11:23 내가 너희에게 전한 것은 주께받은 것이니 곧 주 예수께서 잡히시던 밤에 떡을 가지사 
고전 11:24 축사하시고 떼어 가라사대 이것은 너희를 위하는 내 몸이니 이것을 행하여 나를 기념하라 하시고 
고전 11:25 식후에 또한 이와 같이 잔을 가지시고 가라사대 이 잔은 내 피로 세운 새 언약이니 이것을 행하여 마실 때마다 나를 기념하라 하 셨으니 
고전 11:26 너희가 이 떡을 먹으며 이 잔을 마실 때마다 주의 죽으심을 오실 때까지 전하는 것이니라 
고전 11:27 그러므로 누구든지 주의 떡이나 잔을 합당치 않게 먹고 마시는 자는 주의 몸과 피를 범하는 죄가 있느니라 
고전 11:28 사람이 자기를 살피고 그 후에야 이 떡을 먹고 이 잔을 마실지니 
고전 11:29 주의 몸을 분변치 못하고 먹고 마시는 자는 자기의 죄를 먹고 마시는 것이니라 
고전 11:30 이러므로 너희 중에 약한 자와 병든 자가 많고 잠자는 자도 적지 아니하니 
고전 11:31 우리가 우리를 살폈으면 판단을 받지 아니하려니와 
고전 11:32 우리가 판단을 받는 것은 주께 징계를 받는 것이니 이는 우리로 세상과 함께 죄 정함을 받지 않게 하려 하심이라 
고전 11:33 그런즉 내 형제들아 먹으러 모일 때에 서로 기다리라 
고전 11:34 만일 누구든지 시장하거든 집에서 먹을지니 이는 너희의 판단 받는 모임이 되지 않게 하려 함이라 그 남은 것은 내 가 언제든지 갈 때에 귀정하리라 

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