Hosea Chapter 03 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

The prophet enters into a new contract, representing the gracious manner in which God will again restore Israel under a new covenant.

Verses 1-3 The dislike of men to true religion is because they love objects and forms, which allow them to indulge, instead of mortifying their lusts. How wonderful that a holy God should have good-will to those whose carnal mind is enmity against Him! Here is represented God's gracious dealings with the fallen race of mankind, that had gone from him. This is the covenant of grace he is willing to enter into with them, they must be to him a people, and he will be to them a God. They must accept the punishment of their sin, and must not return to folly. And it is a certain sign that our afflictions are means of good to us, when we are kept from being overcome by the temptations of an afflicted state.

○호3:1 이스라엘을 속량하신 하나님
  호3:1 이스라엘의 회복 약속
호 3:1 여호와께서 내게 이르시되 이스라엘 자손이 다른 신을 섬기고 건포도 떡을 즐길지라도 여호와가 저희를 사랑하나니 너는 또 가서타인에게 연애를 받아 음부된 그 여인을 사랑하라 하시기로 
호 3:2 내가 은 열 다섯 개와 보리 한 호멜 반으로 나를 위하여 저를 사고 
호 3:3 저에게 이르기를 너는 많은 날 동안 나와 함께 지내고 행음하지 말며 다른 남자를 좇지 말라 나도 네게 그리하리라 하였 노라 

Verses 4-5 Here is the application of the parable to Israel. They must long sit like a widow, stripped of all joys and honours; but shall at length be received again. Those that would seek the Lord so as to find him, must apply to Christ, and become his willing people. Not only are we to fear the Lord and his greatness, but the Lord and his goodness; not only his majesty, but his mercy. Even Jewish writers apply this passage to the promised Messiah; doubtless it foretold their future conversion to Christ, for which they are kept a separate people. Though the first fear of God arise from a view of his holy majesty and righteous vengeance, yet the experience of mercy and grace through Jesus Christ, will lead the heart to reverence so kind and glorious a Friend and Father, and to fear offending him.


호 3:4 이스라엘 자손들이 많은 날 동안 왕도 없고 군도 없고 제사도 없고 주상도 없고 에봇도 없고 드라빔도 없이 지내다가 

호 3:5 그 후에 저희가 돌아와서 그 하나님 여호와와 그 왕 다윗을 구하고 말일에는 경외하므로 여호와께로 와 그 은총으로 나 아가리라 


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