Isaiah Chapter 50 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

The rejection of the Jews. (1-3)
The sufferings and exaltation of the Messiah. (4-9)
Consolation to the believer, and warning to the unbeliever. (10,11)

Verses 1-3 Those who have professed to be people of God, and seem to be dealt severely with, are apt to complain, as if God had been hard with them. Here is an answer for such murmurings; God never deprived any of their advantages, except for their sins. The Jews were sent into Babylon for their idolatry, a sin which broke the covenant; and they were at last rejected for crucifying the Lord of glory. God called on them to leave their sins, and prevent their own ruin. Last of all, the Son came to his own, but his own received him not. When God calls men to happiness, and they will not answer, they are justly left to be miserable. To silence doubts concerning his power, proofs of it are given. The wonders which attended his sufferings and death, proclaimed that he was the Son of God, ( Matthew 27:54 ) .

○사50:1 이스라엘의 죄악과 종의 순종

사 50:1 나 여호와가 이 같이 이르노라 내가 너희 어미를 내어보낸 이혼서가 어디 있느냐 내가 어느 채주에게 너희를 팔았느냐 오직 너 희는 너희의 죄악을 인하여 팔렸고 너희 어미는 너희의 허물을 인하여 내어보냄을 입었느니라 
사 50:2 내가 왔어도 사람이 없었으며 내가 불러도 대답하는 자가 없었음은 어찜이뇨 내 손이 어찌 짧아 구속하지 못하겠느냐 내게 어찌 건질 능력이 없겠느냐 보라 내가 꾸짖은즉 바다가 마르며 하수가 광야가 될 것이며 거기 물이 없어졌으므로 어족이 갈 하여 죽어 악취를 발하게 되느니라 
사 50:3 내가 흑암으로 하늘을 입히며 굵은 베로 덮느니라 

Verses 4-9 As Jesus was God and man in one person, we find him sometimes speaking, or spoken of, as the Lord God; at other times, as man and the servant of Jehovah. He was to declare the truths which comfort the broken, contrite heart, those weary of sin, harassed with afflictions. And as the Holy Spirit was upon him, that he might speak as never man spake; so the same Divine influence daily wakened him to pray, to preach the gospel, and to receive and deliver the whole will of the Father. The Father justified the Son when he accepted the satisfaction he made for the sin of man. Christ speaks in the name of all believers. Who dares to be an enemy to those unto whom he is a Friend? or who will contend with those whom he is an Advocate? Thus St. Paul applies it, ( Romans 8:33 ) .

  사50:4 여호와의 종 세 번째 노래
사 50:4 주 여호와께서 학자의 혀를 내게 주사 나로 곤핍한 자를 말로 어떻게 도와줄 줄을 알게 하시고 아침마다 깨우치시되 나 의 귀를 깨우치사 학자같이 알아듣게 하시도다 
사 50:5 주 여호와께서 나의 귀를 열으셨으므로 내가 거역지도 아니하며 뒤로 물러가지도 아니하며 
사 50:6 나를 때리는 자들에게 내 등을 맡기며 나의 수염을 뽑는 자들에게 나의 뺨을 맡기며 수욕과 침 뱉음을 피하려고 내 얼 굴을 가리우지 아니하였느니라 
사 50:7 주 여호와께서 나를 도우시므로 내가 부끄러워 아니하고 내 얼굴을 부싯돌 같이 굳게 하였은즉 내가 수치를 당치 아니 할 줄 아노라 
사 50:8 나를 의롭다 하시는 이가 가까이 계시니 나와 다툴 자가 누구뇨 나와 함께 설지어다 나의 대적이 누구뇨 내게 가까이 나아올지어다 
사 50:9 주 여호와께서 나를 도우시리니 나를 정죄할 자 누구뇨 그들은 다 옷과 같이 해어지며 좀에게 먹히리라 

Verses 10-11 A child of God is afraid of incurring his displeasure. This grace usually appears most in believers when in darkness, when other graces appear not. Those that truly fear God, obey the voice of Christ. A sincere servant of God may for a long time be without views of eternal happiness. What is likely to be an effectual cure in this sad case? Let him trust in the name of the Lord; and let him stay himself upon the promises of the covenant, and build his hopes on them. Let him trust in Christ, trust in that name of his, The Lord our Righteousness; stay himself upon God as his God, in and through a Mediator. Presuming sinners are warned not to trust in themselves. Their own merit and sufficiency are light and heat to them. Creature-comforts are as sparks, short-lived, and soon gone; yet the children of this world, while they last, seek to warm themselves by them, and walk with pride and pleasure in the light of them. Those that make the world their comfort, and their own righteousness their confidence, will certainly meet with bitterness in the end. A godly man's way may be dark, but his end shall be peace and everlasting light. A wicked man's way may be pleasant, but his end and abode for ever will be utter darkness.


  사50:10 여호와를 의지하라

사 50:10 너희 중에 여호와를 경외하며 그 종의 목소리를 청종하는 자가 누구뇨 흑암 중에 행하여 빛이 없는 자라도 여호와의 이름을 의 뢰하며 자기 하나님께 의지할지어다 

사 50:11 불을 피우고 횃불을 둘러띤 자여 너희가 다 너희의 불꽃 가운데로 들어가며 너희의 피운 횃불 가운데로 들어갈지어다 너희가 내손에서 얻을 것이 이것이라 너희가 슬픔 중에 누우리라 


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