Isaiah Chapter 46 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

The idols could not save themselves, but God saves his people. (1-4)
The folly of worshipping idols. (5-13)

Verses 1-4 The heathen insulted the Jews, as if their idols Bel and Nebo were too hard for Jehovah. But their worshippers cannot help them; both the idols and the idolaters are gone into captivity. Let not God's people be afraid of either. Those things from which ungodly men expect safety and happiness, will be found unable to save them from death and hell. The true God will never fail his worshippers. The history of the life of every believer is a kind of abstract of the history of Israel. Our spiritual life is upheld by his grace, as constantly as our natural life by his providence. And God will never leave them. The Author will be the Finisher of their well-being, when, by decays, they need help as much as in infancy. This promise to Israel, enfeebled and grown old as a nation, is applicable to every aged follower of Christ. When compassed about with infirmities, and perhaps those around begin to grow weary of you, yet I am He that I have promised to be, He that you would have me to be. I will bear you up; carry you on in your way, and carry you home at last. If we learn to trust in and love him, we need not be anxious about our remaining days or years; he will still provide for us and watch over us, both as the creatures of his power, and as new-created by his Spirit.

○사46:1 바벨론의 심판
  사46:1 우상 숭배의 어리석음
사 46:1 벨은 엎드러졌고 느보는 구부러졌도다 그들의 우상들은 짐승과 가축에게 실리웠으니 너희가 떠메고 다니던 그것은 피곤 한 짐승 의 무거운 짐이 되었도다 
사 46:2 그들은 구부러졌고 그들은 일제히 엎드러졌으므로 그 짐을 구하여 내지 못하고 자기도 잡혀 갔느니라 
사 46:3 야곱 집이여 이스라엘 집의 남은 모든 자여 나를 들을지어다 배에서 남으로부터 내게 안겼고 태에서 남으로부터 내게 품기운 너희여 
사 46:4 너희가 노년에 이르기까지 내가 그리하겠고 백발이 되기까지 내가 너희를 품을 것이라 내가 지었은즉 안을 것이요 품을 것이요 구하여 내리라 

Verses 5-13 Here the folly of those who made idols, and then prayed to them, is exposed. How does the profuseness of idolaters shame the niggardliness of many who call themselves God's servants, but are for a religion which costs them nothing! The service of sin always costs a great deal. God puts it to them what senseless, helpless things idols are. Let, then, the Jews show themselves men, avoiding such abominations. Many Scripture prophecies, delivered long ago, are not yet fulfilled; but the fulfilling of some is an earnest that the rest will come to pass. Nothing can help more to make us easy, than to be assured that God will do all his pleasure. Even those who know not and mind not God's revealed will, are called and used to fulfil the counsels of his secret will. Heaven and earth shall pass away, sooner than one tittle of the word of God. Obstinate sinners are addressed. Such were far from acceptance, but they were summoned to hearken to the word of the Lord. The salvation of a sinner begins with a humble and contrite heart, that trembles at God's word, with godly sorrow working true repentance, and faith in his mercy, through the obedience unto death of our Divine Surety. Christ, as the Divine righteousness and salvation to his people, would come in the appointed time. His salvation abides in his church for all believers.


사 46:5 너희가 나를 누구에 비기며 누구와 짝하며 누구와 비교하여 서로같다 하겠느냐 

사 46:6 사람들이 주머니에서 금을 쏟아 내며 은을 저울에 달아 장색에게 주고 그것으로 신을 만들게 하고 그것에게 엎드려 경 배하고 

사 46:7 그것을 들어 어깨에 메어다가 그의 처소에 두면 그것이 서서 있고 거기서 능히 움직이지 못하며 그에게 부르짖어도 능 히 응답지못하며 고난에서 구하여 내지도 못하느니라 

  사46:8 패역 자들을 향한 경고

사 46:8 너희 패역한 자들아 이 일을 기억하고 장부가 되라 이 일을 다시 생각하라 

사 46:9 너희는 옛적 일을 기억하라 나는 하나님이라 나 외에 다른 이가 없느니라 나는 하나님이라 나 같은 이가 없느니라 

사 46:10 내가 종말을 처음부터 고하며 아직 이루지 아니한 일을 옛적부터 보이고 이르기를 나의 모략이 설 것이니 내가 나의 모든 기뻐하 는 것을 이루리라 하였노라 

사 46:11 내가 동방에서 독수리를 부르며 먼 나라에서 나의 모략을 이룰 사람을 부를 것이라 내가 말하였은즉 정녕 이룰 것이요 경영하였은즉 정녕 행하리라 

사 46:12 마음이 완악하여 의에서 멀리 떠난 너희여 나를 들으라 

사 46:13 내가 나의 의를 가깝게 할 것인즉 상거가 멀지 아니하니 나의 구원이 지체치 아니할 것이라 내가 나의 영광인 이스라 엘을 위하여구원을 시온에 베풀리라 


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