Isaiah Chapter 35 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

The flourishing state of Christ's kingdom. (1-4)
The privileges of his people. (5-10)

Verses 1-4 Judea was prosperous in the days of Hezekiah, but the kingdom of Christ is the great subject intended. Converting grace makes the soul that was a wilderness, to rejoice with joy and singing, and to blossom abundantly. The feeble and faint-hearted are encouraged. This is the design of the gospel. Fear is weakening; the more we strive against it, the stronger we are, both for doing and suffering; and he that says to us, Be strong, has laid help for us upon One who is mighty. Assurance is given of the approach of Messiah, to take vengeance on the powers of darkness, to recompense with abundant comforts those that mourn in Zion; He will come and save. He will come again at the end of time, to punish those who have troubled his people; and to give those who were troubled such rest as will be a full reward for all their troubles.

○사35:1 택하신 백성은 구속받음
사 35:1 광야와 메마른 땅이 기뻐하며 사막이 백합화 같이 피어 즐거워하며 
사 35:2 무성하게 피어 기쁜 노래로 즐거워하며 레바논의 영광과 갈멜과 사론의 아름다움을 얻을 것이라 그것들이 여호와의 영 광 곧 우리하나님의 아름다움을 보리로다 
사 35:3 너희는 약한 손을 강하게 하여주며 떨리는 무릎을 굳게 하여주며 
사 35:4 겁내는 자에게 이르기를 너는 굳세게 하라 두려워 말라 보라 너희 하나님이 오사 보수하시며 보복하여 주실 것이라 그 가 오사 너희를 구하시리라 하라

Verses 5-10 When Christ shall come to set up his kingdom in the world, then wonders, great wonders, shall be wrought on men's souls. By the word and Spirit of Christ, the spiritually blind were enlightened; and those deaf to the calls of God were made to hear them readily. Those unable to do any thing good, by Divine grace were made active therein. Those that knew not how to speak of God or to God, had their lips opened to show forth his praise. When the Holy Ghost came upon the Gentiles that heard the word, then were the fountains of life opened. Most of the earth is still a desert; neither means of grace, spiritual worshippers, nor fruits of holiness, are to be found in it. But the way of religion and godliness shall be laid open. The way of holiness is the way of God's commandment; it is the good old way. And the way to heaven is a plain way. Those knowing but little, and unlearned, shall be kept from missing the road. It shall be a safe way; nothing can do them any real hurt. Christ, the way to God, shall be clearly made known; and the way of a believer's duty shall be plainly marked out. Let us then go forward cheerfully, assured that the end of this way shall be everlasting joy, and rest for the soul. Those who by faith are made citizens of the gospel Zion, rejoice in Christ Jesus; and their sorrows and sighs are made to flee away by Divine consolations. Thus these prophecies conclude. Our joyful hopes and prospects of eternal life should swallow up all the sorrows and all the joys of this present time. But of what avail is it to admire the excellence of God's word, unless we can call its precious promises our own? Do we love God, not only as our Creator, but because he gave his only Son to die for us? And are we walking in the ways of holiness? Let us try ourselves by such plain questions, rather than spend time on things that may be curious and amusing, but are unprofitable.


사 35:5 그 때에 소경의 눈이 밝을 것이며 귀머거리의 귀가 열릴 것이며 

사 35:6 그 때에 저는 자는 사슴 같이 뛸 것이며 벙어리의 혀는 노래 하리니 이는 광야에서 물이 솟겠고 사막에서 시내가 흐를 것임이라 

사 35:7 뜨거운 사막이 변하여 못이 될 것이며 메마른 땅이 변하여 원천이 될 것이며 시랑의 눕던 곳에 풀과 갈대와 부들이 날 것이며 

사 35:8 거기 대로가 있어 그 길을 거룩한 길이라 일컫는바 되리니 깨끗지 못한 자는 지나지 못하겠고 오직 구속함을 입은 자들 을 위하 여 있게 된 것이라 우매한 행인은 그 길을 범치 못할 것이며 

사 35:9 거기는 사자가 없고 사나운 짐승이 그리로 올라가지 아니하므로 그것을 만나지 못하겠고 오직 구속함을 얻은 자만 그리 로 행할 것이며 

사 35:10 여호와의 속량함을 얻은 자들이 돌아오되 노래하며 시온에 이르러 그 머리 위에 영영한 희락을 띠고 기쁨과 즐거움을 얻으리니 슬픔과 탄식이 달아나리로다 


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