Isaiah Chapter 27 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

God's care over his people. (1-5)
A promise of their recall to Divine favour. (6-13)

Verses 1-5 The Lord Jesus with his strong sword, the virtue of his death, and the preaching of his gospel, does and will destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil, that old serpent. The world is a fruitless, worthless wilderness; but the church is a vineyard, a place that has great care taken of it, and from which precious fruits are gathered. God will keep it in the night of affliction and persecution, and in the day of peace and prosperity, the temptations of which are not less dangerous. God also takes care of the fruitfulness of this vineyard. We need the continual waterings of Divine grace; if these be at any time withdrawn, we wither, and come to nothing. Though God sometimes contends with his people, yet he graciously waits to be reconciled unto them. It is true, when he finds briers and thorns instead of vines, and they are set in array against him, he will tread them down and burn them. Here is a summary of the doctrine of the gospel, with which the church is to be watered every moment. Ever since sin first entered, there has been, on God's part, a righteous quarrel, but, on man's part, most unrighteous. Here is a gracious invitation given. Pardoning mercy is called the power of our Lord; let us take hold on that. Christ crucified is the power of God. Let us by lively faith take hold on his strength who is a strength to the needy, believing there is no other name by which we can be saved, as a man that is sinking catches hold of a bough, or cord, or plank, that is in his reach. This is the only way, and it is a sure way, to be saved. God is willing to be reconciled to us.

○사27:1 이스라엘의 구원
  사27:1 포도원과 포도원 지기
사 27:1 그 날에 여호와께서 그 견고하고 크고 강한 칼로 날랜 뱀 리워야단 곧 꼬불꼬불한 뱀 리워야단을 벌하시며 바다에 있는 용을 죽 이시리라 
사 27:2 그 날에 너희는 아름다운 포도원을 두고 노래를 부를지어다 
사 27:3 나 여호와는 포도원지기가 됨이여 때때로 물을 주며 밤낮으로 간수하여 아무든지 상해하지 못하게 하리로다 
사 27:4 포도원에 대하여 노함이 없나니 질려와 형극이 나를 대적하여 싸운다하자 내가 그것을 밟고 모아 불사르리라 
사 27:5 그리하지 아니할것 같으면 나의 힘을 의지하고 나와 화친하며 나로 더불어 화친할 것이니라 

Verses 6-13 In the days of the gospel, the latter days, the gospel church shall be more firmly fixed than the Jewish church, and shall spread further. May our souls be continually watered and kept, that we may abound in the fruits of the Spirit, in all goodness, righteousness, and truth. The Jews yet are kept a separate and a numerous people; they have not been rooted out as those who slew them. The condition of that nation, through so many ages, forms a certain proof of the Divine origin of the Scriptures; and the Jews live amongst us, a continued warning against sin. But though winds are ever so rough, ever so high, God can say to them, Peace, be still. And though God will afflict his people, yet he will make their afflictions to work for the good of their souls. According to this promise, since the captivity in Babylon, no people have shown such hatred to idols and idolatry as the Jews. And to all God's people, the design of affliction is to part between them and sin. The affliction has done us good, when we keep at a distance from the occasions of sin, and use care that we may not be tempted to it. Jerusalem had been defended by grace and the Divine protection; but when God withdrew, she was left like a wilderness. This has awfully come to pass. And this is a figure of the deplorable state of the vineyard, the church, when it brought forth wild grapes. Sinners flatter themselves they shall not be dealt with severely, because God is merciful, and is their Maker. We see ( isaiah 27:12-13 ) the restoration of the Jews after the Babylonish captivity, and their recovery from their present dispersion. This is further applicable to the preaching of the gospel, by which sinners are gathered into the grace of God; the gospel proclaims the acceptable year of the Lord. Those gathered by the sounding of the gospel trumpet, are brought in to worship God, and added to the church; and the last trumpet will gather the saints together.


사 27:6 후일에는 야곱의 뿌리가 박히며 이스라엘의 움이 돋고 꽃이 필것이라 그들이 그 결실로 지면에 채우리로다 

  사27:7 자기 백성을 지키시는 하나님

사 27:7 주께서 그 백성을 치셨은들 그 백성을 친 자들을 치심과 같았겠으며 백성이 살륙을 당하였은들 백성을 도륙한 자의 살 륙을 당함과 같았겠느냐 

사 27:8 주께서 백성을 적당하게 견책하사 쫓아내실 때에 동풍 부는 날에폭풍으로 그들을 옮기셨느니라 

사 27:9 야곱의 불의가 속함을 얻으며 그 죄를 없이 함을 얻을 결과는 이로 인하나니 곧 그가 제단의 모든 돌로 부숴진 횟돌 같 게 하며 아세라와 태양상으로 다시 서지 못하게 함에 있는 것이라 

사 27:10 대저 견고한 성읍은 적막하고 거처가 황무하며 버림이 되어 광야와 같았은즉 송아지가 거기서 먹고 거기 누우며 그 나 뭇 가지를 먹어 없이하리라 

사 27:10 너희는 유다 왕 히스기야에게 이같이 고하여 이르기를 너는 너의 의뢰하는 하나님이 예루살렘이 앗수르 왕의 손에 넘 어가지 아니 하리라 하는 말에 속지 말라 

사 27:11 가지가 마르면 꺾이나니 여인이 와서 그것을 불사를 것이라 이 백성이 지각이 없으므로 그들을 지으신 자가 불쌍히 여 기지 아니하시며 그들을 조성하신 자가 은혜를 베풀지 아니하시리라 

사 27:12 너희 이스라엘 자손들아 그 날에 여호와께서 창일하는 하수에서부터 애굽 시내에까지 과실을 떠는 것 같이 너희를 일 일이 모으 시리라 

사 27:13 그날에 큰 나팔을 울려 불리니 앗수르 땅에서 파멸케 된 자와 애굽 땅으로 쫓겨난 자가 돌아와서 예루살렘 성산에서 여호와께 경배하리라 

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