Song of Solomon Chapter 06 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

Inquiry where Christ must be sought. (1)
Where Christ may be found. (2,3)
Christ's commendations of the church. (4-10)
The work of grace in the believer. (11-13)

Verse 1 Those made acquainted with the excellences of Christ, and the comfort of an interest in him, desire to know where they may meet him. Those who would find Christ, must seek him early and diligently.

○아6:1 사랑을 회복함
  아6:1 술람미 여인의 대답
아 6:1 여자 중 극히 어여쁜 자야 너의 사랑하는 자가 어디로 갔는가 너의 사랑하는 자가 어디로 돌이켰는가 우리가 너와 함께 찾으리라 

Verses 2-3 Christ's church is a garden, enclosed, and separated from the world; he takes care of it, delights in it, and visits it. Those who would find Christ, must attend him in his ordinances, the word, sacraments, and prayer. When Christ comes to his church, it is to entertain his friends. And to take believers to himself: he picks the lilies one by one; and at the great day he will send forth his angels to gather all his lilies, that he may be for ever admired in them. The death of a believer is not more than the owner of a garden plucking a favourite flower; and He will preserve it from withering, yea, cause it to flourish for ever, with increasing beauty. If our own hearts can witness for us that we are Christ's, question not his being ours, for the covenant never breaks on his side. It is the comfort of the church, that he feeds among the lilies, that he takes delight in his people.

아 6:2 나의 사랑하는 자가 자기 동산으로 내려가 향기로운 꽃밭에 이르러서 동산 가운데서 양떼를 먹이며 백합화를 꺾는구나 
아 6:3 나는 나의 사랑하는 자에게 속하였고 나의 사랑하는 자는 내게 속하였다 그가 백합화 가운데서 그 양떼를 먹이는구나 

Verses 4-10 All the real excellence and holiness on earth centre in the church. Christ goes forth subduing his enemies, while his followers gain victories over the world, the flesh, and the devil. He shows the tenderness of a Redeemer, the delight he takes in his redeemed people, and the workings of his own grace in them. True believers alone can possess the beauty of holiness. And when their real character is known, it will be commended. Both the church and believers, at their first conversion, look forth as the morning, their light being small, but increasing. As to their sanctification, they are fair as the moon, deriving all their light, grace, and holiness from Christ; and as to justification, clear as the sun, clothed with Christ, the Sun of righteousness, and fighting the good fight of faith, under the banners of Christ, against all spiritual enemies.

  아6:4 신부의 아름다움을 노래하는 신랑
아 6:4 내 사랑아 너의 어여쁨이 디르사 같고 너의 고움이 예루살렘 같고 엄위함이 기치를 벌인 군대 같구나 
아 6:5 네 눈이 나를 놀래니 돌이켜 나를 보지 말라 네 머리털은 길르앗산 기슭에 누운 염소떼 같고 
아 6:6 네 이는 목욕장에서 나온 암양떼 곧 새끼 없는 것은 하나도 없이 각각 쌍태를 낳은 양같고 
아 6:7 너울 속의 너의 뺨은 석류 한 쪽 같구나 
아 6:8 왕후가 육십이요 비빈이 팔십이요 시녀가 무수하되 
아 6:9 나의 비둘기,나의 완전한 자는 하나 뿐이로구나 그는 그 어미의 외딸이요 그 낳은 자의 귀중히 여기는 자로구나 여자들 이 그를 보고 복된 자라 하고 왕후와 비빈들도 그를 칭찬하는구나 
아 6:10 아침빛 같이 뚜렷하고 달 같이 아름답고 해 같이 맑고 기치를 벌인 군대 같이 엄위한 여자가 누구인가 

Verses 11-13 In retirement and in meditation the Christian character is formed and perfected. But not in the retirement of the idle, the self-indulgent, or the trifler. When the Christian is released from the discharge of his duties in life, the world has no attractions for him. His prayer is, that all things belonging to the Spirit may live and grow within him, and around him. Such are the interesting cares and employments of him whom the world wrongly deems unhappy, and lost to his true interests. In humility and self-abasement, the humble Christian would turn away from the sight of all; but the Lord delights to honour him. Chiefly, however, may the reference be to the ministering angels who shall be sent for the soul of the Christian. Their approach may startle, but the departing soul shall find the Lord its strength and its portion for ever. The church is called the Shulamite: the word signifies perfection and peace; not in herself, but in Christ, in whom she is complete, through his righteousness; and has peace, which he made for her through his blood, and gives unto her by his Spirit.

  아6:11 순수한 마음을 고백하는 신부

아 6:11 골짜기의 푸른 초목을 보려고 포도나무가 순이 났는가 석류나무가 꽃이 피었는가 알려고 내가 호도 동산으로 내려 갔을 때에 

아 6:12 부지중에 내 마음이 나로 내 귀한 백성의 수레 가운데 이르게 하였구나 

아 6:13 돌아오고 돌아오라 술람미 여자야 돌아오고 돌아오라 우리로 너를 보게 하라 

아 6:14 너희가 어찌하여 마하나임의 춤추는 것을 보는 것처럼 술람미 여자를 보려느냐 


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