Ecclesiastes Chapter 04 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

Miseries from oppression. (1-3)
troubles from envy. (4-6)
The folly of covetousness. (7,8)
The advantages of mutual assistance. (9-12)
the changes of royalty. (13-16)

Verses 1-3 It grieved Solomon to see might prevail against right. Wherever we turn, we see melancholy proofs of the wickedness and misery of mankind, who try to create trouble to themselves and to each other. Being thus hardly used, men are tempted to hate and despise life. But a good man, though badly off while in this world, cannot have cause to wish he had never been born, since he is glorifying the Lord, even in the fires, and will be happy at last, for ever happy. Ungodly men have most cause to wish the continuance of life with all its vexations, as a far more miserable condition awaits them if they die in their sins. If human and worldly things were our chief good, not to exist would be preferable to life, considering the various oppressions here below.

○전4:1 압제와 고통의 문제
  전4:1 인간의 헛된 노력
전 4:1 내가 돌이켜 해 아래서 행하는 모든 학대를 보았도다 오호라 학대받는 자가 눈물을 흘리되 저희에게 위로자가 없도다 저 희를 학대하는 자의 손에는 권세가 있으나 저희에게는 위로자가 없도 다 
전 4:2 그러므로 나는 살아 있는 산 자보다 죽은 지 오랜 죽은 자를 복되다 하였으며 
전 4:3 이 둘보다도 출생하지 아니하여 해 아래서 행하는 악을 보지 못한 자가 더욱 낫다 하였노라 

Verses 4-6 Solomon notices the sources of trouble peculiar to well-doers, and includes all who labour with diligence, and whose efforts are crowned with success. They often become great and prosperous, but this excites envy and opposition. Others, seeing the vexations of an active course, foolishly expect more satisfaction in sloth and idleness. But idleness is a sin that is its own punishment. Let us by honest industry lay hold on the handful, that we may not want necessaries, but not grasp at both hands full, which would only create vexation of spirit. Moderate pains and gains do best.

전 4:4 내가 또 본즉 사람이 모든 수고와 여러 가지 교묘한 일로 인하여 이웃에게 시기를 받으니 이것도 헛되어 바람을 잡으려 는 것이로 다 
전 4:5 우매자는 손을 거두고 자기 살을 먹느니라 
전 4:6 한 손에만 가득하고 평온함이 두 손에 가득하고 수고하며 바람을 잡으려는 것보다 나으니라 

Verses 7-8 Frequently, the more men have, the more they would have; and on this they are so intent, that they get no enjoyment from what they have. Selfishness is the cause of this evil. A selfish man cares for nobody; there is none to take care of but himself, yet he will scarcely allow necessary rest to himself, and the people he employs. He never thinks he has enough. He has enough for his calling, for his family, but he has not enough for his eyes. Many are so set upon the world, that in pursuit of it they bereave themselves, not only of the favour of God and eternal life, but of the pleasures of this life. The distant relations or strangers who inherit such a man's wealth, never thank him. Covetousness gathers strength by time and habit; men tottering on the brink of the grave, grow more grasping and griping. Alas, and how often do we see men professing to be followers of Him, who, "though he was rich, for our sakes became poor," anxiously scraping money together and holding it fast, excusing themselves by common-place talking about the necessity of care, and the danger of extravagance!

전 4:7 내가 또 돌이켜 해 아래서 헛된 것을 보았도다 
전 4:8 어떤 사람은 아들도 없고 형제도 없으니 아무도 없이 홀로 있으나 수고하기를 마지 아니하며 부를 눈에 족하게 여기지 아니하면서도 이르기를 내가 누구를 위하여 수고하고 내 심령으로 낙을 누리지 못하게 하는고 하나니 이것도 헛되어 무익한 노고 로다
Verses 9-12 Surely he has more satisfaction in life, who labours hard to maintain those he loves, than the miser has in his toil. In all things union tends to success and safety, but above all, the union of Christians. They assist each other by encouragement, or friendly reproof. They warm each other's hearts while they converse together of the love of Christ, or join in singing his praises. Then let us improve our opportunities of Christian fellowship. In these things all is not vanity, though there will be some alloy as long as we are under the sun. Where two are closely joined in holy love and fellowship, Christ will by his Spirit come to them; then there is a threefold cord.

  전4:9 친교와 상호 부조의 유익
전 4:9 두 사람이 한 사람보다 나음은 저희가 수고함으로 좋은 상을 얻을 것임이라 
전 4:10 혹시 저희가 넘어지면 하나가 그 동무를 붙들어 일으키려니와 홀로 있어 넘어지고 붙들어 일으킬 자가 없는 자에게는 화가 있으 리라 
전 4:11 두 사람이 함께 누우면 따뜻하거니와 한 사람이면 어찌 따뜻하랴 
전 4:12 한 사람이면 패하겠거니와 두 사람이면 능히 당하나니 삼겹 줄은 쉽게 끊어지지 아니하느니라 

Verses 13-16 People are never long easy and satisfied; they are fond of changes. This is no new thing. Princes see themselves slighted by those they have studied to oblige; this is vanity and vexation of spirit. But the willing servants of the Lord Jesus, our King, rejoice in him alone, and they will love Him more and more to all eternity.


전 4:13 가난하여도 지혜로운 소년은 늙고 둔하여 간함을 받을줄 모르는 왕보다 나으니 

전 4:14 저는 그 나라에서 나면서 가난한 자로서 옥에서 나와서 왕이 되었음이니라 

전 4:15 내가 본즉 해 아래서 다니는 인생들이 왕의 버금으로 대신하여 일어난 소년과 함께 있으매 

전 4:16 저희 치리를 받는 백성들이 무수하였을지라도 후에 오는 자들은 저를 기뻐하지 아니하리니 이것도 헛되어 바람을 잡으 려는 것이 로다 


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