Psalms Chapter 124 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

The deliverance of the church. (1-5)
Thankfulness for the deliverance. (6-8)

Verses 1-5 God suffers the enemies of his people sometimes to prevail very far against them, that his power may be seen the more in their deliverance. Happy the people whose God is Jehovah, a God all-sufficient. Besides applying this to any particular deliverance wrought in our days and the ancient times, we should have in our thoughts the great work of redemption by Jesus Christ, by which believers were rescued from Satan.

  시124:1 구원자이신 여호와
시 124:1 이스라엘은 이제 말하기를 여호와께서 우리 편에 계시지 아니하고 
시 124:2 사람들이 우리를 치러 일어날 때에 여호와께서 우리 편에 계시지 아니하셨더면 
시 124:3 그 때에 저희의 노가 위리를 대하여 맹열하여 위리를 산 채로 삼켯을 것이며 
시 124:4 그 때에 물이 우리를 엄몰하며 시내가 우리 영혼을 잠갔을 것이며 
시 124:5 그 때에 넘치는 물이 우리 영혼을 잠갔을 것이라 할 것이로다 

Verses 6-8 God is the Author of all our deliverances, and he must have the glory. The enemies lay snares for God's people, to bring them into sin and trouble, and to hold them there. Sometimes they seem to prevail; but in the Lord let us put our trust, and we shall not be put to confusion. The believer will ascribe all the honour of his salvation, to the power, mercy, and truth of God, and look back with wonder and thanksgiving on the way in which the Lord has led him. Let us rejoice that our help for the time to come is in him who made heaven and earth.


시 124:6 우리를 저희 이에 주어 씹히지 않게 하신 여호와를 찬송할지로다 

시 124:7 우리 혼이 새가 사냥군의 올무에서 벗어남 같이 되었나니 올무가 끊어지므로 우리가 벗어났도다

시 124:8 우리의 도움은 천지를 지으신 여호와의 이름에 있도다 


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