Psalms Chapter 116 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

The psalmist declares his love to the Lord. (1-9)
His desire to be thankful. (10-19)

Verses 1-9 We have many reasons for loving the Lord, but are most affected by his loving-kindness when relieved out of deep distress. When a poor sinner is awakened to a sense of his state, and fears that he must soon sink under the just wrath of God, then he finds trouble and sorrow. But let all such call upon the Lord to deliver their souls, and they will find him gracious and true to his promise. Neither ignorance nor guilt will hinder their salvation, when they put their trust in the Lord. Let us all speak of God as we have found him; and have we ever found him otherwise than just and good? It is of his mercies that we are not consumed. Let those who labour and are heavy laden come to him, that they may find rest to their souls; and if at all drawn from their rest, let them haste to return, remembering how bountifully the Lord has dealt with them. We should deem ourselves bound to walk as in his presence. It is a great mercy to be kept from being swallowed up with over-much sorrow. It is a great mercy for God to hold us by the right hand, so that we are not overcome and overthrown by a temptation. But when we enter the heavenly rest, deliverance from sin and sorrow will be complete; we shall behold the glory of the Lord, and walk in his presence with delight we cannot now conceive.

  시116:1 구원받은 자의 감사와 보답
시 116:1 여호와께서 내 음성과 내 간구를 들으시므로 내가 저를 사랑하는도다 
시 116:2 그 귀를 내게 기울이셨으므로 내가 평생에 기도하리로다 
시 116:3 사망의 줄이 나를 두르고 음부의 고통이 내게 미치므로 내가 환난과 슬픔을 만났을 때에 
시 116:4 내가 여호와의 이름으로 기도하기를 여호와여 주께 구하오니 내 영혼을 건지소서 하였도다 
시 116:5 여호와는 은혜로우시며 의로우시며 우리 하나님은 자비하시도다 
시 116:6 여호와께서는 어리석은 자를 보존하시나니 내가 낮게 될 때에 나를 구원하셨도다 
시 116:7 내 영혼아 네 평안함에 돌아갈지어다 여호와께서 너를 후대하심이로다 
시 116:8 주께서 내 영혼을 사망에서,내 눈을 눈물에서,내 발을 넘어짐에서 건지셨나이다 
시 116:9 내가 생존 세계에서 여호와 앞에 행하리로다 

Verses 10-19 When troubled, we do best to hold our peace, for we are apt to speak unadvisedly. Yet there may be true faith where there are workings of unbelief; but then faith will prevail; and being humbled for our distrust of God's word, we shall experience his faithfulness to it. What can the pardoned sinner, or what can those who have been delivered from trouble or distress, render to the Lord for his benefits? We cannot in any way profit him. Our best is unworthy of his acceptance; yet we ought to devote ourselves and all we have to his service. I will take the cup of salvation; I will offer the drink-offerings appointed by the law, in token of thankfulness to God, and rejoice in God's goodness to me. I will receive the cup of affliction; that cup, that bitter cup, which is sanctified to the saints, so that to them it is a cup of salvation; it is a means of spiritual health. The cup of consolation; I will receive the benefits God bestows upon me, as from his hand, and taste his love in them, as the portion not only of mine inheritance in the other world, but of my cup in this. Let others serve what masters they will, truly I am thy servant. Two ways men came to be servants. By birth. Lord, I was born in thy house; I am the son of thine handmaid, and therefore thine. It is a great mercy to be children of godly parents. By redemption. Lord, thou hast loosed my bonds, thou hast discharged me from them, therefore I am thy servant. The bonds thou hast loosed shall tie me faster unto thee. Doing good is sacrifice, with which God is well pleased; and this must accompany giving thanks to his name. Why should we offer that to the Lord which cost us nothing? The psalmist will pay his vows now; he will not delay the payment: publicly, not to make a boast, but to show he is not ashamed of God's service, and to invite others to join him. Such are true saints of God, in whose lives and deaths he will be glorified.


시 116:10 내가 믿는고로 말하리라 내가 큰 곤란을 당하였도다 

시 116:11 내가 경겁 중에 이르기를 모든 사람은 거짓말장이라 하였도다 

시 116:12 여호와께서 내게 주신 모든 은혜를 무엇으로 보답할꼬 

시 116:13 내가 구원의 잔을 들고 여호와의 이름을 부르며 

시 116:14 여호와의 모든 백성 앞에서 나의 서원을 여호와께 갚으리로다 

시 116:15 성도의 죽는 것을 여호와께서 귀중히 보시는도다 

시 116:16 여호와여 나는 진실로 주의 종이요 주의 여종의 아들 곧 주의 종이라 주께서 나의 결박을 푸셨나이다 

시 116:17 내가 주께 감사제를 드리고 여호와의 이름을 부르리이다 

시 116:18 내가 여호와의 모든 백성 앞에서 나의 서원을 여호와께 갚을지라 

시 116:19 예루살렘아,네 가운데서,여호와의 전 정에서 내가 갚으리로다 할렐루야 


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