시056편 다윗이 가드에서 블레셋인에게 잡힌 때에 믹담시. 주께서 내게 은혜를 베푸소서 

Psalms Chapter 056 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

David seeks mercy from God, amidst the malice of his enemies. (1-7)
He rests his faith on God's promises, and declares his obligation to praise him for mercies. (8-13)

Verses 1-7 Be merciful unto me, O God. This petition includes all the good for which we come to throne of grace. If we obtain mercy there, we need no more to make us happy. It implies likewise our best plea, not our merit, but God's mercy, his free, rich mercy. We may flee to, and trust the mercy of God, when surrounded on all sides by difficulties and dangers. His enemies were too hard for him, if God did not help him. He resolves to make God's promises the matter of his praises, and so we have reason to make them. As we must not trust an arm of flesh when engaged for us, so we must not be afraid of an arm of flesh when stretched out against us. The sin of sinners will never be their security. Who knows the power of God's anger; how high it can reach, how forcibly it can strike?

○시56:1 원수의 대적과 하나님의 구원
  시56:1 원수의 적대 행위에 대한 방어책
시 56:1 하나님이여 나를 긍휼히 여기소서 사람이 나를 삼키려고 종일 치며 압제하나이다 
시 56:2 나의 원수가 종일 나를 삼키려 하며 나를 교만히 치는 자 많사오니 
시 56:3 내가 두려워하는 날에는 주를 의지하리이다 
시 56:4 내가 하나님을 의지하고 그 말씀을 찬송하올지라 내가 하나님을 의지하였은즉 두려워 아니하리니 혈육있는 사람이 내게 어찌하리이까 
시 56:5 저희가 종일 내 말을 곡해하며 내게 대한 저희 모든 사상은 사악이라 
시 56:6 저희가 내 생명을 엿보던 것과 같이 또 모여 숨어 내 종적을 살피나이다 
시 56:7 저희가 죄악을 짓고야 피하오리이까 하나님이여 분노하사 뭇 백성을 낮추소서 

Verses 8-13 The heavy and continued trials through which many of the Lord's people have passed, should teach us to be silent and patient under lighter crosses. Yet we are often tempted to repine and despond under small sorrows. For this we should check ourselves. David comforts himself, in his distress and fear, that God noticed all his grievances and all his griefs. God has a bottle and a book for his people's tears, both the tears for their sins, and those for their afflictions. He observes them with tender concern. Every true believer may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and then I will not fear what man shall do unto me; for man has no power but what is given him from above. Thy vows are upon me, O Lord; not as a burden, but as that by which I am known to be thy servant; as a bridle that restrains me from what would be hurtful, and directs me in the way of my duty. And vows of thankfulness properly accompany prayers for mercy. If God deliver us from sin, either from doing it, or by his pardoning mercy, he has delivered our souls from death, which is the wages of sin. Where the Lord has begun a good work he will carry it on and perfect it. David hopes that God would keep him even from the appearance of sin. We should aim in all our desires and expectations of deliverance, both from sin and trouble, that we may do the better service to the Lord; that we may serve him without fear. If his grace has delivered our souls from the death of sin, he will bring us to heaven, to walk before him for ever in light.


시 56:8 나의 유리함을 주께서 계수하셨으니 나의 눈물을 주의 병에 담으소서 이것이 주의 책에 기록되지 아니하였나이까 

시 56:9 내가 아뢰는 날에 내 원수가 물러가리니 하나님이 나를 도우심인 줄 아나이다 

  시56:10 구원하신 하나님께 감사함

시 56:10 내가 하나님을 의지하여 그 말씀을 찬송하며 여호와를 의지하여 그 말씀을 찬송하리이다 

시 56:11 내가 하나님을 의지하였은즉 두려워 아니하리니 사람이 내게 어찌 하리이까 

시 56:12 하나님이여 내가 주께 서원함이 있사온즉 내가 감사제를 주께 드리리니 

시 56:13 주께서 내 생명을 사망에서 건지셨음이라 주께서 나로 하나님앞 생명의 빛에 다니게 하시려고 실족지 않게 하지 아니 하셨나이까 


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