시054편 십인이 사울에게 이르러 말하기를 다윗이 우리 곳에 숨지 아니하였나이까 하던 때에 다윗의 노래. 주께서 나를 건지시고 내 원수게 보응하신다

Psalms Chapter 054 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

David complains of the malice of his enemies. (1-3)
Assurance of the Divine favour and protection. (4-7)

Verses 1-3 God is faithful, though men are not to be trusted, and it is well for us it is so. David has no other plea to depend upon than God's name, no other power to depend upon than God's strength, and these he makes his refuge and confidence. This would be the effectual answer to his prayers. Looking unto David, betrayed by the men of Judah, and to Jesus, betrayed by one of his apostles, what can we expect from any who have not set God before them, save ingratitude, treachery, malice, and cruelty? What bonds of nature, or friendship, or gratitude, or covenant, will hold those that have broken through the fear of God? Selah; Mark this. Let us set God before us at all times; for if we do not, we are in danger of despair.

  시54:1 구원에 대한 호소와 감사
시 54:1 하나님이여 주의 이름으로 나를 구원하시고 주의 힘으로 나를 판단하소서 
시 54:2 하나님이여 내 기도를 들으시며 내 입의 말에 귀를 기울이소서 
시 54:3 외인이 일어나 나를 치며 강포한 자가 내 생명을 수색하며 하나님을 자기 앞에 두지 아니하였음이니이다 (셀라)

Verses 4-7 Behold, God is mine Helper. If we are for him, he is for us; and if he is for us, we need not fear. Every creature is that to us, and no more, which God makes it to be. The Lord will in due time save his people, and in the mean time he sustains them, and bears them up, so that the spirit he has made shall not fail. There is truth in God's threatenings, as well as in his promises; sinners that repent not, will find it so to their cost. David's present deliverance was an earnest of further deliverance. He speaks of the completion of his deliverance as a thing done, though he had as yet many troubles before him; because, having God's promise for it, he was as sure of it as if it was done already. The Lord would deliver him out of all his troubles. May he help us to bear our cross without repining, and at length bring us to share his victories and glory. Christians never should suffer the voice of praise and thanksgiving to cease in the church of the redeemed.


시 54:4 하나님은 나의 돕는 자시라 주께서 내 생명을 붙드는 자와 함께 하시나이다 

시 54:5 주께서 내 원수에게 악으로 갚으시리니 주의 성실하심으로 주희를 멸하소서 

시 54:6 내가 낙헌제로 주께 제사하리이다 여호와여 주의 이름에 감사하오리니 주의 이름이 선하심이니이다 

시 54:7 대저 주께서 모든 환난에서 나를 건지시고 내 원수가 보응받는 것을 나로 목도케 하셨나이다 

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