시052편 에돔인 도엑이 사울에게 이르러 아히멜렉의 집에 왔더라 말하던 때에 다윗의 노래. 

Psalms Chapter 052 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

The enemies of the truth and the church described, Their destruction. (1-5)
The righteous rejoice. (6-9)

Verses 1-5 Those that glory in sin, glory in their shame. The patience and forbearance of God are abused by sinners, to the hardening of their hearts in their wicked ways. But the enemies in vain boast in their mischief, while we have God's mercy to trust in. It will not save us from the guilt of lying, to be able to say, there was some truth in what we said, if we make it appear otherwise than it was. The more there is of craft and contrivance in any wickedness, the more there is of Satan in it. When good men die, they are transplanted from the land of the living on earth, to heaven, the garden of the Lord, where they shall take root for ever; but when wicked men die, they are rooted out, to perish for ever. The believer sees that God will destroy those who make not him their strength.

  시52:1 간사한 혀
시 52:1 강포한 자여 네가 어찌하여 악한 계획을 스스로 자랑하는고 하나님의 인자하심은 항상 있도다 
시 52:2 네 혀가 심한 악을 꾀하여 날카로운 삭도같이 간사를 행하는도다 
시 52:3 네가 선보다 악을 사랑하며 의를 말함보다 거짓을 사랑하는도다 (셀라) 
시 52:4 간사한 혀여 네가 잡아 먹는 모든 말을 좋아하는도다 
시 52:5 그런즉 하나님이 영영히 너를 멸하심이여 너를 취하여 네 장막에서 뽑아 내며 생존하는 땅에서 네 뿌리를 빼시리로다 ( 셀라) 

Verses 6-9 Those wretchedly deceive themselves, who think to support themselves in power and wealth without God. The wicked man trusted in the abundance of his riches; he thought his wickedness would help him to keep his wealth. Right or wrong, he would get what he could, and keep what he had, and ruin any one that stood in his way; this he thought would strengthen him; but see what it comes to! Those who by faith and love dwell in the house of God, shall be like green olive-trees there. And that we may be as green olive-trees, we must live a life of faith and holy confidence in God and his grace. It adds much to the beauty of our profession, and to fruitfulness in every grace, to be much in praising God; and we never can want matter for praise. His name alone can be our refuge and strong tower. It is very good for us to wait on that saving name; there is nothing better to calm and quiet our spirits, when disturbed, and to keep us in the way of duty, when tempted to use any crooked courses for our relief, than to hope, and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord. None ever followed his guidance but it ended well.


시 52:6 의인이 보고 두려워하며 또 저를 비웃어 말하기를 

시 52:7 이 사람은 하나님으로 자기 힘을 삼지 아니하고 오직 그 재물이 풍부함을 의지하며 제 악으로 스스로 든든케 하던 자라 하리로다 

시 52:8 오직 나는 하나님의 집에 있는 푸른 감람나무 같음이여 하나님의 인자하심을 영영히 의지하리로다 

시 52:9 주께서 이를 행하셨으므로 내가 영영히 주께 감사하고 주의 이름이 선함으로 주의 성도 앞에서 내가 주의 이름을 의지 하리이다 


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