Psalms Chapter 039 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

David meditates on man's frailty. (1-6)
He applies for pardon and deliverance. (7-13)

Verses 1-6 If an evil thought should arise in the mind, suppress it. Watchfulness in the habit, is the bridle upon the head; watchfulness in acts, is the hand upon the bridle. When not able to separate from wicked men, we should remember they will watch our words, and turn them, if they can, to our disadvantage. Sometimes it may be necessary to keep silence, even from good words; but in general we are wrong when backward to engage in edifying discourse. Impatience is a sin that has its cause within ourselves, and that is, musing; and its ill effects upon ourselves, and that is no less than burning. In our greatest health and prosperity, every man is altogether vanity, he cannot live long; he may die soon. This is an undoubted truth, but we are very unwilling to believe it. Therefore let us pray that God would enlighten our minds by his Holy Spirit, and fill our hearts with his grace, that we may be ready for death every day and hour.

  시39:1 고난 중의 회개 기도
시 39:1 내가 말하기를 나의 행위를 조심하여 내 혀로 범죄치 아니하리니 악인이 내 앞에 있을 때에 내가 내 입에 자갈을 먹이 리라 하였도다 
시 39:2 내가 잠잠하여 선한 말도 발하지 아니하니 나의 근심이 더 심하도다 
시 39:3 내 마음이 내 속에서 뜨거워서 묵상할 때에 화가 발하니 나의 혀로 말하기를 
시 39:4 여호와여 나의 종말과 연한의 어떠함을 알게 하사 나로 나의 연약함을 알게 하소서 
시 39:5 주께서 나의 날을 손 넓이만큼 되게 하시매 나의 일생이 주의 앞에는 없는 것 같사오니 사람마다 그 든든히 선 때도 진 실로 허사뿐이니이다(셀라) 
시 39:6 진실로 각 사람은 그림자 같이 다니고 헛된 일에 분요하며 재물을 쌓으나 누가 취할는지 알지 못하나이다

Verses 7-13 There is no solid satisfaction to be had in the creature; but it is to be found in the Lord, and in communion with him; to him we should be driven by our disappointments. If the world be nothing but vanity, may God deliver us from having or seeking our portion in it. When creature-confidences fail, it is our comfort that we have a God to go to, a God to trust in. We may see a good God doing all, and ordering all events concerning us; and a good man, for that reason, says nothing against it. He desires the pardoning of his sin, and the preventing of his shame. We must both watch and pray against sin. When under the correcting hand of the Lord, we must look to God himself for relief, not to any other. Our ways and our doings bring us into trouble, and we are beaten with a rod of our own making. What a poor thing is beauty! and what fools are those that are proud of it, when it will certainly, and may quickly, be consumed! The body of man is as a garment to the soul. In this garment sin has lodged a moth, which wears away, first the beauty, then the strength, and finally the substance of its parts. Whoever has watched the progress of a lingering distemper, or the work of time alone, in the human frame, will feel at once the force of this comparison, and that, surely every man is vanity. Afflictions are sent to stir up prayer. If they have that effect, we may hope that God will hear our prayer. The believer expects weariness and ill treatment on his way to heaven; but he shall not stay here long : walking with God by faith, he goes forward on his journey, not diverted from his course, nor cast down by the difficulties he meets. How blessed it is to sit loose from things here below, that while going home to our Father's house, we may use the world as not abusing it! May we always look for that city, whose Builder and Maker is God.

시 39:7 주여 내가 무엇을 바라리요 나의 소망은 주께 있나이다 
시 39:8 나를 모든 죄과에서 건지시며 우매한 자에게 욕을 보지 않게 하소서 
시 39:9 내가 잠잠하고 입을 열지 아니하옴은 주께서 이를 행하신 연고니이다 
시 39:10 주의 징책을 나에게서 옮기소서 주의 손이 치심으로 내가 쇠망하였나이다 
시 39:11 주께서 죄악을 견책하사 사람을 징계하실 때에 그 영화를 좀 먹음같이 소멸하게 하시니 참으로 각 사람은 허사 뿐이니 이다(셀라) 
시 39:12 여호와여 나의 기도를 들으시며 나의 부르짖음에 귀를 기울이소서 내가 눈물 흘릴 때에 잠잠하지 마옵소서 대저 나는 주께 객이되고 거류자가 됨이 나의 모든 열조 같으니이다 
시 39:13 주는 나를 용서하사 내가 떠나 없어지기 전에 나의 건강을 회복시키소서 

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