Psalms Chapter 030 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

Praise to God for deliverance. (1-5)
Others encouraged by his example. (6-12)

1-5. The great things the Lord has done for us, both by his providence and by his grace, bind us in gratitude to do all we can to advance his kingdom among men, though the most we can do is but little. God's saints in heaven sing to him; why should not those on earth do the same? Not one of all God's perfections carries in it more terror to the wicked, or more comfort to the godly, than his holiness. It is a good sign that we are in some measure partakers of his holiness, if we can heartily rejoice at the remembrance of it. Our happiness is bound up in the Divine favour; if we have that, we have enough, whatever else we want; but as long as God's anger continues, so long the saints' weeping continues.

  시30:1 하나님의 구원 역사 찬양
시 30:1 여호와여 내가 주를 높일 것은 주께서 나를 끌어 내사 내 대적으로 나를 인하여 기뻐하지 못하게 하심이니이다 
시 30:2 여호와 내 하나님이여 내가 주께 부르짖으매 나를 고치셨나이다 
시 30:3 여호와여 주께서 내 영혼을 음부에서 끌어내어 나를 살리사 무덤으로 내려가지 않게 하셨나이다 
시 30:4 주의 성도들아 여호와를 찬송하며 그 거룩한 이름에 감사할지어 다 
시 30:5 그 노염은 잠간이요 그 은총은 평생이로다 저녁에는 울음이 기숙할지라도 아침에는 기쁨이 오리로다 

Verses 6-12 When things are well with us, we are very apt to think that they will always be so. When we see our mistake, it becomes us to think with shame upon our carnal security as our folly. If God hide his face, a good man is troubled, though no other calamity befal him. But if God, in wisdom and justice, turn from us, it will be the greatest folly if we turn from him. No; let us learn to pray in the dark. The sanctified spirit, which returns to God, shall praise him, shall be still praising him; but the services of God's house cannot be performed by the dust; it cannot praise him; there is none of that device or working in the grave, for it is the land of silence. We ask aright for life, when we do so that we may live to praise him. In due time God delivered the psalmist out of his troubles. Our tongue is our glory, and never more so than when employed in praising God. He would persevere to the end in praise, hoping that he should shortly be where this would be the everlasting work. But let all beware of carnal security. Neither outward prosperity, nor inward peace, here, are sure and lasting. The Lord, in his favour, has fixed the believer's safety firm as the deep-rooted mountains, but he must expect to meet with temptations and afflictions. When we grow careless, we fall into sin, the Lord hides his face, our comforts droop, and troubles assail us.

시 30:6 내가 형통할 때에 말하기를 영영히 요동치 아니하리라 하였도다 

시 30:7 여호와께서 주의 은혜로 내 산을 굳게 세우셨더니 주의 얼굴을 가리우시매 내가 근심하였나이다 

시 30:8 여호와여 내가 주께 부르짖고 여호와께 간구하기를 

시 30:9 내가 무덤에 내려갈 때에 나의 피가 무슨 유익이 있으리요 어찌 진토가 주를 찬송하며 주의 진리를 선포하리이까 

시 30:10 여호와여 들으시고 나를 긍휼히 여기소서 여호와여 나의 돕는 자가 되소서 하였나이다 

시 30:11 주께서 나의 슬픔을 변하여 춤이 되게 하시며 나의 베옷을 벗기고 기쁨으로 띠 띠우셨나이다 

시 30:12 이는 잠잠치 아니하고 내 영광으로 주를 찬송케 하심이니 여호와 나의 하나님이여 내가 주께 영영히 감사하리이다 


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