Psalms Chapter 029 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

Exhortation to give glory to God.

- The mighty and honourable of the earth are especially bound to honour and worship him; but, alas, few attempt to worship him in the beauty of holiness. When we come before him as the Redeemer of sinners, in repentance faith, and love, he will accept our defective services, pardon the sin that cleaves to them, and approve of that measure of holiness which the Holy Spirit enables us to exercise. We have here the nature of religious worship; it is giving to the Lord the glory due to his name. We must be holy in all our religious services, devoted to God, and to his will and glory. There is a beauty in holiness, and that puts beauty upon all acts of worship. The psalmist here sets forth God's dominion in the kingdom of nature. In the thunder, and lightning, and storm, we may see and hear his glory. Let our hearts be thereby filled with great, and high, and honourable thoughts of God, in the holy adoring of whom, the power of godliness so much consists. O Lord our God, thou art very great! The power of the lightning equals the terror of the thunder. The fear caused by these effects of the Divine power, should remind us of the mighty power of God, of man's weakness, and of the defenceless and desperate condition of the wicked in the day of judgment. But the effects of the Divine word upon the souls of men, under the power of the Holy Spirit, are far greater than those of thunder storms in the nature world. Thereby the stoutest are made to tremble, the proudest are cast down, the secrets of the heart are brought to light, sinners are converted, the savage, sensual, and unclean, become harmless, gentle, and pure. If we have heard God's voice, and have fled for refuge to the hope set before us, let us remember that children need not fear their Father's voice, when he speaks in anger to his enemies. While those tremble who are without shelter, let those who abide in his appointed refuge bless him for their security, looking forward to the day of judgment without dismay, safe as Noah in the ark.


  시29:1 만물에 나타나신 하나님

시 29:1 너희 권능 있는 자들아 영광과 능력을 여호와께 돌리고 돌릴지어다 

시 29:2 여호와의 이름에 합당한 영광을 돌리며 거룩한 옷을 입고 여호와께 경배할지어다 

시 29:3 여호와의 소리가 물 위에 있도다 영광의 하나님이 뇌성을 발하시니 여호와는 많은 물 위에 계시도다 

시 29:4 여호와의 소리가 힘 있음이여 여호와의 소리가 위엄차도다 

시 29:5 여호와의 소리가 백향목을 꺽으심이여 여호와께서 레바논 백향목을 꺽어 부수시도다 

시 29:6 그 나무를 송아지 같이 뛰게 하심이여 레바논과 시룐으로 들송아지 같이 뛰게 하시도다 

시 29:7 여호와의 소리가 화염을 가르시도다 

시 29:8 여호와의 소리가 광야를 진동하심이여 여호와께서 가데스 광야를 진동하시도다 

시 29:9 여호와의 소리가 암사슴으로 낙태케 하시고 삼림을 말갛게 벗기시니 그 전에서 모든 것이 말하기를 영광이라 하도다 

시 29:10 여호와께서 홍수 때에 좌정하셨음이여 여호와께서 영영토록 왕으로 좌정하시도다 

시 29:11 여호와께서 자기 백성에게 힘을 주심이여 여호와께서 자기 백성에게 평강의 복을 주시리로다 


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