Psalms Chapter 021 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

Thanksgiving for victory. (1-6)
Confidence of further success. (7-13)

Verses 1-6 Happy the people whose king makes God's strength his confidence, and God's salvation his joy; who is pleased with all the advancements of God kingdom, and trusts God to support him in all he does for the service of it. All our blessings are blessings of goodness, and are owing, not to any merit of ours, but only to God's goodness. But when God's blessings come sooner, and prove richer than we imagine; when they are given before we prayed for them, before we were ready for them, nay, when we feared the contrary; then it may be truly said that he prevented, or went before us, with them. Nothing indeed prevented, or went before Christ, but to mankind never was any favour more preventing than our redemption by Christ. Thou hast made him to be a universal, everlasting blessing to the world, in whom the families of the earth are, and shall be blessed; and so thou hast made him exceeding glad with the countenance thou hast given to his undertaking, and to him in the prosecution of it. The Spirit of prophecy rises from what related to the king, to that which is peculiar to Christ; none other is blessed for ever, much less a blessing for ever.

  시21:1 하나님의 축복에 대한 왕의 감사
시 21:1 여호와여 왕이 주의 힘을 인하여 기뻐하며 주의 구원을 인하여 크게 즐거워하리이다 
시 21:2 그 마음의 소원을 주셨으며 그 입술의 구함을 거절치 아니하셨나이다 (셀라) 
시 21:3 주의 아름다운 복으로 저를 영접하시고 정금 면류관을 그 머리에 씌우셨나이다 
시 21:4 저가 생명을 구하매 주께서 주셨으니 곧 영영한 장수로소이다 
시 21:5 주의 구원으로 그 영광을 크게 하시고 존귀와 위엄으로 저에게 입히시나이다 
시 21:6 저로 영영토록 지극한 복을 받게 하시며 주의 앞에서 기쁘고 즐겁게 하시나이다 

Verses 7-13 The psalmist teaches to look forward with faith, and hope, and prayer upon what God would further do. The success with which God blessed David, was a type of the total overthrow of all Christ's enemies. Those who might have had Christ to rule and save them, but rejected him and fought against him, shall find the remembrance of it a worm that dies not. God makes sinners willing by his grace, receives them to his favour, and delivers them from the wrath to come. May he exalt himself, by his all-powerful grace, in our hearts, destroying all the strong-holds of sin and Satan. How great should be our joy and praise to behold our Brother and Friend upon the throne, and for all the blessings we may expect from him! yet he delights in his exalted state, as enabling him to confer happiness and glory on poor sinners, who are taught to love and trust in him.

시 21:7 왕이 여호와를 의지하오니 지극히 높으신 자의 인자함으로 요동치 아니하리이다 
시 21:8 네 손이 네 모든 원수를 발견함이여 네 오른손이 너를 미워 하는 자를 발견하리로다 
시 21:9 네가 노할 때에 저희로 풀무 같게 할 것이라 어호와께서 진노로 저희를 삼키시리니 불이 저희를 소멸하리로다 
시 21:10 네가 저희 후손을 땅에서 멸함이여 저희 자손을 인생 중에서 끊으리로다 
시 21:11 대저 저희는 너를 해하려 하여 계교를 품었으나 이루지 못하도다 
시 21:12 네가 저희로 돌아서게 함이여 그 얼굴을 향하여 활시위를 당기리로다 
시 21:13 여호와여 주의 능력으로 높임을 받으소서 우리가 주의 권능을 노래하고 칭송하겠나이다 

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