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KHRV+KJV+Mattew Henry Commentary

번호   제목 닉네임 조회 등록일 추천
Notice 120일 개역한글 성경일독표
35473 2017-05-08 1
Notice KHRV (개역한글성경) + KJV Bible 목차 파일
33423 2017-04-26 1
44 욥01장 사탄이 욥을 시험하도록 하나님께서 허락하시다
2910 2010-09-15 1
Job Chapter 01 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise This book is so called from Job, whose prosperity, afflictions, and restoration, are here recorded. He lived soon after Abraham, or perhaps before that patria...
43 욥05장 친구 엘리바스의 첫번째 말. 욥은 징계를 받고 있다
1448 2010-09-15 1
Job Chapter 05 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Eliphaz urges that the sin of sinners in their ruin. (1-5) God is to be regarded in affliction. (6-16) The happy end of God's correction. (17-27) Verses 1-5...
42 욥06장 욥이 대답하다. 나는 허물이 없다
2166 2010-09-15 1
Job Chapter 06 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Job justifies his complaints. (1-7) He wishes for death. (8-13) Job reproves his friends as unkind. (14-30) Verses 1-7 Job still justifies himself in his complaints. I...
41 욥34장 엘리후의 말. 욥이 회개하지 않으면 끝까지 시험 받기를 원한다
1742 2010-09-15 1
Job Chapter 34 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Elihu accuses Job of charging God with injustice. (1-9) God cannot be unjust. (10-15) God's power and providence. (16-30) Elihu reproves Job. (31-37) Verses 1-9 Eli...
40 욥36장 엘리후의 말. 욥은 악하기 때문에 벌을 받고 있다
1418 2010-09-15 1
Job Chapter 36 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Elihu desires Job's attention. (1-4) The methods in which God deals with men. (5-14) Elihu counsels Job. (15-23) The wonders in the works of creation. (24-33) Ve...
39 욥37장 엘리후의 말. 하나님은 스스로 지혜롭다 하는 자를 무시하신다
2360 2010-09-15 1
Job Chapter 37 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Elihu observes the power of God. (1-13) Job required to explain the works of nature. (14-20) God is great, and is to be feared. (21-24) Verses 1-13 The changes...
38 욥38장 하나님께서 나타나셔서 욥에게 말씀하시다. 내가 묻는 것을 욥은 대답하라
2140 2010-09-15 1
Job Chapter 38 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise God calls upon Job to answer. (1-3) God questions Job. (4-11) Concerning the light and darkness. (12-24) Concerning other mighty works. (25-41) Verses 1-3 Job had s...
37 욥02장 하나님께서 사탄에게 욥을 계속 시험하도록 하시다. 욥의 친구들이 오다
2017 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 02 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Satan obtains leave to try Job. (1-6) Job's sufferings. (7-10) His friends come to comfort him. (11-13) 1-6. How well is it for us, that neither men nor devils ...
36 욥03장 욥이 자기 생일을 저주하기 시작하다
2162 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 03 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Job complains that he was born. (1-10) Job complaining. (11-19) He complains of his life. (20-26) Verses 1-10 For seven days Job's friends sat by him in silence, ...
35 욥04장 친구 엘리바스의 첫번째 말. 악한 자가 재앙이 임한다
2642 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 04 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Eliphaz reproves Job. (1-6) And maintains that God's judgments are for the wicked. (7-11) The vision of Eliphaz. (12-21) Verses 1-6 Satan undertook to prove Job ...
34 욥07장 욥이 대답하다. 내가 고통스러워 차라리 죽고 싶다
1992 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 07 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Job's troubles. (1-6) Job expostulates with God. (7-16) He begs release. (17-21) Verses 1-6 Job here excuses what he could not justify, his desire of death. Observe ...
33 욥08장 수아 사람 빌닷이 욥을 책망하다. 하나님은 공의하시다
2388 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 08 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Bildad reproves Job. (1-7) Hypocrites will be destroyed. (8-19) Bildad applies God's just dealing to Job. (20-22) Verses 1-7 Job spake much to the purpose; but Bilda...
32 욥09장 욥이 빌닷에게 대답하다. 하나님이 이유없이 나를 치신다
1915 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 09 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Job acknowledges God's justice. (1-13) He is not able to contend with God. (14-21) Men not to be judged by outward condition. (22-24) Job complains of troubles. ...
31 욥10장 계속되는 욥의 대답. 내가 왜 이런 일을 당해야 합니까
1767 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 10 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Job complains of his hardships. (1-7) He pleads with God as his Maker. (8-13) He complains of God's severity. (14-22) Verses 1-7 Job, being weary of his life, res...
30 욥11장 친구 소발의 첫번째 말. 주 앞에서 죄를 버리라
2118 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 11 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Zophar reproves Job. (1-6) God's perfections and almighty power. (7-12) Zophar assures Job of blessings if he repented. (13-20) Verses 1-6 Zophar attacked Job with ...
29 욥12장 소발에 대한 욥의 대답. 나는 의롭고 온전한데 조롱거리가 되었다
3647 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 12 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Job reproves his friends. (1-5) The wicked often prosper.(6-11) Job speaks of the wisdom and power of God. (12-25) Verses 1-5 Job upbraids his friends with the g...
28 욥13장 계속되는 욥의 대답. 그의 간절한 기도. 하나님 저를 치지 말아 주십시요
2311 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 13 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Job reproves his friends. (1-12) He professes his confidence in God. (13-22) Job entreats to know his sins. (23-28) Verses 1-12 With self-preference, Job declare...
27 욥14장 계속되는 욥의 기도. 고난이 풀릴때까지 저는 기다리겠습니다
2373 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 14 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Job speaks of man's life. (1-6) Of man's death. (7-15) By sin man is subject to corruption. (16-22) Verses 1-6 Job enlarges upon the condition of man, addressing h...
26 욥15장 엘리바스의 두번째 말. 너가 어떻게 의롭다 하느냐
2402 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 15 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Eliphaz reproves Job. (1-16) The unquietness of wicked men. (17-35) Verses 1-16 Eliphaz begins a second attack upon Job, instead of being softened by his complain...
25 욥16장 욥의 대답. 하나님께서 나를 계속 치시나 나는 포학이 없다
1452 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 16 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Job reproves his friends. (1-5) He represents his case as deplorable. (6-16) Job maintains his innocency. (17-22) Verses 1-5 Eliphaz had represented Job's discourse...
24 욥17장 욥의 대답. 나는 이제 소망이 없다
2359 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 17 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Job appeals from man to God. (1-9) His hope is not in life, but in death. (10-16) Verses 1-9 Job reflects upon the harsh censures his friends had passed upon ...
23 욥18장 수아 사람 빌닷의 말. 욥 너는 악인이라서 재앙이 찾아왔다
1433 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 18 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Bildad reproves Job. (1-4) Ruin attends the wicked. (5-10) The ruin of the wicked. (11-21) Verses 1-4 Bildad had before given Job good advice and encouragement; ...
22 욥19장 욥의 대답. 나는 허물이 없다. 나를 핍박하지 말라.
1469 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 19 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Job complains of unkind usage. (1-7) God was the Author of his afflictions. (8-22) Job's belief in the resurrection. (23-29) Verses 1-7 Job's friends blamed him as ...
21 욥20장 나아마 사람 소발의 말. 악인은 결국 하나님께 망한다
1390 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 20 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Zophar speaks of the short joy of the wicked. (1-9) The ruin of the wicked. (10-22) The portion of the wicked. (23-29) Verses 1-9 Zophar's discourse is upon th...
20 욥21장 욥의 대답. 악인은 물론 멸망하지만 나는 악인이 아니다
1620 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 21 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Job entreats attention. (1-6) The prosperity of the wicked. (7-16) The dealings of God's providence. (17-26) The judgement of the wicked is in the world to c...
19 욥22장 친구 엘리바스의 세번째 말. 너는 하나님께 너무 악하다
2172 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 22 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Eliphaz shows that a man's goodness profits not God. (1-4) Job accused of oppression. (5-14) The world before the flood. (15-20) Eliphaz exhorts Job to repentan...
18 욥23장 욥의 대답. 나는 억울하다. 앞뒤로도 좌우로도 그 분을 볼수 없다
2362 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 23 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Job complains that God has withdrawn. (1-7) He asserts his own integrity. (8-12) The Divine terrors. (13-17) Verses 1-7 Job appeals from his friends to the just j...
17 욥24장 욥의 대답. 나를 거짓되다고 하면 악한 자들이다
1596 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 24 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Wickedness often unpunished. (1-12) The wicked shun the light. (13-17) Judgements for the wicked. (18-25) Verses 1-12 Job discourses further about the prosperity of t...
16 욥25장 빌닷의 세번째 말. 감히 하나님 앞에서 누가 의롭다고 하느냐
1644 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 25 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Bildad shows that man cannot be justified before God. - Bildad drops the question concerning the prosperity of wicked men; but shows the infinite distance t...
15 욥26장 욥의 말. 너희들이 하나님께 대해 얼마나 안다고 그런 소릴 하느냐
1710 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 26 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Job reproves Bildad. (1-4) Job acknowledges the power of God. (5-14) Verses 1-4 Job derided Bildad's answer; his words were a mixture of peevishness and self-pref...
14 욥27장 친구들에 대한 욥의 말. 하나님이 불의하지 않은 나를 괴롭히신다
1671 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 27 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Job protests his sincerity. (1-6) The hypocrite is without hope. (7-10) The miserable end of the wicked. (11-23) Verses 1-6 Job's friends now suffered him to sp...
13 욥28장 욥의 대답. 하나님께만 지혜와 명철이 있다
1914 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 28 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Concerning wordly wealth. (1-11) Wisdom is of inestimable value. (12-19) Wisdom is the gift of God. (20-28) Verses 1-11 Job maintained that the dispensations of Pr...
12 욥29장 욥의 마지막 말1. 나는 과거에 의롭고 사랑받으며 살았다
1684 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 29 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Job's former comforts. (1-6) The honour paid to Job, His usefulness. (7-17) His prospect of prosperity. (18-25) Verses 1-6 Job proceeds to contrast his former pros...
11 욥30장 욥의 마지막 말2. 그러나 지금 하나님은 내게 재앙을 주셨다
1595 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 30 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Job's honour is turned into contempt. (1-14) Job a burden to himself. (15-31) Verses 1-14 Job contrasts his present condition with his former honour and authori...
10 욥31장 욥의 마지막 말3. 하나님께서 나의 온전함을 아시기 원한다
1724 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 31 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Job declares his uprightness. (1-8) His integrity. (9-15) Job merciful. (16-23) Job not guilty of covetousness or idolatry. (24-32) Job not guilty of hypocrisy and vi...
9 욥32장 부스 사람 엘리후의 말. 욥이 의롭다 하니 내가 화가 난다
1964 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 32 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Elihu is displeased at the dispute between Job and his friends. (1-5) He reproves them. (6-14) He speaks without partiality. (15-22) Verses 1-5 Job's friends were ...
8 욥33장 엘리후의 말. 하나님께 묻지 말고 내게 물으라
1918 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 33 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Elihu offers to reason with Job. (1-7) Elihu blames Job for reflecting upon God. (8-13) God calls men to repentance. (14-18) God sends afflictions for good. (19-...
7 욥35장 엘리후의 말. 욥은 악하고 지식없는 말을 해서 하나님께서 응답이 없다
1966 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 35 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Elihu speaks of man's conduct. (1-8) Why those who cry out under afflictions are not regarded. (9-13) Elihu reproves Job's impatience. (14-26) Verses 1-8 Elihu rep...
6 욥39장 하나님께서 욥에게 말씀하시다. 동물에 대한 계시
1876 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 39 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise God inquires of Job concerning several animals. - In these questions the Lord continued to humble Job. In this chapter several animals are spoken of, whose na...
5 욥40장 하나님께서 욥에게 말씀하시다. 너가 왜 나를 탓하느냐
1583 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 40 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Job humbles himself to God. (1-5) The Lord reasons with Job to show his righteousness, power, and wisdom. (6-14) God's power shown in Behemoth. (15-24) Verses 1-5 ...
4 욥41장 하나님께서 욥에게 말씀하시다 악어 Leviathan
2573 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 41 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Concerning Leviathan. - The description of the Leviathan, is yet further to convince Job of his own weakness, and of God's almighty power. Whether this Le...
3 욥42장 욥이 하나님께 회개하다. 욥이 복을 받다
2307 2010-09-15  
Job Chapter 42 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise Job humbly submits unto God. (1-6) Job intercedes for his friends. (7-9) His renewed prosperity. (10-17) Verses 1-6 Job was now sensible of his guilt; he would no ...
2 욥00장 욥기 내용요약 파일
3952 2017-04-26  
▶ 욥기 내용요약 1. 욥기 서론 욥1:1-2:13 1) 욥의 소개 욥1:1-5 2) 첫번째 하늘위의 장면(첫 재난) 욥1:6-22 3) 두번째 하늘위의 장면(두번째 재난) 욥2:1-10 4) 친구들이 찾아옴 욥2:11-13 2. 욥의 탄식 욥3:1-26 3. 세 친구와의 변론...
1 욥01-42장 욥기 Job KJV Bible
8494 2017-05-10  
욥기 Job Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1:1There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; ...

1창세기[Genesis] 2출애굽기[Exodus] 3레위기[Leviticus] 4민수기[Numbers] 5신명기[Deuteronomy] 6여호수아[Joshua] 7사사기[Judges] 8룻기[Ruth] 9사무엘상[I Samuel] 10사무엘하[II Samuel] 11열왕기상[I Kings] 12열왕기하[II Kings] 13역대상[I Chronicles] 14역대하[II Chronicles] 15에스라[Ezra] 16느헤미아[Nehemiah] 17에스더[Esther] 18욥기[Job] 19시편[Psalms] 20잠언[Proverbs] 21전도서[Ecclesiastes] 22아가[Song of Solomon] 23이사야[Isaiah] 24예레미야[Jeremiah] 5예레미아애가[Lamentations] 26에스겔[Ezekiel] 27다니엘[Daniel] 28호세아[Hosea] 29요엘[Joel] 30아모스[Amos] 31오바댜[Obadiah] 32요나[Jonah] 33미가[Micah] 34나훔[Nahum] 35하박국[Habakkuk] 36스바냐[Zephaniah] 37학개[Haggai] 38스가랴[Zechariah] 39말라기[Malachi] 40마태복음[Matthew] 41마가복음[Mark] 42누가복음[Luke] 43요한복음[John] 44사도행전[Acts] 45로마서[Romans] 46고린도전서[I Corinthians] 47고린도후서[II Corinthians] 48갈라디아서[Galatians] 49에베소서[Ephesians] 50빌립보서[Philippians] 51골로새서[Colossians] 52데살로니가전서[I Thessalonian] 53데살로니가후서[2 Thessalonian] 54디모데전서[I Timothy] 55디모데후서[II Timothy] 56디도서[Titus] 57빌레몬서[Philemon] 58히브리서[Hebrews] 59야고보서[James] 60베드로전서[I Peter] 61베드로후서[II Peter] 62요한일서[I John] 63요한이서[II John] 64요한삼서[III John] 65유다서[Jude] 66요한계시록[Revelation]