Job Chapter 07 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

Job's troubles. (1-6)
Job expostulates with God. (7-16)
He begs release. (17-21)

Verses 1-6 Job here excuses what he could not justify, his desire of death. Observe man's present place: he is upon earth. He is yet on earth, not in hell. Is there not a time appointed for his abode here? yes, certainly, and the appointment is made by Him who made us and sent us here. During that, man's life is a warfare, and as day-labourers, who have the work of the day to do in its day, and must make up their account at night. Job had as much reason, he thought, to wish for death, as a poor servant that is tired with his work, has to wish for the shadows of the evening, when he shall go to rest. The sleep of the labouring man is sweet; nor can any rich man take so much satisfaction in his wealth, as the hireling in his day's wages. The comparison is plain; hear his complaint: His days were useless, and had long been so; but when we are not able to work for God, if we sit still quietly for him, we shall be accepted. His nights were restless. Whatever is grievous, it is good to see it appointed for us, and as designed for some holy end. When we have comfortable nights, we must see them also appointed to us, and be thankful for them. His body was noisome. See what vile bodies we have. His life was hastening apace. While we are living, every day, like the shuttle, leaves a thread behind: many weave the spider's web, which will fail, ch. 8:14. But if, while we live, we live unto the Lord, in works of faith and labours of love, we shall have the benefit, for every man shall reap as he sowed, and wear as he wove.

  욥7:1 욥의 인생관
욥 7:1 세상에 있는 인생에게 전쟁이 있지 아니하냐 그 날이 품군의 날과 같지 아니하냐 
욥 7:2 종은 저물기를 심히 기다리고 품군은 그 삯을 바라나니 
욥 7:3 이와 같이 내가 여러 달째 곤고를 받으니 수고로운 밤이 내게 작정되었구나 
욥 7:4 내가 누울 때면 말하기를 언제나 일어날꼬 언제나 밤이 갈꼬 하며 새벽까지 이리 뒤척 저리 뒤척 하는구나 
욥 7:5 내 살에는 구더기와 흙 조각이 의복처럼 입혔고 내 가죽은 합창 되었다가 터지는구나 
욥 7:6 나의 날은 베틀의 북보다 빠르니 소망없이 보내는구나 

Verses 7-16 Plain truths as to the shortness and vanity of man's life, and the certainty of death, do us good, when we think and speak of them with application to ourselves. Dying is done but once, and therefore it had need be well done. An error here is past retrieve. Other clouds arise, but the same cloud never returns: so a new generation of men is raised up, but the former generation vanishes away. Glorified saints shall return no more to the cares and sorrows of their houses; nor condemned sinners to the gaieties and pleasures of their houses. It concerns us to secure a better place when we die. From these reasons Job might have drawn a better conclusion than this, I will complain. When we have but a few breaths to draw, we should spend them in the holy, gracious breathings of faith and prayer; not in the noisome, noxious breathings of sin and corruption. We have much reason to pray, that He who keeps Israel, and neither slumbers nor sleeps, may keep us when we slumber and sleep. Job covets to rest in his grave. Doubtless, this was his infirmity; for though a good man would choose death rather than sin, yet he should be content to live as long as God pleases, because life is our opportunity of glorifying him, and preparing for heaven.

욥 7:7 내 생명이 한 호흡 같음을 생각하옵소서 나의 눈이 다시 복된 것을 보지 못하리이다 
욥 7:8 나를 본 자의 눈이 다시는 나를 보지 못할 것이고 주의 눈이 나를 향하실지라도 내가 있지 아니하리이다 
욥 7:9 구름이 사라져 없어짐 같이 음부로 내려가는 자는 다시 올라오지 못할 것이오니 
욥 7:10 그는 다시 자기 집으로 돌아가지 못하겠고 자기 처소도 다시 그를 알지 못하리이다 
욥 7:11 그런즉 내가 내 입을 금하지 아니하고 내 마음의 아픔을 인하여 말하며 내 영혼의 괴로움을 인하여 원망하리이다 
욥 7:12 내가 바다니이까 용이니이까 주께서 어찌하여 나를 지키시나이까 
욥 7:13 혹시 내가 말하기를 내 자리가 나를 위로하고 내 침상이 내 수심을 풀리라 할 때에 
욥 7:14 주께서 꿈으로 나를 놀래시고 이상으로 나를 두렵게 하시나이다 
욥 7:15 이러므로 내 마음에 숨이 막히기를 원하오니 뼈보다도 죽는 것이 나으니이다 
욥 7:16 내가 생명을 싫어하고 항상 살기를 원치 아니하오니 나를 놓으소서 내 날은 헛 것이니이다 

Verses 17-21 Job reasons with God concerning his dealings with man. But in the midst of this discourse, Job seems to have lifted up his thoughts to God with some faith and hope. Observe the concern he is in about his sins. The best men have to complain of sin; and the better they are, the more they will complain of it. God is the Preserver of our lives, and the Saviour of the souls of all that believe; but probably Job meant the Observer of men, whose eyes are upon the ways and hearts of all men. We can hide nothing from Him; let us plead guilty before his throne of grace, that we may not be condemned at his judgment-seat. Job maintained, against his friends, that he was not a hypocrite, not a wicked man, yet he owns to his God, that he had sinned. The best must so acknowledge, before the Lord. He seriously inquires how he might be at peace with God, and earnestly begs forgiveness of his sins. He means more than the removing of his outward trouble, and is earnest for the return of God's favour. Wherever the Lord removes the guilt of sin, he breaks the power of sin. To strengthen his prayer for pardon, Job pleads the prospect he had of dying quickly. If my sins be not pardoned while I live, I am lost and undone for ever. How wretched is sinful man without a knowledge of the Saviour!


욥 7:17 사람이 무엇이관대 주께서 크게 여기사 그에게 마음을 두시고 

욥 7:18 아침마다 권징하시며 분초마다 시험하시나이까 

욥 7:19 주께서 내게서 눈을 돌이키지 아니하시며 나의 침 삼킬 동안도 나를 놓지 아니하시기를 어느 때까지 하시리이까 

욥 7:20 사람을 감찰하시는 자여 내가 범죄하였은들 주께 무슨 해가 되오리이까 어찌하여 나로 과녁을 삼으셔서 스스로 무거운 짐이 되게하셨나이까 

욥 7:21 주께서 어찌하여 내 허물을 사하여 주지 아니하시며 내 죄악을 제하여 버리지 아니 하시나이까 내가 이제 흙에 누우리 니 주께서나를 부지런히 찾으실지라도 내가 있지 아니하리이다 


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