kq060. The Exodus

1. The Pharaoh at the time that the Israelites immigrated to Egypt welcomed them. Why did the Pharaoh of the Exodus, 400 years later, want to kill the Israelites? [Hint]

(a) He was unaware of how the Israelites came to Egypt in the time of Joseph
(b) He was afraid of the Israelites because they had grown into a multitude
(c) He was afraid that the Israelites would join with Egypt's enemies if a war broke out
(d) All of the above

2. How did the Exodus Pharaoh first attempt to control the Israelites? [Hint]

(a) He had their male infants thrown into the Nile River
(b) He ordered the midwives to kill newborn male Israelites
(c) He took away their property and made them into slaves
(d) All of the above

3. Who put Moses in the river? [Hint]

(a) His mother and sister
(b) An Egyptian midwife
(c) An Israelite midwife
(d) Egyptian homeland security agents

4. Why wasn't Moses' brother Aaron put into the river with Moses? [Hint]

(a) Aaron wasn't born yet
(b) Aaron was kept better hidden
(c) Aaron was adopted by Egyptians
(d) Aaron was two years older than Moses; the river decree applied only to infants

5. Who saved Moses out of the river and adopted him as her own son? [Hint]

(a) The Pharaoh's mother
(b) The Pharaoh's wife
(c) The Pharaoh's sister
(d) The Pharaoh's daughter

6. Why did Moses go into the Sinai and live there until the LORD sent him back for the Exodus? [Hint]

(a) He wanted to be a shepherd
(b) He wanted to explore that part of Arabia
(c) He fell in love with an Arab woman
(d) He killed an Egyptian who was murdering an Israelite

7. What was the first plague upon the Pharaoh who refused to let the Israelites go? [Hint]

(a) Darkness
(b) Frogs
(c) Plague upon cattle
(d) Waters turned to blood

8. Where did the Israelites live in Egypt - from the time that they entered Egypt, until the Exodus 400 years later? [Hint]

(a) Goshen, in the Nile Delta
(b) The southern area near the border of Ethiopia
(c) The western area near the border of Libya
(d) The Bible doesn't say

9. What member of the Pharaoh's family died during the night of the Exodus? [Hint]

(a) His wife
(b) His daughter
(c) His father
(d) His firstborn son

10. Where is Mount Sinai located? [Hint]

(a) In modern-day Saudi Arabia
(b) In Egypt
(c) In the Sinai Peninsula of Arabia
(d) The Bible doesn't say

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성경연대표 1.창조 2.족장 3.출애굽 4.광야 5.정복 6.사사 7.통일왕국 8.분열왕국 9.포로 10.포로귀환 11.중간 12.예수 13.초대교회 14.세계선교