Kq058. King Saul

1. Why did Saul became the first human king of the people of Israel?

(a) Saul led the royal forces that won the civil war against the Republic
(b) Saul was personally chosen by the people
(c) Saul just declared himself king
(d) The Israelites rejected the LORD as their King and demanded a human king

2. Who was the Judge and prophet of the LORD who was given to anoint Saul as king of Israel?

(a) Jeremiah
(b) Elijah
(c) Isaiah
(d) Samuel
3. How many of the tribes of Israel accepted Saul as their king?

(a) 1
(b) 3
(c) 10
(d) All of them

4. Of which tribe of Israel was King Saul a member?

(a) Judah
(b) Levi
(c) Benjamin
(d) Ephraim

5. Was Saul older or younger than David?

(a) Younger
(b) Older

6. When did Saul first see David in battle?

(a) In the war against Egypt
(b) In the civil war
(c) When they fought each other
(d) When David fought Goliath

7. What was the name of Saul's son who became the best friend of David?

(a) Jonathan
(b) Samuel
(c) Nathan
(d) Eli

8. Who were the two daughters of Saul who were given in marriage to David?

(a) Merab and Michal
(b) Martha and Mary
(c) Dinah and Rahab
(d) Abigail and Hadasseh

9. Why was Saul replaced by David as king of Israel?

(a) David won the latest election
(b) Saul's term of office expired
(c) Saul quit to pursue a career as a prophet
(d) Saul became a foolish and reckless leader

10. How was the transition of political power from Saul to David accomplished?

(a) Saul surrendered to David
(b) Saul fled into exile in Egypt
(c) Saul died of old age
(d) Saul was killed in battle, followed by the civil war between the houses of Saul and David

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