kq020. Imperial Rome

1. What was the name of the Roman general who transformed Rome from a city-republic to a military-worshipping empire?

(a) Marc Antony
(b) Flavius Josephus
(c) Ben Hur
(d) Julius Caesar

2. Who was the Roman Emperor at the time of the birth of Jesus Christ? Hint

(a) Julius Caesar
(b) Caesar Augustus
(c) Tiberius
(d) Nero

3. Who was the Roman Emperor at the time of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ? Hint

(a) Julius Caesar
(b) Caesar Augustus
(c) Tiberius
(d) Nero

4. Who was the Roman "king of Judea" who tried to have the Messiah killed shortly after He was born in Bethlehem? Hint

(a) Nero
(b) Cornelius
(c) Herod the Great
(d) Pontius Pilate

5. Who was the "tetrarch of Galilee" who beheaded John the Baptist and approved the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ? Hint

(a) Herod Antipas
(b) Pontius Pilate
(c) Emperor Nero
(d) General Vespasian

6. Who was the Roman governor who declared Jesus Christ innocent of any wrongdoing - but sentenced Him to be crucified anyway? Hint

(a) Herod Antipas
(b) Pontius Pilate
(c) Emperor Nero
(d) General Vespasian

7. Who tortured the Messiah before He was crucified? Hint

(a) The High Priest and his servants
(b) A mob of Jews
(c) The Muslims in Jerusalem
(d) Roman troops

8. What was the rank of the Roman soldier who realized that he and his troops had just crucified the Son of God? Hint

(a) Tribune
(b) Centurion
(c) Legate
(d) Prefect

9. Who was the Roman general (later Emperor) who destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD - exactly as prophesied by Jesus Christ 40 years earlier?

(a) Nero
(b) Claudius
(c) Herod
(d) Titus

10. What was the name of the island where the Romans imprisoned the apostle John - where he wrote the Book of Revelation? Hint

(a) Sicily
(b) Cyprus
(c) Malta
(d) Patmos

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성경연대표 1.창조 2.족장 3.출애굽 4.광야 5.정복 6.사사 7.통일왕국 8.분열왕국 9.포로 10.포로귀환 11.중간 12.예수 13.초대교회 14.세계선교