kq018. Elijah - Hints

1. What was Elijah's origin? Hint

(a) Tishbite
(b) Moabite
(c) Edomite
(d) Canaanite

2. Whose son did Elijah resurrect while he was living in their guest room?

(a) An elderly Levite couple in Jerusalem
(b) A widow in Zarephath
(c) A Canaanite woman in Samaria
(d) A newlywed couple in Nazareth

3. Which king of Israel did the LORD send Elijah to confront? Hint

(a) Jeroboam
(b) Omri
(c) Ahab
(d) Jehu

4. Who was the wicked wife of the king of Israel that the LORD sent Elijah to confront? Hint

(a) Rahab
(b) Delilah
(c) Lilith
(d) Jezebel

5. Where did Elijah defeat hundreds of prophets of Baal?

(a) On Mount Carmel
(b) On the Temple Mount
(c) On the Mount of Olives
(d) On Mount Hermon

6. What mountain in the Sinai did Elijah travel to during his ministry? Hint

(a) Mount Olympus
(b) Mount Hermon
(c) Mount Midian
(d) Mount Sinai

7. Elijah appeared in the "transfiguration" with Jesus Christ. Who was also seen in the prophetic vision? Hint

(a) Abraham
(b) Isaac
(c) Jacob
(d) Moses

8. Who continued Elijah's responsibilities when Elijah retired?

(a) Isaiah
(b) Elisha
(c) Ezekiel
(d) Daniel

9. How did Elijah "go to heaven"? Hint

(a) He was raptured
(b) He was carried away by the angel Gabriel
(c) He died and his soul went to heaven
(d) He was taken away in a "chariot of fire"

10. Who received a letter from Elijah after Elijah was taken away to "heaven"? Hint

(a) Ahab
(b) Omri
(c) Jeroboam II
(d) Jehoram

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Dictionary - Chapter, OT구약, NT신약,

성경연대표 1.창조 2.족장 3.출애굽 4.광야 5.정복 6.사사 7.통일왕국 8.분열왕국 9.포로 10.포로귀환 11.중간 12.예수 13.초대교회 14.세계선교