kq062. Roman Kings and Governors

1. Who was the politically-ambitious Roman general who defied the Roman Senate and turned the Roman Republic into a Monarchy, and then into an Empire (although many incorrectly equate "Monarchy" with "Empire," there have been many empires that were created by Presidents and Dictators of Republics e.g. Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler) - the man whose family name came to be used as a term for the Roman Kings? [Hint]

(a) Pompous Vicar
(b) Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus
(c) Gaius Octavius Augustus
(d) Julius Caesar

2. Who was the Caesar at the time of the Birth of Jesus Christ? [Hint]

(a) Emperor Nero
(b) Caesar Augustus
(c) Tiberius Caesar
(d) Emperor Titus

3. Who was the Caesar at the time of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ? [Hint]

(a) Emperor Nero
(b) Caesar Augustus
(c) Tiberius Caesar
(d) Emperor Titus

4. Who was the Roman King of Judea who attempted to have the newborn Messiah killed? [Hint]

(a) Herod the Great
(b) Pontius Pilate
(c) Nero
(d) Tiberius

5. Who was the son of the Roman King of Judea, who attempted to have the newborn Messiah killed, who was reigning in place of his father when Joseph, Mary and the Messiah returned from Egypt - which caused them to fulfill the prophecy of going to live in Nazareth in Galilee instead of Bethlehem in Judea? [Hint]

(a) Archelaus
(b) Titus
(c) Vespasian
(d) Demas

6. Which Herod had John the Baptist beheaded because John confronted him for his incest and adultery? [Hint]

(a) Herod Antipas
(b) Herod the Great
(c) Herod Archelaus
(d) Herod Agrippa I

7. What was the name of the Roman military governor who publicly declared the Messiah innocent of any wrong doing - but sentenced Him to be Crucified anyway? [Hint]

(a) Herod the Great
(b) Herod Antipas
(c) Tiberius
(d) Pontius Pilate

8. Who was the Roman procurator (a governor of a Province) to whom the apostle Paul was taken after he was arrested in Jerusalem? [Hint]

(a) Pontius Pilate
(b) Herod
(c) Centurius
(d) Felix

9. Who was the successor of the Roman procurator in the previous question that Paul was next sent to? [Hint]

(a) Cornelius
(b) Antony
(c) Dillon
(d) Festus

10. Who was the Roman regional king who ordered that Paul be taken to Rome to make his case before the Caesar? [Hint]

(a) Felix
(b) Festus
(c) Ananias
(d) Agrippa

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성경연대표 1.창조 2.족장 3.출애굽 4.광야 5.정복 6.사사 7.통일왕국 8.분열왕국 9.포로 10.포로귀환 11.중간 12.예수 13.초대교회 14.세계선교