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번호   제목 닉네임 조회 추천 등록일
Notice 공지 성경 속 전쟁 연대기 (The War Chronicles in the B... 파일
44144 2 2019-03-05
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77593 1 2016-12-14
Notice 공지 Dictionary for NT 신약성경 백과사전 연구 파일
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Notice 공지 Dictionary for OT 구약성경 백과사전 연구 파일
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Notice 공지 성경백과사전 권별.장별[Chapter] 관련내용보기 파일
90567 1 2015-05-04
615 신(Sandals.)
857   2015-09-06
▶ 신 Sandals. Soles worn under the feet; and tied by strings or thongs to keep them in their place. Mark 6:9; Acts 12:8. See SHOES. (막06:9 신만 신고 두 벌 옷도 입지 말라 하시고 (행12:8 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
614 공회(Sanhedrin/Sanhedrim)
863   2015-09-06
▶ 공회 Sanhedrin or Sanhedrim. 산헤드린 The Greek word is συνέδριον, 'a sitting together': it is always translated 'council' in the A.V. There appears to be no Hebrew equivalent to the name. The Jews trace its origin to the seventy elders chosen to assist Moses, Num. 11:16, 17; but nothing is said of such a council in the time of the kingdom; and it is probable that it was instituted in the time of the Maccabees. The early writers do not say how it was composed; from the N.T. we find it consisted of the chief priests, or heads of the twenty-four courses, the elders, lawyers, and the scribes. It was the highest court of the Jews, acting 'in all causes, and over all persons, ecclesiastical and civil.' Its decisions were binding on Jews everywhere. Its powers were curtailed by Herod and afterwards by the Romans, who prevented the Jews from putting any one to death legally. John 18:31. The Lord, Luke 22:66; Peter and John, Acts 4:1-23; Acts 5:17-41; Stephen, Acts 6:12-15; and Paul, Acts 22:30; Acts 23:1-10; were arraigned before the Sanhedrin. (민11:16-17 여호와께서 모세에게 이르시되 이스라엘 노인 중 백성의 장로와 유사 되는 줄을 네가 아는 자 칠십인을 모아 데리고 회막 내 앞에 이르러 거기서 너와 함께 서게 하라 내가 강림하여 거기서 너와 말하고 네게 임한 신을 그들에게도 임하게 하리니 그들이 너와 함께 백성의 짐을 담당하고 너 혼자 지지 아니하리라 (요18:31 빌라도가 가로되 너희가 저를 데려다가 너희 법대로 재판하라 유대인들이 가로되 우리에게는 사람을 죽이는 권이 없나이다 하니 (눅22:66 날이 새매 백성의 장로들 곧 대제사장들과 서기관들이 모이어 예수를 그 공회로 끌어들여 (행22:30 이튿날 천부장이 무슨 일로 유대인들이 그를 송사하는지 실상을 알고자 하여 그 결박을 풀고 명하여 제사장들과 온 공회를 모으고 바울을 데리고 내려가서 저희 앞에 세우니라 (행04:1-23 (행05:17-41 (행06:12-15 (행23:1-10 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
613 상수리나무, 느릅나무(Elm.) 파일
1292   2015-09-12
▶ 상수리나무, 느릅나무 Elm. elah (상수리나무, 테레빈 나무 terebinth). The terebinth, or oak as elah is often translated. Hosea 4:13. (호04: 그들이 산 꼭대기에서 제사를 드리며 작은 산 위에서 분향하되 참나무와 버드나무와 상수리나무 아래에서 하니 이는 그 나무 그늘이 좋음이라 이러므로 너희 딸들은 음행하며 너희 며느리들은 간음을 행하는도다 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary -plantsbible
612 천사장 미가엘(Michael the Archangel.)
1025   2015-09-12
▶ 천사장 미가엘 Michael the Archangel. In Daniel he is called 'one of the chief princes,' 'your prince,' 'the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people.' He went to the assistance of one (probably an angel) who had been sent with a message to Daniel, but who had been detained twenty-one days by the prince of the kingdom of Persia (doubtless Satan, or one of Satan's angels, who was acting for the kingdom of Persia, as Michael was prince for the children of Israel). Dan. 10:13, 21; Dan. 12:1. It is also said of Michael that when he contended with Satan about the body of Moses, he durst not bring a railing accusation against him, but said, "The Lord rebuke thee." Michael and his angels will however fight with Satan and his angels, and will prevail, and Satan will be cast out of that portion of heaven to which he now has access. Jude 1:9; Rev. 12:7: cf. Job 1:6; Job 2:1. These are illustrations of the conflict of good and evil spirits in the unseen universe. (단10:13,21 군주 중 하나인 미가엘 (단12:1 큰 군주 미가엘 (유01:9 천사장 미가엘 (계12:7 미가엘 (욥01:6 (욥02:1 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
611 믹담(Michtam.)
3391   2015-09-12
▶ 믹담 Michtam. Miktam. 시편 제목 중에서 - 6회 "황금의 시”, “금언의 시”, “죄를 속 한다”라는 의미. 원수로부터의 보호를 노래한 것이거나, 입술을 다문 채 허밍으로 노래하는 시라는 뜻일 수도 있다. This word occurs in the headings of Psalms 16; 56; 57; 58; 59; 60. Its meaning is uncertain. The margin of the A.V. reads 'a golden psalm.' Gesenius and others suppose the word michtam to be equivalent to miktab, which in Isa. 38:9 is translated 'writing,' hence a 'poem, psalm, song.' The LXX translates it 'a writing of David.' (시016: 다윗의 믹담 (시056: (시057: (시058: (시059: (시060: (사38:9 유다 왕 히스기야가 병들었다가 그의 병이 나은 때에 기록한 글이 이러하니라 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
610 중간에 막힌 담(Middle Wall.)
730   2015-09-12
▶ 중간에 막힌 담 Middle Wall. 유대인과 이방인들의 분리된 법, 예수께서 이를 허물었다. The law which separated the Jews from the Gentiles is called a 'middle wall.' In the cross this was removed for believers, and both were made one, no longer remaining Jews or Gentiles. Christ formed the two into one new man, and thus made peace between them. Eph. 2:14, 15. (엡02:14 그는 우리의 화평이신지라 둘로 하나를 만드사 원수 된 것 곧 중간에 막힌 담을 자기 육체로 허시고 15 법조문으로 된 계명의 율법을 폐하셨으니 이는 이 둘로 자기 안에서 한 새 사람을 지어 화평하게 하시고 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
609 산파(Midwife, Midwives)
680   2015-09-12
▶ 산파 Midwives. Midwife Those who assist at childbirth. God blessed the Hebrew midwives who would not obey the king of Egypt by killing the male infants. Women fill the same office in the East to this day. Gen. 35:17; Gen. 38:28; Ex. 1:15-21. (창35:17 산파 (창38:28 (출01:15-21 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
608 청옥, 남보석(Sapphire) 파일
2310   2015-09-13
▶ 청옥, 남보석 Sapphire, -12jewel sappir, σάπφειρος. When Moses, and the elders, etc., went up into the mount to God "there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone." Ex. 24:10. In Ezekiel's vision, above the firmament, was seen the "likeness of a throne as the appearance of a sapphire stone." Ezek. 1:26. It was one of the stones in the breastplate, and one that garnished the foundation of the holy Jerusalem. It is symbolical of heavenly glory. Ex. 28:18; Rev. 21:19. The word occurs in Job 28:6, 16; Cant. 5:14; Isa. 54:11; Lam. 4:7; Ezek. 10:1; Ezek. 28:13. Probably an azure or sky-blue stone. Some suppose it was the Lapis-lazuli, others identify it with the modern sapphire. (출28:18 둘째 줄은 석류석 남보석 홍마노요. Exo 28:18 KJV - 18 And the second row shall be an emerald, a sapphire, and a diamond. (계21:19 그 성의 성곽의 기초석은 각색 보석으로 꾸몄는데 첫째 기초석은 벽옥이요 둘째는 남보석이요 셋째는 옥수요 넷째는 녹보석이요 Rev 21:19 KJV - 19 And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald; (겔28:13 네가 옛적에 하나님의 동산 에덴에 있어서 각종 보석 곧 홍보석과 황보석과 금강석과 황옥과 홍마노와 창옥과 청보석과 남보석과 홍옥과 황금으로 단장하였음이여 네가 지음을 받던 날에 너를 위하여 소고와 비파가 준비되었도다 Eze 28:13 KJV - 13 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. (출24:20 (겔01:26 (욥28:6 (아05:14 (사54:11 (애04:7 (겔10:1 (겔28:13 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
607 홍보석(Sardine, Sardius,) 파일
2774   2015-09-13
▶ 홍보석 Sardine, Sardius, -12jewel odem, σάρδιος. One of the precious stones in the breastplate. Ex. 28:17; Ex. 39:10. It also embellished one of the foundations of the holy Jerusalem. Rev. 21:19, 20. It was one of the stones that covered the king of Tyrus (doubtless portraying Satan before his fall). Ezek. 28:13. In heaven One who sat upon the throne was "to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone." Rev. 4:3. It is supposed to be the sard, a superior variety of agate, of various colours, some blood-red, and others of a golden hue. (출28:17 그것에 네 줄로 보석을 물리되 첫 줄은 홍보석 황옥 녹주옥이요 Ex. 28:17, 18, 19, 20. Exo 28:17 KJV - 17 And thou shalt set in it settings of stones, even four rows of stones: the first row shall be a sardius, a topaz, and a carbuncle: this shall be the first row. (겔28:13 네가 옛적에 하나님의 동산 에덴에 있어서 각종 보석 곧 홍보석과 황보석과 금강석과 황옥과 홍마노와 창옥과 청보석과 남보석과 홍옥과 황금으로 단장하였음이여 네가 지음을 받던 날에 너를 위하여 소고와 비파가 준비되었도다 Eze 28:13 KJV - 13 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. (계21:19 그 성의 성곽의 기초석은 각색 보석으로 꾸몄는데 첫째 기초석은 벽옥이요 둘째는 남보석이요 셋째는 옥수요 넷째는 녹보석이요 다섯째는 홍마노요 여섯째는 홍보석이요 일곱째는 황옥이요 여덟째는 녹옥이요 아홉째는 담황옥이요 열째는 비취옥이요 열한째는 청옥이요 열두째는 자수정이라 Rev 21:19 KJV - 19 And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald; 20 The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolite; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst. (출39:10 (계21:20 (겔28:13 (계04:3 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
606 홍마노(Sardonyx.)
913   2015-09-13
▶ 홍마노 Sardonyx. A precious stone associated with one of the foundations of the holy Jerusalem. Rev. 21:20. The word does not occur in the A.V. of the O.T. Aquila, in his Greek version, uses it for the onyx in Gen. 2:12. It is judged to be a variety of chalcedony, or of agate, of various colours, with stripes of a different shade. (창02:12 그 땅의 금은 정금이요 그곳에는 베델리엄과 호마노도 있으며 (계21:19 그 성의 성곽의 기초석은 각색 보석으로 꾸몄는데 첫째 기초석은 벽옥이요 둘째는 남보석이요 셋째는 옥수요 넷째는 녹보석이요 2 0 다섯째는 홍마노요 여섯째는 홍보석이요 일곱째는 황옥이요 여덟째는 녹옥이요 아홉째는 담황옥이요 열째는 비취옥이요 열한째는 청옥이요 열두째는 자수정이라 -12jewel Rev 21:19 And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald; 20 The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolite; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst. --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
605 숫염소(Satyr)
800   2015-09-13
▶ 숫염소 Satyr. 반인반수(半人半獸)인 숲의 신 (그리스신화) The word is sair, which signifies 'hairy one,' and hence a 'he goat.' It is translated 'goat' and 'kid' many times. In Lev. 17:7 and 2 Chr. 11:15 it is translated 'devils,' but would have been better 'demons,' referring to the gods which the heathen unconsciously worshipped: cf. 1 Cor. 10:20. The word is translated 'satyr' in Isa. 13:21; Isa. 34:14, both passages referring to places brought to utter desolation, so that they are inhabited by wild beasts, owls, and perhaps 'wild goats' are intended; or that the desolation would be such that men would shun them as if haunted by unearthly beings. Such a dread is often expressed by dwellers in the East. (레17:7 (대하11:15 (고전10:20 (사13:21 Isa 34:14 KJV - 14 The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the screech owl also shall rest there, and find for herself a place of rest. (사34:14 들짐승이 이리와 만나며 숫염소가 그 동류를 부르며 올빼미가 거기에 살면서 쉬는 처소로 삼으며 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary -animalbible
604 구원자, 구주(Saviour.)
803   2015-09-13
▶ 구원자, 구주 Saviour. This title is in the O.T. applied to Jehovah. The term in itself implies that some oppression exists or some danger impends from which salvation is needed. God says, "All flesh shall know that I Jehovah am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob." Isa. 49:26; Isa. 60:16. In the N.T. man is plainly declared to be lost, and the title 'Saviour' is applied both to God and to Christ. "The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world," 1 John 4:14; and the very name of Jesus conveys the thought of a Saviour. His becoming this involved His meeting vicariously the question of sin and sins, which He did on the cross. The expression occurs in Paul's later epistles of 'God our Saviour,' or 'our Saviour-God,' indicating the attitude which God occupies towards all men. How gladly all His saints say, "To the only wise God our Saviour be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen." God is also declared to be "the Saviour of all men" in a providential sense, and men probably little know how much they are indebted to His preserving care. 1 Tim. 4:10. See SALVATION. (사49:26 26 (요일04:14 Isa 60:16 KJV - 16 Thou shalt also suck the milk of the Gentiles, and shalt suck the breast of kings: and thou shalt know that I the LORD am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob. (사60:16 네가 이방 나라들의 젖을 빨며 뭇 왕의 젖을 빨고 나 여호와는 네 구원자, 네 구속자, 야곱의 전능자인 줄 알리라 1Ti 4:10 KJV - 10 For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe. (딤전04:10 이를 위하여 우리가 수고하고 힘쓰는 것은 우리 소망을 살아 계신 하나님께 둠이니 곧 모든 사람 특히 믿는 자들의 구주시라 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
603 톱(Saws.)
594   2015-09-13
▶ 톱 Saws. Ancient Egyptian saws have been discovered, and a double handed one was found at Nimrood. They are such as would be used for wood, but there must have been other kinds, for 1 Kings 7:9 speaks of stones that were 'sawed with saws.' The inhabitants of Rabbah, when conquered by David, were 'cut with saws and harrows of iron and axes.' 1 Chr. 20:3. They had perhaps thus treated the captives they had taken, and this was God's judgement upon them. Cf. Heb. 11:37. (왕상07:9 톱 (대상20:3 (히11:37 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
602 엘리, 나의 하나님(Eloi.)
663   2015-09-13
▶ 엘리, 나의 하나님 Eloi. [Elo'i] Aramaic word signifying 'my God.' Mark 15:34. (막15:34 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
601 능란한(Eloquent.)
863   2015-09-13
▶ 능란한 Eloquent. In Isa. 3:3, for 'eloquent orator' translate 'skilled enchanter.' In Ex. 4:10; Acts 18:24, 'man of words,' 'ready of speech.' (사03:3 능란한 (출04:10 말을 잘 하는 자 (행18:24 언변이 좋고 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
600 엘룰(Elul.)
671   2015-09-13
▶ 엘룰 Elul. [Elul'] 유대력 중 종교력 6월 = 민간력 12월 Nehemiah 6:15 (느06:15 See MONTHS. --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
599 개미(Ant.)
834   2015-09-21
▶ 개미 Ant. There are several species of ants, but to which of these the Proverbs refer is not known: the Hebrew word nemalah is said to be from a root signifying 'to crowd together,' which applies to all ants. Buxtorf traces it from the root 'to eat.' This insect is held up as a practical reproof to the sluggard; the scripture says that it provides its meat in the summer, and gathereth its food in the harvest. Prov. 6:6; Prov. 30:25. Sceptics take exception to this, because ants are held to be carnivorous and they could not lay up such food in summer; but there is abundance of evidence to prove that they lay up grain in the summer, and if it becomes damp they bring it out into the sun and dry it. Another point worthy of note is that they have 'no guide, overseer, or ruler,' and yet no one can watch this insect without seeing that they are 'exceeding wise:' each one finds what his particular work is, and diligently does it — a profitable lesson for the saints of God to learn. (잠06:6 (잠30:25 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary -animalbible
598 막대기, 채찍(Goad.)
827   2015-09-21
▶ 막대기, 채찍 Goad. A long slender pole with a sharp point at one end, used for guiding and urging the oxen in ploughing. It can also be used as a formidable weapon. Shamgar slew six hundred men with an ox goad. Judges 3:31; 1 Sam. 13:21. It is applied metaphorically to the energy imparted by the words of the wise. Ecc. 12:11. The goad is alluded to in Acts 9:5; Acts 26:14, translated 'pricks:' if the ox kicked against the goad, he only hurt himself the more: as do all those who oppose God. (삿03:31 막대기 (삼상13:21 쇠채찍 (전12:11 채찍 (행09:5 pricks (행26:14 우리가 다 땅에 엎드러지매 내가 소리를 들으니 히브리 말로 이르되 사울아 사울아 네가 어찌하여 나를 박해하느냐 가시채를 뒷발질하기가 네게 고생이니라 Act 26:14 KJV - 14 And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
597 염소(Goat.)
668   2015-09-25
▶ 염소 Goat. The well-known animal, regarded as clean under the Levitical economy, and having a large place in the sacrifices. Goats formed an important item in the property of the patriarchs. In Daniel's prophecy of the kingdoms, that of Greece was compared to a 'rough he goat,' but with a notable horn between his eyes. Dan. 8:5, 8, 21. The goats, in the sessional judgement of the living nations, represent the lost, in contrast to the saved, who are compared to sheep. Matt. 25:32, 33. THE WILD GOATS were larger animals and lived on the mountains. 1 Sam. 24:2; Job 39:1; Ps. 104:18. (단08:5, 8, 21 숫염소 (마25:32 염소 (삼상24:2; 염소 (욥39:1; 염소 (시104:18 높은 산들은 산양을 위함이여 바위는 너구리의 피난처로다 Psa 104:18 KJV - 18 The high hills are a refuge for the wild goats; and the rocks for the conies. --- Morrish Bible Dictionary -animalbible
596 포도주를 가득히 부은 둥근 잔(Goblet.)
625   2015-09-25
▶ 포도주를 가득히 부은 둥근 잔 Goblet. Basin, bowl: used metaphorically in Cant. 7:2. Sng 7:2 KJV - 2 Thy navel is like a round goblet, which wanteth not liquor: thy belly is like an heap of wheat set about with lilies. (아07:2 배꼽은 섞은 포도주를 가득히 부은 둥근 잔 같고 허리는 백합화로 두른 밀단 같구나 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
595 유대교에 입교한 경건한 사람(Proselyte.)
1428   2015-09-25
▶ Proselyte. The name given to any from among the nations who embraced Judaism. Acts 2:10; Acts 6:5; Acts 13:43. The name may be said to be a Greek word, derived from 'to come to.' It is used by the LXX where the Hebrew has 'the stranger' that sojourneth among you. Ex. 12:48, 49; Lev. 17:8, 10, 12-15; Num. 9:14; etc. Such, if all the males in the family were circumcised, might eat the Passover and offer a burnt offering or sacrifice. The Rabbis say that there were two classes of proselytes. (행02:10; 유대교에 들어온 사람 (행06:5; 유대교에 입교했던 사람 (행13:43 유대교에 입교한 경건한 사람 (출12:48, 49; (레17:8, 10, 12-15; (민09:14; 1. 'Proselytes of righteousness,' such as those mentioned above; and 2. 'Proselytes of the Gate,' those spoken of as 'strangers within thy gates.' The Rabbis also assert that in N.T. times and later the proselytes were received by circumcision and baptism; but it is very much disputed as to when the baptism was added, there being no mention of it in the O.T. Some hold that it was introduced when the emperors forbade their Gentile subjects to be circumcised, but others think it must have been earlier, which seems confirmed by John 1:25. (요01:25 History shows to what an extent proselytising was abused. The Jews held that on a Gentile becoming a proselyte, all his natural relationships were annulled: he was 'a new creature.' Many became proselytes in order to abandon their wives and marry again. This, with other abuses, caused the emperors to interfere; the stricter Jews also were scandalized, and repudiated such proselytes. The Lord describes such a proselyte as the Scribes and Pharisees would make, as "twofold more the child of hell" than themselves. Matt. 23:15. (마23:15 화 있을진저 외식하는 서기관들과 바리새인들이여 너희는 교인 한 사람을 얻기 위하여 바다와 육지를 두루 다니다가 생기면 너희보다 배나 더 지옥 자식이 되게 하는도다 Mat 23:15 KJV - 15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves. --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
594 향으로 처리(Embalming.)
916   2015-09-26
▶ 향으로 처리 Embalming. 방부처리 Jacob and Joseph were both embalmed in Egypt, but we do not read that it was ever practised by the children of Israel. Gen. 50:2, 3, 26. The historians Herodotus and Diodorus describe the process of embalming in Egypt. There were several modes according to the rank of the deceased, or according to what the relatives could afford to pay. In short it may be said that the body lay in nitre thirty days, for the purpose of drying up all its superfluous and noxious moisture, the brain and bowels being sometimes extracted; and then for forty days more it was anointed with gums and spices to preserve it. When this was complete it was wrapped round with many bandages, and finally put in a case somewhat resembling the person. In many museums Egyptian mummies may be seen, and the marvellous preservation of the body be attested. (창50:2 향으로 처리, 3, 26 향 재료를 넣고 Among the Jews the body was merely wrapped round with bandages with a quantity of spices enclosed. Asa, was laid "in the bed which was filled with sweet odours and divers kinds of spices prepared by the apothecaries' art." 2 Chr. 16:14. Nicodemus furnished "a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about an hundred pound weight," and they wound the body of Jesus "in linen clothes with the spices, as the manner of the Jews is to bury." John 19:39, 40. (대하16:14 향 재료를 가득히 (요19:39, 침향 섞은 것 40 향품과 함께 Jhn 19:39-40 KJV - 39 And there came also Nicodemus, which at the first came to Jesus by night, and brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about an hundred pound weight. 40 Then took they the body of Jesus, and wound it in linen clothes with the spices, as the manner of the Jews is to bury. --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
593 석류석, 남보석, 녹보석(Emerald.)
1413   2015-09-26
▶ 석류석 남보석 녹보석 Emerald. -12jewel In the O.T. the word thus translated is nophek, but it is uncertain to which of the precious stones this refers. Some think it is the carbuncle. Ex. 28:18; Ex. 39:11; Ezek. 27:16; Ezek. 28:13. In the N.T. it is σμάραγδος, which signifies 'live coal,' and is supposed to refer to some stone with prismatic crystals. Rev. 4:3; Rev. 21:19. (출28:18; (출39:11; 둘째 줄은 석류석 남보석 홍마노요 Exo 28:18 KJV - 18 And the second row shall be an emerald, a sapphire, and a diamond. (겔27:16; 남보석 (겔28:13. Eze 28:13 KJV - 13 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius 홍보석, topaz 황보석, and the diamond 금강석, the beryl 황옥, the onyx 홍마노, and the jasper 창옥, the sapphire 청보석, the emerald 남보석, and the carbuncle 홍옥, and gold 황금: the workmanship of thy tabrets 소고 and of thy pipes 비파 was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. (계04:3; Rev 4:3 KJV - 3 And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper 벽옥 and a sardine stone 홍보석: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald 녹보석. (계21:19. Rev 21:19 KJV - 19 And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper 벽옥; the second, sapphire 남보석; the third, a chalcedony 옥수; the fourth, an emerald 녹보석; --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
592 치질, 독종(Emerods.)
785   2015-09-26
▶ 치질 독종 Emerods. Hemorrhoids 치질 or tumours 종양. One of the diseases of the Egyptians, and with which the Philistines were smitten when they had possession of the ark. They returned 'images' of the same with the ark. Deut. 28:27; 1 Sam. 5:6-12; 1 Sam. 6:4-17. (신28:27; Deu 28:27 KJV - The LORD will smite thee with the botch 종기 of Egypt, and with the emerods 치질, and with the scab 괴혈병, and with the itch 피부병, whereof thou canst not be healed. (삼상05:6-12; 6 1Sa 5:6-12 KJV - 6 But the hand of the LORD was heavy upon them of Ashdod, and he destroyed them, and smote them with emerods 독한 종기, even Ashdod and the coasts thereof. (삼상06:4-17. 1Sa 6:4-17 KJV - 4 Then said they, What shall be the trespass offering 속건제 which we shall return to him? They answered, Five golden emerods 독종, and five golden mice, according to the number of the lords of the Philistines: for one plague was on you all, and on your lords. --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
591 공성퇴, 무기(Engines.)
1054   2015-09-26
▶ 무기 공성퇴 Engines. Machines for discharging missiles. 2 Chr. 26:15. See ARMS. ENGINES OF WAR were battering rams. Ezek. 26:9. (대하26:15 2Ch 26:15 KJV - 15 And he made in Jerusalem engines, invented by cunning men, to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks, to shoot arrows and great stones withal. And his name spread far abroad; for he was marvellously helped, till he was strong. (겔26:9 공성퇴를 가지고 네 성을 치며 도끼로 망대를 찍을 것이며 Eze 26:9 KJV - 9 And he shall set engines of war against thy walls, and with his axes he shall break down thy towers. --- Morrish Bible Dictionary

성경연대표 1.창조 2.족장 3.출애굽 4.광야 5.정복 6.사사 7.통일왕국 8.분열왕국 9.포로 10.포로귀환 11.중간 12.예수 13.초대교회 14.세계선교 관련그림.지도 1.창조 2.족장 3.출애굽 4.광야 5.정복 6.사사 7.통일왕국 8.분열왕국 9.포로 10.포로귀환 11.중간 12.예수 13.초대교회 Ani
1창세기[Genesis] 2출애굽기[Exodus] 3레위기[Leviticus] 4민수기[Numbers] 5신명기[Deuteronomy] 6여호수아[Joshua] 7사사기[Judges] 8룻기[Ruth] 9사무엘상[I Samuel] 10사무엘하[II Samuel] 11열왕기상[I Kings] 12열왕기하[II Kings] 13역대상[I Chronicles] 14역대하[II Chronicles] 15에스라[Ezra] 16느헤미아[Nehemiah] 17에스더[Esther] 18욥기[Job] 19시편[Psalms] 20잠언[Proverbs] 21전도서[Ecclesiastes] 22아가[Song of Solomon] 23이사야[Isaiah] 24예레미야[Jeremiah] 5예레미아애가[Lamentations] 26에스겔[Ezekiel] 27다니엘[Daniel] 28호세아[Hosea] 29요엘[Joel] 30아모스[Amos] 31오바댜[Obadiah] 32요나[Jonah] 33미가[Micah] 34나훔[Nahum] 35하박국[Habakkuk] 36스바냐[Zephaniah] 37학개[Haggai] 38스가랴[Zechariah] 39말라기[Malachi] 40마태복음[Matthew] 41마가복음[Mark] 42누가복음[Luke] 43요한복음[John] 44사도행전[Acts] 45로마서[Romans] 46고린도전서[I Corinthians] 47고린도후서[II Corinthians] 48갈라디아서[Galatians] 49에베소서[Ephesians] 50빌립보서[Philippians] 51골로새서[Colossians] 52데살로니가전서[I Thessalonian] 53데살로니가후서[2 Thessalonian] 54디모데전서[I Timothy] 55디모데후서[II Timothy] 56디도서[Titus] 57빌레몬서[Philemon] 58히브리서[Hebrews] 59야고보서[James] 60베드로전서[I Peter] 61베드로후서[II Peter] 62요한일서[I John] 63요한이서[II John] 64요한삼서[III John] 65유다서[Jude] 66요한계시록[Revelation]