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번호   제목 닉네임 조회 추천 등록일
Notice 공지 성경 속 전쟁 연대기 (The War Chronicles in the B... 파일
44146 2 2019-03-05
Notice 공지 TIDWELL BIBLE 21 연대표
77593 1 2016-12-14
Notice 공지 Dictionary for NT 신약성경 백과사전 연구 파일
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Notice 공지 Dictionary for OT 구약성경 백과사전 연구 파일
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Notice 공지 성경백과사전 권별.장별[Chapter] 관련내용보기 파일
90567 1 2015-05-04
765 데나리온(Penny)
888   2015-05-05
▶ 데나리온 Penny, δηνάριον. A common Roman coin. It was the labourer's wages for a day. Matt. 20. Higher sums were reckoned by this coin, as the debt of 500 pence in Luke 7:41. The Lord when answering the Jews said "Show me a penny." Luke 20:24. It was the chief Roman silver coin. See WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. (눅07:41 (눅20:24 denarii denaries denarius pence shillings --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
764 모세 5경(Pentateuch)
1284   2015-05-05
▶ 모세 5 Pentateuch. The Greek name given to the first five books of the O.T., which are also called 'the five books of Moses.' The many references to and quotations from them in other parts of the scripture, and allusions to them by Christ under the name of Moses, show plainly that Moses was the inspired writer of them, except of course the small portion that records his death and burial. See MOSES. --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
763 오순절, 성령강림절(Pentecost)
1001   2015-05-05
▶ 오순절, 성령강림절 Pentecost. This name which signifies 'fiftieth' is found only in the N.T.: it corresponds to the FEAST OF WEEKS. From the waving of the sheaf of firstfruits fifty days were counted, and on the day after the seven sabbaths the feast was kept. A new meat offering of two loaves baken with leaven was offered; also seven lambs, one bullock, and two rams for a burnt offering, with their meat and drink offerings "even an offering made by fire of sweet savour unto the Lord." Also one kid of the goats for a sin offering; and two lambs for a peace offering. It was proclaimed a holy convocation, in which no servile work was to be done. Lev. 23:15-21. The Israelites came with their free-will offerings unto Jehovah, according as He had blessed them. See OFFERINGS. (레23:15-21 The feast is typical of the presentation of the saints in the power and sanctification of the Holy Spirit. It was to be a day of universal rejoicing before the Lord, Deut. 16:9-12, and was the commencement of the ingathering of the harvest. It is not mentioned in Ezekiel's future feasts, because it has been fulfilled in the present interval in God's dealings with Israel. Cf. John 7:37-39. See FEASTS. (신16:9-12 (요07:37-39 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
762 온전한, 장성한(Perfect)
1079   2015-05-05
▶ 온전한, 장성한 Perfect. The principal words in the N.T. thus translated are τέλειόω, τέλειος, 'full, complete, perfect.' The Lord Jesus was always morally perfect, yet scripture speaks of His being 'made perfect,' for instance, as the captain of salvation: antitype of Joshua, leader into the purpose of God. All had been completed in view of that office. Heb. 2:10. Though a Son, yet He learned obedience (not 'to be obedient') by the things which He suffered; and being made 'perfect ' (that is, glorified) after He had finished the work of redemption, He became the author of eternal salvation to all that obey Him (Heb. 5:9): this may be the meaning of the words "the third day I shall be perfected." Luke 13:32. (히02:10 온전 (히05:9 온전 (눅13:32 완전 The disciples were exhorted to be perfect as their Father in heaven is perfect, for He sends His blessings on the evil and the good. Matt. 5:48. By one offering Christ hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified. His work consecrates them for the priesthood, Heb. 10:14: cf. Col. 1:12. Being 'perfect' is also applied to being a 'full grown ' man. Eph. 4:13. The same word is translated 'of full age' in Heb. 5:14; and simply 'men' (of a ripe age) in 1 Cor. 14:20. The spirits of just men are made perfect. Heb. 12:23. Paul was not yet perfected, Phil. 3:12; yet in Phil. 3:15 he adds "as many as be perfect be thus minded." There are various applications of the term which can be gathered from the context of each occurrence, but in general it may be said to have reference either to the purging of conscience, which is indispensable to the service of God, or to intelligence of a true standard (dead and risen with Christ) as a necessity to testimony for Christ here. (마05:48 (히10:14 (골01:12 (엡04:13 (히05:14 (고전14:20 장성한 (히12:23 (빌03:12, 15 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
761 향내(Perfume)
937   2015-05-05
▶ 향내 Perfume. A special perfume was made to burn as incense in the tabernacle. It was compounded of stacte, onycha, galbanum, and frankincense, an equal weight of each: it was most holy. No one was allowed to compound the same for themselves, or they would be cut off from God's people. It was typical of the excellencies of Christ which were as sweet incense to God. Ex. 30:34, 38. Perfumes are supposed to be more needful in hot countries. Cant. 3:6. In Prov. 27:9 it is said, "Ointment and perfume rejoice the heart;" but it may also be employed as a mere matter of luxury or of sin when the heart is away from God. Prov. 7:17; Isa. 57:9. (출30:34, 38. (아03:6 (잠27:9 (잠07:17 (사57:9 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
760 고통하는 때(Perilous times)
626   2015-05-05
▶ 고통하는 때 Perilous times. This expression occurs in Paul's second letter to Timothy: "In the last days perilous times shall come:" then follows such a picture of moral depravity that it might have been supposed that the apostle was referring to the heathen; but he adds, "having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof . . . . evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." 2 Tim. 3:1-13. This plainly shows (and the solemn fact is confirmed by other passages) that so far from the world being converted before the Lord returns, even the professing church itself has been hopelessly corrupted, and the path of the Christian becomes more and more difficult as he seeks to avoid the multiplied dangers and seductions by which he is surrounded. (딤후03:1-13 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
759 전염병(Pestilence)
575   2015-05-05
▶ 전염병 Pestilence. This is often mentioned along with the sword and the famine as punishment from God upon His rebellious people. It is represented as being sent directly by God Himself. When David had numbered the people, the Lord sent a pestilence upon Israel, and there died 70,000 men. 2 Sam. 24:15, 16. (삼하24:15 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
758 바리새인(Pharisees)
802   2015-05-05
▶ 바리새인 Pharisees. cf. Sadducees This name was given to a religious school among the Jews; it is supposed to have been derived from the Hebrew word parash, signifying 'to separate'; it was given to them by others, their chosen name being chasidim, 'pious ones.' Josephus speaks of them as early as the reign of Jonathan (B.C. 161-144). They prided themselves on their superior sanctity of life, devotion to God, and their study of the law. The Pharisee in the parable thanked God that he was 'not as other men.' Luke 18:11. Paul, when before Agrippa, spoke of them as 'the most straitest sect.' The Pharisees included all classes of men, rich and poor: they were numerous, and at times had great influence. In the council before which Paul was arraigned they were well represented. Acts 23:6-9. They were the great advocates of tradition, and were punctilious in paying tithes. In many respects the ritualists of modern days resemble them. (눅18:11 바리새인은 서서 따로 기도하여 가로되 하나님이여 나는 다른 사람들 곧 토색, 불의, 간음을 하는 자들과 같지 아니하고 이 세리와도 같지 아니함을 감사하나이다 (행23:6-9 6 바울이 그 한 부분은 사두개인이요 한 부분은 바리새인인 줄 알고 공회에서 외쳐 가로되 여러분 형제들아 나는 바리새인이요 또 바리새인의 아들이라 죽은 자의 소망 곧 부활을 인하여 내가 심문을 받노라 7 그 말을 한즉 바리새인과 사두개인 사이에 다툼이 생겨 무리가 나누이니 8 이는 사두개인은 부활도 없고 천사도 없고 영도 없다 하고 바리새인은 다 있다 함이라 9 크게 훤화가 일어날새 바리새인 편에서 몇 서기관이 일어나 다투어 가로되 우리가 이 사람을 보매 악한 것이 없도다 혹 영이나 혹 천사가 저더러 말하였으면 어찌 하겠느뇨 하여 The Lord severely rebuked all their pretensions, and laid bare their wickedness as well as their hypocrisy. It may have been that because of the great laxity of the Jews generally, some at first devoutly sought for greater sanctity. Others, not sincere, may have joined themselves to the sect, and it thus degenerated from its original design, until its moral state became such as was exposed and denounced by the Lord. The very name has become a synonym for bigotry and formalism. Probably such men as Gamaliel, Nicodemus, and Saul were men of a different stamp, though all needed the regenerating power of grace to give them what they professed to seek. --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
757 연수, 나이(Age of Man)
829   2015-05-06
▶ 연수, 나이 Age of Man. From Adam to Noah men lived much longer than in the period that followed. Adam lived 930 years, Noah 950, and Methuselah 969, the longest recorded. After the flood, Shem lived 600 years, but no one after him reached 500. In Peleg is another decline, he lived 239 years; Abraham only 175 years. We can easily understand why God caused people in the early age of the earth to live so much longer than afterwards. God said to Adam "Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth." Gen. 1:28. He also said the same to Noah after the flood. Gen. 9:1, 7. When the earth became more and more peopled the life of man was shortened. The only intimation of what may perhaps now be called the normal longevity of man is in Ps. 90:10, and yet it is a lament for his short and troubled life: "The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow: for it is soon cut off, and we fly away." This is remarkable as being, according to the heading "A prayer of Moses the man of God," for of Moses we read that he lived 120 years, and "his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated," Deut. 34:7; but the Psalms were prophetic both for our, and future times, and Moses leads short-lived man to the eternity of God. (Ver. 2.) In the thousand years of the millennium apparently no one will die but the wicked, and one at a hundred years of age will be called a child: the days of God's people will be as the days of a tree, and they will, when the curse is removed, long enjoy the work of their hands. Isa. 65:20-22. (창01:28 하나님이 그들에게 복을 주시며 그들에게 이르시되 생육하고 번성하여 땅에 충만하라, 땅을 정복하라, 바다의 고기와 공중의 새와 땅에 움직이는 모든 생물을 다스리라 하시니라 (창09:1,7 1 하나님이 노아와 그 아들들에게 복을 주시며 그들에게 이르시되 생육하고 번성하여 땅에 충만하라 7 너희는 생육하고 번성하며 땅에 편만하여 그 중에서 번성하라 하셨더라 (시090:9 우리의 모든 날이 주의 분노 중에 지나가며 우리의 평생이 일식간에 다하였나이다 (신34:7 모세의 죽을 때 나이 일백 이십세나 그 눈이 흐리지 아니하였고 기력이 쇠하지 아니하였더라 (사65:20-22. 20 거기는 날 수가 많지 못하여 죽는 유아와 수한이 차지 못한 노인이 다시는 없을 것이라 곧 백세에 죽는 자가 아이겠고 백세 못되어 죽는 자는 저주 받은 것이리라 21 그들이 가옥을 건축하고 그것에 거하겠고 포도원을 재배하고 열매를 먹을 것이며 22 그들의 건축한데 타인이 거하지 아니할 것이며 그들의 재배한 것을 타인이 먹지 아니하리니 이는 내 백성의 수한이 나무의 수한과 같겠고 나의 택한 자가 그 손으로 일한 것을 길이 누릴 것임이며 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
756 아하, 하하(Ah, Aha)
675   2015-05-06
▶ 아하, 하하 Ah, Aha. "An exclamation of joy, of terror, or of mockery." (Fürst.) Ps. 35:25; Ps. 40:15; Isa. 44:16; Jer. 22:18; Ezek. 25:3, etc. (시035:25; (시040:15; (사44:16; (렘22:18; (겔25:3, etc. --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
755 철학, 철학자(Philosophy, Philosopher)
708   2015-05-07
철학 철학자 Philosophy, Philosopher. The words φιλόσοφος, φιλόσοφία signify 'a lover, or, love of wisdom.' The wisdom that God gives, the wisdom 'from above,' must ever be distinguished from that which emanates from man. This latter is variously designated in scripture as the wisdom of this world, fleshly wisdom, wisdom of man, the wisdom that does not come from above. This in regard to the things of God is only foolishness. It has an entirely different source, and works in the natural mind of man, which should not have any place in Christianity. The Colossian saints were warned against being spoiled by such philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world; which stands in contrast to what is 'after Christ.' Col. 2:8: cf. 1 Tim. 6:20. Then as to the gospel, the Greeks sought after wisdom, and to preach Christ crucified was foolishness to them. 1 Cor. 1:22, 23. It was so at Athens, when Paul preached to the philosophers. They said, "He seemeth to be a setter forth of strange gods." And why? "Because he preached unto them Jesus and the resurrection." Paul spoke to them first of the true God, but when he came to the truth of 'the Man' whom God had raised from the dead, some mocked, and others would hear him another time. Acts 17:18-32. See EPICUREANS, GNOSTICISM, STOICS. (골02:8 (딤전06:20 (고전01:22,23 (행17:18-32 The philosophy of modern days has the same source, the mind of man, though it acts differently in respect to Christianity. For instance, with some, Christianity is regarded as emanating from man, and so is compared with Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, all of which are said to be branches of the same religion of man; though Christianity is judged to be the best, none are to be condemned; there is truth in them all! Others sit in judgement on the word of God, and profess to be able to cut out many parts as not being written by the professed writers, and having no claim, ought not to form a part of scripture. Others declare that modern thought cannot be cramped up in the dogmas hitherto held by Christians almost universally, which in general really means what scripture teaches. According to the advocates of another theory, the wisest thing is to be ignorant of everything except what the senses or the higher affections teach. As to whether there is a Being in any higher position than man, or any future existence for man, they know nothing, and there is, they say, no means of knowing: it is all unknown. The key to their ignorance of God (which they call Agnosticism) is that they do not want to obey, or to know Him. Again, another class resort to spirits, and let them teach them: they imagine the inhabitants of the unseen world must be able to tell them what is true, and these spirits even profess to interpret scripture for them. These and other delusions prove how busy Satan is in using the mind of man to exalt man in his own eyes, and to lead him away from the scriptures, which alone are able to make wise unto salvation. --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
754 경문(Phylactery)
1618   2015-05-08
▶ 경문 Phylactery. 성경 구절(출13:1-10, 11-16; (신6:4-9, (신11:13-21)을 기록한 양피지를 넣은 작은 가죽 상자. 여기서 출 13:1-10은 유월절 규례, 출 13:11-16은 장자 성별에 관한 규례, 신 6:4-9은 하나님 사랑에 관한 규례, 신 11:13-21은 율법 복종을 명한 규례로서, 이 구절들은 하나님이 이스라엘의 구원자이시기에 이스라엘 백성은 항상 성결하고 오직 그분만을 사랑하며 그분의 말씀에 절대 복종해야 할 것을 명하는 내용으로 이루어져 있다. 13세 이상 된 유대인 남자들은 안식일과 절기를 제외하고는 하루 세 차례 기도 시간에 반드시 경문을 착용해야 했는데, 그 위치는 미간(머리 부분, 사람의 뇌가 있는 부위)과 왼팔 윗쪽(사람의 맥박이 뛰는 곳, 왼손잡이는 오른팔)이었다. 하지만 시대가 흐르면서 유대인들은 경문을 단순히 자신을 지켜주는 호신부(부적) 정도로 생각하였고, 신약 시대 때 바리새인을 비롯한 종교인들은 경문을 항시 착용하거나 경문을 고정시키는 미간이나 팔목의 가죽띠를 넓게 하여 자신의 경건성을 과시하는 수단으로 삼아 주님으로부터 책망을 받기도 하였다(마23:5). Short portions of the law written on strips of parchment, which were placed in a case made of calf skin, and worn upon the forehead and the left arm, supposed to be in obedience to Deut. 6:8; Deut. 11:18. The Pharisees and scribes made them large to attract attention; it was their being made 'broad' that was condemned by the Lord. Matt. 23:5. In later times they were worn as a sort of charm. See FRONTLET. --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
753 의원(Physician)
801   2015-05-08
▶ 의원 Physician. The Lord said, "They that be whole need not a physician," showing that then, as now, the work of such persons was to cure diseases. In the O.T. the word is rapha, 'to heal,' and in Gen. 50:2 Joseph called upon such to embalm the body of his father, a certain amount of chemical knowledge being needed also for that. The Lord promised to the Israelites that if they obeyed Him He would preserve them from the diseases that were common in Egypt. On the other hand, there are many proofs in scripture that diseases were sent as a punishment for the sins of His people. For any remedy for such, their eyes should have been directed to Him who was disciplining them. Of Asa it is said, "he sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians," which probably means those associated with magic. 2 Chr. 16:12. (창50:2 그 수종 의사에게 명하여 향 재료로 아비의 몸에 넣게 하매 의사가 이스라엘에게 그대로 하되 (대하16:12 아사가 왕이 된지 삼십 구년에 그 발이 병들어 심히 중하나 병이 있을 때에 저가 여호와께 구하지 아니하고 의원들에게 구하였더라 The Christian should surely be cast upon the Lord in his sicknesses, and be exercised as to why they are sent or allowed, though doubtless he may use the means, without trusting to them apart from the blessing of God upon them. Jehovah Himself was the physician of His people Israel, ready at all times to heal and restore them. Jer. 8:22. Job, in the bitterness of his soul, found his friends to be physicians of no value. They did not understand his case, and only added to his misery. Job 13:4. (렘08:22 길르앗에는 유향이 있지 아니한가 그곳에는 의사가 있지 아니한가 딸 내 백성이 치료를 받지 못함은 어찜인고 (욥13:4 너희는 거짓말을 지어내는 자요 다 쓸데 없는 의원이니라 In the N.T. ἰατρός signifies 'healer.' The Lord Jesus was the Great Healer not only of the diseases of the body, but of the soul. Luke 4:23. A woman who had spent her all on physicians without relief obtained from Him an immediate cure. Luke 8:43. Luke was called 'the beloved physician,' though there is no information as to his practising this profession. Col. 4:14. (눅04:23 예수께서 저희에게 이르시되 너희가 반드시 의원아 너를 고치라 하는 속담을 인증하여 내게 말하기를 우리의 들은바 가버나움에서 행한 일을 네 고향 여기서도 행하라 하리라 (눅08:43 이에 열 두 해를 혈루증으로 앓는 중에 아무에게도 고침을 받지 못하던 여자가 (골04:14 사랑을 받는 의원 누가와 또 데마가 너희에게 문안하느니라 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
752 그림(Picture)
738   2015-05-08
▶ 그림 Picture. In Isa. 2:16 the expression 'pleasant pictures' is supposed to mean 'pictures of desire,' as it reads in the margin, referring to anything on which their hearts were set. In ancient Egypt the nearest approach to what is now called a picture, is the coloured representations made on the walls of the temples and tombs. The walls in Babylon were ornamented with pictures on enamelled bricks: these seem to be alluded to in Ezek. 23:14: cf. Num. 33:52. In Prov. 25:11 "apples of gold in pictures of silver" probably describe some piece of jewellery judging from what immediately follows; others prefer to translate it 'graven imagery.' (사02:16 (겔23:14 (민33:52 (잠25:11 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
751 하나님을 경외(Piety)
571   2015-05-08
▶ 하나님을 경외 Piety. The word εὐσέβεια, εὐσέβέω signifies 'to exercise piety, reverence': a reverential sense of having to say to God, which should be shown by the creature to the Creator, and which should especially characterise the saints towards God their Father and to the Lord Jesus. The word is translated 'piety' in the A.V. only in 1 Tim. 5:4. It is rendered 'holiness' in Acts 3:12, and 'worship' in Acts 17:23. In all other places it is 'godliness.' 'Piety' is a better translation, and distinguishes it from θεοσέβεια, which signifies 'worship, or fear of God,' and is translated 'godliness' in 1 Tim. 2:10. (딤전05:4 하나님 앞에 받으실 만한 것 (행17:23 (딤전02:10 하나님을 경외 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
750 집비둘기(Pigeon)
1226   2015-05-08
▶ 집비둘기 Pigeon. -sns The well-known bird, often associated with the turtle dove, as being used by the poor in various sacrifices. A pair of these birds were offered when the Lord was presented in the temple. Luke 2:24. Pigeons were so numerous in Palestine that the poor were enabled easily to obtain a pair for any needed sacrifice. Gen. 15:9; Lev. 1:14; Lev. 5:7, 11; Lev. 12:6, 8; Lev. 14:22, 30; Lev. 15:14, 29; Num. 6:10. cf. Gen. 8:8; (눅02:24 또 주의 율법에 말씀하신 대로 비둘기 한 쌍이나 혹 어린 반구 둘로 제사하려함이더라 (창15:9 여호와께서 그에게 이르시되 나를 위하여 삼년 된 암소와 삼년된 암염소와 삼년 된 수양과 산비둘기와 집비둘기 새끼를 취할지니라 (레01:14 만일 여호와께 드리는 예물이 새의 번제이면 산비둘기나 집비둘기 새끼로 예물을 삼을 것이요 (레05:7, 11; 7 만일 힘이 어린 양에 미치지 못하거든 그 범과를 속하기 위하여 산비둘기 둘이나 집비둘기 새끼 둘을 여호와께로 가져 가되 하나는 속죄 제물을 삼고 하나는 번제물을 삼아 11 만일 힘이 산비둘기 둘이나 집비둘기 둘에도 미치지 못하거든 그 범과를 인하여 고운 가루 에바 십분 일을 예물로 가져다가 속죄 제물로 드리되 이는 속죄제인즉 그 위에 기름을 붓지 말며 유향을 놓지 말고 (레12:6, 8; 6 자녀간 정결케 되는 기한이 차거든 그 여인은 번제를 위하여 일년 된 어린 양을 취하고 속죄제를 위하여 집비둘기 새끼나 산비둘기를 취하여 회막문 제사장에게로 가져갈 것이요 8 그 여인의 힘이 어린 양에 미치지 못하거든 산비둘기 둘이나 집 비둘기 새끼 둘을 가져다가 하나는 번제물로, 하나는 속죄 제물로 삼을 것이요 제사장은 그를 위하여 속할지니 그가 정결하리라 (레14:22, 30; 22 그 힘이 미치는 대로 산비둘기 둘이나 집비둘기 새끼 둘을 취하되 하나는 속죄 제물로, 하나는 번제물로 삼아 30 그는 힘이 미치는 대로 산비둘기 하나나 집비둘기 새끼 하나를 드리되 (레15:14, 29; 14 제 팔일에 산비둘기 둘이나 집비둘기 새끼 둘을 자기를 위하여 취하고 회막문 여호와 앞으로 가서 제사장에게 줄 것이요 29 그는 제 팔일에 산비둘기 둘이나 집비둘기 새끼 둘을 자기를 위하여 취하여 회막문 앞 제사장에게로 가져올 것이요 (민06:10 제 팔일에 산비둘기 두 마리나 집비둘기 새끼 두 마리를 가지고 회막문에 와서 제사장에게 줄 것이요 (창08:8 그가 또 비둘기를 내어 놓아 지면에 물이 감한 여부를 알고자 하매 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary -animalbible .
749 기둥/묘비/주상/비석(Pillar)
2147   2015-05-08
▶ 기둥/묘비/주상/비석 Pillar. There are several Hebrew words translated 'pillar': the principal are 1. matstsebah, from 'to set, put, place;' and hence anything that is set up. It is used for the stone that Jacob had had for a pillow, which he set up, and on which he poured oil and made his vow. Also for the heap of stones he raised when Laban and he parted. Gen. 28:18, 22; Gen. 31:13, 45-52; Gen. 35:14, 20; Ex. 24:4; Isa. 19:19. From Deut. 12:3 it would appear that pillars of some sort were also connected with idolatry. These may resemble the cairns often found in what were idolatrous lands. Absalom raised up for himself a pillar to keep his name in remembrance because he had no son.. 2 Sam. 18:18. (창28:18, 22; 18 야곱이 아침에 일찌기 일어나 베개하였던 돌을 가져 기둥으로 세우고 그 위에 기름을 붓고 22 내가 기둥으로 세운 이 돌이 하나님의 전이 될 것이요 하나님께서 내게 주신 모든 것에서 십분 일을 내가 반드시 하나님께 드리겠나이다 하였더라 (창31:13, 45-52; 귀향길의 야곱과 미스바 언약 (창35:14, 20; 14 야곱이 하나님의 자기와 말씀하시던 곳에 기둥 곧 돌 기둥을 세우고 그 위에 전제물을 붓고 또 그 위에 기름을 붓고 20 야곱이 라헬의 묘에 비를 세웠더니 지금까지 라헬의 묘비라 일컫더라 (출24:4 모세가 여호와의 모든 말씀을 기록하고 이른 아침에 일어나 산 아래 단을 쌓고 이스라엘 십 이 지파대로 열 두 기둥을 세우고 (사19:19 그 날에 애굽 땅 중앙에는 여호와를 위하여 제단이 있겠고 그 변경에는 여호와를 위하여 기둥이 있을 것이요 (신12:3 그 단을 헐며 주상을 깨뜨리며 아세라 상을 불사르고 또 그 조각한 신상들을 찍어서 그 이름을 그곳에서 멸하라 (삼하18:18 압살롬이 살았을 때에 자기를 위하여 한 비석을 가져 세웠으니 이는 저가 자기 이름을 전할 아들이 없음을 한탄함이라 그러므로 자기 이름으로 그 비석을 이름하였으며 그 비석이 왕의 골짜기에 있고 이제까지 압살롬의 기념비라 일컫더라 2. The word ammud occurs many times for the pillars of the tabernacle and the temple. It is also used for the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire; also symbolically for the pillars of the heavens and the pillars of the earth. Ex. 13:21; Ex. 27:10-17; 1 Kings 7:2-42; Job 9:6; Job 26:11; Ps. 75:3; Ezek. 40:49; Ezek. 42:6. (출13:21 여호와께서 그들 앞에 행하사 낮에는 구름 기둥으로 그들의 길을 인도하시고 밤에는 불 기둥으로 그들에게 비취사 주야로 진행하게 하시니 (출27:10-17; 성막의 뜰 (왕상07:2-42; 솔로몬 왕궁과 성전 기구들 (욥09:6 그가 땅을 움직여 그 자리에서 미신즉 그 기둥이 흔들리며 (욥26:11 그가 꾸짖으신즉 하늘기둥이 떨며 놀라느니라 (시075:3 땅의 기둥은 내가 세웠거니와 땅과 그 모든 거민이 소멸되리라 하시도다(셀라) (겔40:49 그 현관의 광은 이십척이요 장은 십 일척이며 문간으로 올라가는 층계가 있고 문 벽 곁에는 기둥이 있는데 하나는 이편에 있고 하나는 저편에 있더라 (겔42:6 그 방이 삼층이라도 뜰의 기둥 같은 기둥이 없으므로 그 상층이 하층과 중층보다 더욱 좁아짐이더라 In the N.T. the word is στύλος, 'a pillar or column.' James, Cephas and John seemed to be 'pillars' in the church at Jerusalem — those to whom matters were referred, as they were afterwards to Paul. Gal. 2:9. The church of God is "the pillar and ground of the truth" — the witness that maintains the truth on earth. 1 Tim. 3:15. The word occurs also in Rev. 3:12; Rev. 10:1. (갈02:9 또 내게 주신 은혜를 알므로 기둥 같이 여기는 야고보와 게바와 요한도 나와 바나바에게 교제의 악수를 하였으니 이는 우리는 이방인에게로, 저희는 할례자에게로 가게 하려 함이라 (딤전03:15 만일 내가 지체하면 너로 하나님의 집에서 어떻게 행하여야 할 것을 알게 하려 함이니 이 집은 살아 계신 하나님의 교회요 진리의 기둥과 터이니라 (계03:12 이기는 자는 내 하나님 성전에 기둥이 되게 하리니 그가 결코 다시 나가지 아니하리라 내가 하나님의 이름과 하나님의 성 곧 하늘에서 내 하나님께로부터 내려 오는 새 예루살렘의 이름과 나의 새 이름을 그이 위에 기록하리라 (계10:1 내가 또 보니 힘센 다른 천사가 구름을 입고 하늘에서 내려 오는데 그 머리 위에 무지개가 있고 그 얼굴은 해 같고 그 발은 불기둥 같으며 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
748 열가지 재앙(Plagues of Egypt) 파일
2412   2015-05-11
▶ 열가지 재앙 Plagues of Egypt. These were wrought by God to show to Pharaoh and to the Egyptians His great power, and that all the elements of creation were at His disposal. Ex. 7 — Ex. 12. 1. THE PLAGUE OF BLOOD. 물이 피가 되다. Ex. 7:14-25 The water of the Nile and of the canals and pools was turned into blood. The water stank, and the fish died. This was a real punishment; for it was the water they all drank, and which was highly esteemed. The fish too was abundant: the Israelites in the wilderness could not forget the fish of which they had eaten freely, or 'for nothing.' The magicians also were able to turn water into blood: where then was the great power of the God of Israel? Pharaoh hardened his heart. 2. FROGS. 개구리가 올라오다 Ex. 8:1-15 The land swarmed with them: they were in their bedchambers, their ovens, and their bread pans. The magicians also were able to bring up frogs on the land. The presence of the frogs was so insufferable that Pharaoh called for Moses, and begged him to entreat Jehovah for their removal, and he would let the people go. The frogs died and were gathered in heaps; but with the relief, Pharaoh hardened his heart, and would not let the people go. 3. LICE, ken, kinnam. 티끌이 이가 되다. Ex. 8:16-19 The dust of the land became lice in man and in beast. It has been supposed that the word signifies gnats, because the LXX has σκνίφες, which some translate 'mosquito-gnats.' But these may be included in the next plague. It is more probable that the louse or the tick is alluded to. It is described as being 'in man and in beast.' The magicians could not imitate this: it was a communication of life. They acknowledged, "This is the finger of God." Yet Pharaoh's heart was hardened, and he would not let Israel go. 4. FLIES. 파리가 가득하다. Ex. 8:20-32 In the A.V. the words 'of flies' are added, and the 'swarms' may refer to swarms of insects of different sorts. They were to come into the houses and also to corrupt the land. Gesenius gives 'gad-fly' for arob, but in Ps. 78:45; Ps. 105:31, the same word is translated 'divers sorts of flies.' There is an insect that is exceedingly destructive to property, ruining the wood of a house in a short time. No doubt the common fly of Egypt is included: they are very troublesome; soon defiling food, and persistently attacking the body. One thing that characterises this plague is that these pests were not sent into the land of Goshen, where the Israelites dwelt. The plague was felt so much that Pharaoh hastened to call Moses, and proposed that they should have their sacrifice, but have it in Egypt. To this Moses could not accede, for the Israelites would have to sacrifice the animals which the Egyptians worshipped. Pharaoh at length consented to their going; but they were not to go very far away. However no sooner was the plague removed than Pharaoh again refused to let Israel go. 5. MURRAIN OF BEASTS. 가축의 죽음 Ex. 9:1-7 It fell upon the cattle, horses, asses, camels, and sheep, that were in the fields, and all that were attacked died. Of the cattle of the children of Israel none were stricken. Pharaoh sent to certify this, and one would have thought that, finding they were all safe, it would have convinced him that it was the Almighty he was fighting against. But he would not let Israel go. 6. BOILS upon man and beast. 악성종기가 생기다. Ex. 9:8-12 The magicians were now smitten, so that they could not stand before Pharaoh as at other times. But Pharaoh hardened his heart, and refused to let the people go. 7. HAIL, with thunder and lightning. 우박이 내리다 Ex. 9:13-35 The fire ran along upon the ground. There had not been a storm of such violence since Egypt had been a nation. This also had not fallen upon Goshen. The king said, "I have sinned this time: Jehovah is righteous, and I and my people are wicked. Entreat Jehovah (for it is enough) that there be no more mighty thunderings and hail; and I will let you go, and ye shall stay no longer." The hail and thunder ceased; but Pharaoh would not let Israel go. 8. LOCUSTS. 메뚜기가 땅을 덮다. Ex. 10:1-20 Moses threatened these, and Pharaoh's servants now begged him to let the people go. He called for Moses and Aaron, and said, "Go, serve the Lord your God: but who are they that shall go?" All must go, and the flocks and herds. Pharaoh again refused, but said the men might go. The devastation of the locusts was such that Pharaoh sent for Moses and Aaron 'in haste,' confessed that he had sinned against Jehovah, and begged that 'this death' might be removed. A west wind carried away the locusts but Pharaoh's heart was hardened; and he again refused. 9. DARKNESS. 흑암이 땅을 덮다. Ex. 10:21-29 "They saw not one another, neither rose any from his place for three days: but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings." It was a darkness that might be felt, and Pharaoh called for Moses, and bade the Israelites to depart with their wives and their little ones; but they must leave their flocks and herds behind. Moses could not agree: all must go: not a hoof must be left behind, it was God's redemption. Pharaoh was angry, saying, "Take heed to thyself, see my face no more: for in that day thou seest my face thou shalt die." Moses replied, "Thou hast spoken well, I will see thy face again no more." This is in Ex. 10:29; but in Ex. 11:4-8 it is clear that Moses told Pharaoh of the death of the firstborn, which might have been on the same occasion by a message direct from God. We read that Moses, though the meekest of men, went out from Pharaoh in great anger. 10. DEATH OF THE FIRSTBORN. 장자의 죽음 Ex. 11:1-10 "From the firstborn of Pharaoh that sat on his throne, unto the firstborn of the captive that was in the dungeon; and all the firstborn of cattle." The Israelites had prepared the paschal lamb, and had sprinkled its blood upon the lintel and door-posts, and the destroyer passed them by. This was typical of the precious blood of Christ, which is the testimony that judgement on man has been executed, and is the basis of all God's subsequent dealings in grace. Moses and Aaron were called for, and told to depart with flocks and herds. The Egyptians were urgent upon them to make haste, exclaiming, "We be all dead men." Thus did God bring His sore judgements upon Egypt, to let Pharaoh know that He was the mighty God, and to redeem His chosen people with a high hand. --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
747 소나무(Pine Tree)
872   2015-05-12
▶ 소나무 Pine Tree. 1. tidhar. A tree that grew on Mount Lebanon, but of what sort is uncertain. Isa. 41:19; Isa. 60:13. (사41:19 내가 광야에는 백향목과 싯딤나무와 화석류와 들 감람나무를 심고 사막에는 잣나무와 소나무와 황양목을 함께 두리니 19 I will plant in the wilderness the cedar, the shittah tree, and the myrtle, and the oil tree; I will set in the desert the fir tree, [and] the pine, and the box tree together: (사60:13 레바논의 영광 곧 잣나무와 소나무와 황양목이 함께 네게 이르러 내 거룩한 곳을 아름답게 할 것이며 내가 나의 발 둘 곳을 영화롭게 할 것이라 13 The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee, the fir tree, the pine tree, and the box together, to beautify the place of my sanctuary; and I will make the place of my feet glorious. 2. ets shemen, 'trees of oil,' Neh. 8:15. See OIL TREE. (느08:15 또 일렀으되 모든 성읍과 예루살렘에 공포하여 이르기를 너희는 산에 가서 감람나무 가지와 들 감람나무 가지와 화석류나무 가지와 종려나무 가지와 기타 무성한 나무 가지를 취하여 기록한 바를 따라 초막을 지으라 하라 하였는지라 15 And that they should publish and proclaim in all their cities, and in Jerusalem, saying, Go forth unto the mount, and fetch olive branches, and pine branches, and myrtle branches, and palm branches, and branches of thick trees, to make booths, as [it is] written. --- Morrish Bible Dictionary -plantsbible
746 꼭대기(Pinnacle)
456   2015-05-12
▶ 꼭대기 Pinnacle. The word πτερύγιον has the article, and refers to some elevated part of the temple that is now unknown. Matt. 4:5; Luke 4:9. (마04:5 (눅04:9 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
745 저, 피리(Pipe)
562   2015-05-12
▶ 저, 피리 Pipe. The simplest of musical instruments, often made of a reed, with holes to vary the notes. They were sometimes double, as seen on the Egyptian monuments, and in present use in Egypt: a number of them fastened together was called an 'organ.' 1 Sam. 10:5; 1 Kings 1:40; Isa. 5:12; Isa. 30:29; Jer. 48:36; Ezek. 28:13; 1 Cor. 14:7. (삼상10:5; 저 (왕상01:40; 피리 (사05:12; 피리 (사30:29; (렘48:36; (겔28:13; (고전14:7. --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
744 음부/스올/구덩이/웅덩이/무덤(Pit)
1224   2015-05-12
▶ 음부/스올/구덩이/웅덩이/무덤, Pit. There are several Hebrew words translated 'pit.' The principal are: 1. sheol, 'the grave, hades, hell.' Num. 16:30, 33; Job 17:16. (민16:30,33 30 만일 여호와께서 새 일을 행하사 땅으로 입을 열어 이 사람들과 그들의 모든 소속을 삼켜 산채로 음부에 빠지게 하시면 이 사람들이 과연 여호와를 멸시한 것인 줄을 너희가 알리라 33 그들과 그 모든 소속이 산채로 음부에 빠지며 땅이 그 위에 합하니 그들이 총회 중에서 망하니라 (욥17:16 흙 속에서 쉴 때에는 소망이 음부 문으로 내려갈 뿐이니라 2. shachath, 'a pit, a pitfall to entrap animals,' place of doom and corruption. Job 33:18, 24, 28, 30; Ps. 9:15; Ps. 30:9; Ps. 35:7; Ezek. 28:8; etc. (욥33:18 그는 사람의 혼으로 구덩이에 빠지지 않게 하시며 그 생명으로 칼에 멸망치 않게 하시느니라 (시009:15 열방은 자기가 판 웅덩이에 빠짐이여 그 숨긴 그물에 자기 발이 걸렸도다 (시030:9 내가 무덤에 내려갈 때에 나의 피가 무슨 유익이 있으리요 어찌 진토가 주를 찬송하며 주의 진리를 선포하리이까 (시035:7 저희가 무고히 나를 잡으려고 그 그물을 웅덩이에 숨기며 무고히 내 생명을 해하려고 함정을 팠사오니 (겔28:8 또 너를 구덩이에 빠뜨려서 너로 바다 가운데서 살륙을 당한 자의 죽음 같이 바다 중심에서 죽게 할지라 3. bor, beer, 'pit or well dug for water,' but which could be used for a dungeon. Gen. 37:20-29; Ps. 28:1; Ps. 40:2; Ps. 88:4, 6; Ezek. 26:20; Zech. 9:11; etc. See BOTTOMLESS PIT. (창37:20-29; 팔려 가는 요셉 (시028:1 (다윗의 시) 여호와여 내가 주께 부르짖으오니 나의 반석이여 내게 귀를 막지 마소서 주께서 내게 잠잠하시면 내가 무덤에 내려가는 자와 같을 까 하나이다 (시040:2 나를 기가 막힐 웅덩이와 수렁에서 끌어 올리시고 내 발을 반석 위에 두사 내 걸음을 견고케 하셨도다 (시088:4, 6; 4 나는 무덤에 내려가는 자와 함께 인정되고 힘이 없는 사람과 같으며 6 주께서 나를 깊은 웅덩이 어두운 곳 음침한데 두셨사오며 (겔26:20 내가 너로 구덩이에 내려가는 자와 함께 내려가서 옛적 사람에게로 나아가게 하고 너로 그 구덩이에 내려간 자와 함께 땅 깊은 곳 예로부터 황적한 곳에 거하게 할지라 네가 다시는 사람이 거하는 곳이 되지 못하리니 산 자의 땅에서 영광을 얻지 못하리라 (슥09:11 또 너로 말할진대 네 언약의 피를 인하여 내가 너의 갇힌 자들을 물 없는 구덩이에서 놓았나니 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
743 역청(Pitch)
692   2015-05-12
▶ 역청 Pitch. A kind of bitumen. Noah covered the ark with pitch inside and outside. Gen. 6:14. The ark in which the infant Moses was put, was likewise thus rendered waterproof. Ex. 2:3. Among God's judgements on the earth the streams are turned into pitch, and the land into burning pitch. Isa. 34:9. Different words are employed in the Hebrew of Gen. 6:14 from the other passages. Noah was to pitch (kaphar, 'to cover,' often translated 'atonement') the ark with pitch (kopher, translated 'ransom') as if to teach that Noah and those with him could be saved only by being covered with a ransom, and which would introduce them to a new earth. (창06:14 너는 잣나무로 너를 위하여 방주를 짓되 그 안에 간들을 막고 역청으로 그 안팎에 칠하라 (출02:3 더 숨길 수 없이 되매 그를 위하여 갈 상자를 가져다가 역청과 나무 진을 칠하고 아이를 거기 담아 하숫가 갈대 사이에 두고 (사34:9 에돔의 시내들은 변하여 역청이 되고 그 티끌은 유황이 되고 그 땅은 불 붙는 역청이 되며 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
742 별 떼(Planets)
472   2015-05-13
▶ 별 떼 Planets. The Hebrew word is mazzaloth, and is supposed to refer to the twelve signs or constellations of the Zodiac, as intimated in the margin. These, with the sun, moon, and 'all the host of heaven,' had been worshipped by the Israelites. 2 Kings 23:5. The word occurs nowhere else. (왕하23:5 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
741 석회(Plaster, Plaister)
586   2015-05-13
▶ 석회 Plaster, Plaister. This was used to cover the walls of houses, Lev. 14:42-48; Dan. 5:5; and was also spread on large stones, on which the law could be inscribed. Deut. 27:2-4; Joshua 8:32. It may have been compounded of different substances for divers purposes. In Isaiah 38:21 plaister is used in a medical sense as spread on a boil. (레14:42-48 (단05:5 (신27:2-4; (수08:32 (사38:21 --- Morrish Bible Dictionary

성경연대표 1.창조 2.족장 3.출애굽 4.광야 5.정복 6.사사 7.통일왕국 8.분열왕국 9.포로 10.포로귀환 11.중간 12.예수 13.초대교회 14.세계선교 관련그림.지도 1.창조 2.족장 3.출애굽 4.광야 5.정복 6.사사 7.통일왕국 8.분열왕국 9.포로 10.포로귀환 11.중간 12.예수 13.초대교회 Ani
1창세기[Genesis] 2출애굽기[Exodus] 3레위기[Leviticus] 4민수기[Numbers] 5신명기[Deuteronomy] 6여호수아[Joshua] 7사사기[Judges] 8룻기[Ruth] 9사무엘상[I Samuel] 10사무엘하[II Samuel] 11열왕기상[I Kings] 12열왕기하[II Kings] 13역대상[I Chronicles] 14역대하[II Chronicles] 15에스라[Ezra] 16느헤미아[Nehemiah] 17에스더[Esther] 18욥기[Job] 19시편[Psalms] 20잠언[Proverbs] 21전도서[Ecclesiastes] 22아가[Song of Solomon] 23이사야[Isaiah] 24예레미야[Jeremiah] 5예레미아애가[Lamentations] 26에스겔[Ezekiel] 27다니엘[Daniel] 28호세아[Hosea] 29요엘[Joel] 30아모스[Amos] 31오바댜[Obadiah] 32요나[Jonah] 33미가[Micah] 34나훔[Nahum] 35하박국[Habakkuk] 36스바냐[Zephaniah] 37학개[Haggai] 38스가랴[Zechariah] 39말라기[Malachi] 40마태복음[Matthew] 41마가복음[Mark] 42누가복음[Luke] 43요한복음[John] 44사도행전[Acts] 45로마서[Romans] 46고린도전서[I Corinthians] 47고린도후서[II Corinthians] 48갈라디아서[Galatians] 49에베소서[Ephesians] 50빌립보서[Philippians] 51골로새서[Colossians] 52데살로니가전서[I Thessalonian] 53데살로니가후서[2 Thessalonian] 54디모데전서[I Timothy] 55디모데후서[II Timothy] 56디도서[Titus] 57빌레몬서[Philemon] 58히브리서[Hebrews] 59야고보서[James] 60베드로전서[I Peter] 61베드로후서[II Peter] 62요한일서[I John] 63요한이서[II John] 64요한삼서[III John] 65유다서[Jude] 66요한계시록[Revelation]