▶ 돈 Money. 

Mention is made of money as early as Gen. 17:12, 13, where persons are said to be 'bought with money;' and from Genesis to Zechariah it is spoken of as being not counted, but weighed, which would give the true value of the precious metals in the form of rings or in odd pieces of gold or silver. The names Gerah, Bekah, Shekel, Maneh, and Talent, being used for weights as well as money, the two are better considered together. See WEIGHTS AND MEASURES.

(창17:12-13 대대로 남자는 집에서 난 자나 혹 너희 자손이 아니요 이방 사람에게서 돈으로 산 자를 무론하고 난지 팔일만에 할례를 받을 것이라 너희 집에서 난 자든지 너희 돈으로 산 자든지 할례를 받아야 하리니 이에 내 언약이 너희 살에 있어 영원한 언약이 되려니와

On the return of the Jews, B.C. 536, Persian money was used by them. This would be followed by Greek money when they were under the dominion of the Greeks. Antiochus VII about B.C. 140, granted permission to Simon Maccabeus to coin Jewish money. Shekels were coined bearing a pot of manna and an almond rod. Under the Romans, Roman money was used.

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary

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