▶ 두번째 강림 Advent, Second.

This is simply the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to this earth, which naturally implies that He has already been here once. "Now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself . . . . and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin [or apart from sin] unto salvation." Heb. 9:26-28. The 'second advent' therefore is clearly a scriptural expression. Scripture speaks of many momentous and solemn events connected with the second coming of Christ which will be found under the different headings connected with this subject. 

(히09:26-28. 그리하면 그가 세상을 창조할 때부터 자주 고난을 받았어야 할 것이로되 이제 자기를 단번에 제사로 드려 죄를 없게 하시려고 세상 끝에 나타나셨느니라 한번 죽는 것은 사람에게 정하신 것이요 그 후에는 심판이 있으리니 이와 같이 그리스도도 많은 사람의 죄를 담당하시려고 단번에 드리신바 되셨고 구원에 이르게 하기 위하여 죄와 상관 없이 자기를 바라는 자들에게 두번째 나타나시리라

There are two aspects of the coming of the Lord Jesus which should never be confounded, namely, His coming for His saints, and His coming with His saints. These events may be thus illustrated. Suppose a large town or province revolted from allegiance to its sovereign, and refused to acknowledge his authority. After many warnings the sovereign raises an army to punish the rebels; but he knows that in that city there are many true subjects who loyally acknowledge his title and claims. When approaching the city he secretly calls out all those loyal ones, who gladly go out to meet him. He storms the city, and entering with those that have already joined him, he punishes the rebellious, and rewards those that had been faithful. Now, as the coming of the sovereign would be a day of joyful deliverance to one class, so it would be followed by judgement on the others. We find both these aspects of the coming of the Lord Jesus plainly revealed in the scripture. 1 Thess. 4:15-18 speaks of Christ coming for His saints to their everlasting joy; and Jude 14, 15 speaks of Christ coming to execute judgement on His enemies. Another distinction to be noticed is that when Christ comes for His saints, including both the living and the dead, He will not actually come to the earth for them. The above passage in 1 Thessalonians says that the saints will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. This is often called the RAPTURE. It will be a meeting far too sacred for the eyes of the wicked to behold — it will be in the clouds. No separation will ever take place: those that are thus caught up will be for ever with the Lord. But the important aspect of the Resurrection and Rapture of the saints is, that it is God's answer in those that believe to the all-glorious worth of His own Son. 

(살전04:15-18 우리가 주의 말씀으로 너희에게 이것을 말하노니 주 강림하실 때까지 우리 살아 남아 있는 자도 자는 자보다 결단코 앞서지 못하리라 주께서 호령과 천사장의 소리와 하나님의 나팔로 친히 하늘로 좇아 강림하시리니 그리스도 안에서 죽은 자들이 먼저 일어나고 그 후에 우리 살아 남은 자도 저희와 함께 구름 속으로 끌어 올려 공중에서 주를 영접하게 하시리니 그리하여 우리가 항상 주와 함께 있으리라 그러므로 이 여러 말로 서로 위로하라

This is the bright hope of the Christian. There is no event revealed in scripture that must take place before the Rapture of the saints. They should, therefore, be expecting the return of the Lord at any moment to fetch all His saints away together. John 14:1-3; 1 Thess. 1:9, 10. 

(요14:1-3; 태초에 말씀이 계시니라 이 말씀이 하나님과 함께 계셨으니 이 말씀은 곧 하나님이시니라 그가 태초에 하나님과 함께 계셨고 만물이 그로 말미암아 지은바 되었으니 지은 것이 하나도 그가 없이는 된 것이 없느니라 

(살전01:9, 10. 저희가 우리에 대하여 스스로 고하기를 우리가 어떻게 너희 가운데 들어간 것과 너희가 어떻게 우상을 버리고 하나님께로 돌아와서 사시고 참되신 하나님을 섬기며 또 죽은 자들 가운데서 다시 살리신 그의 아들이 하늘로부터 강림하심을 기다린다고 말하니 이는 장래 노하심에서 우리를 건지시는 예수시니라

In other scriptures it is revealed that there will be an interval between the Rapture (the catching away of the saints), and the Lord's coming, to the earth. For instance, in 2 Thess. 2 we learn that the day of the Lord cannot come till the Antichrist is revealed, because the Lord is going to destroy that wicked one when He comes. Then in Rev. 8. we find that the Antichrist will co-operate with another 'beast,' the head of the future Roman empire; and in Dan. 9. that this latter power will make a covenant with Israel and will break the covenant in the midst of the week: all which intimates that this apparent triumph of wickedness will spread over at least seven years, otherwise spoken of as the last week of the seventy weeks of Daniel. See SEVENTY WEEKS. 

(살후01:2 하나님 아버지와 주 예수 그리스도로부터 은혜와 평강이 너희에게 있을찌어다

That the Lord Jesus will actually come to the earth is plainly revealed in Acts 1:11; "This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven." "His feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east." Zech. 14:4. "The Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple . . . . but who may abide the day of his coming?" Malachi 3:1, 2. 

(행01:11; 가로되 갈릴리 사람들아 어찌하여 서서 하늘을 쳐다 보느냐 너희 가운데서 하늘로 올리우신 이 예수는 하늘로 가심을 본 그대로 오시리라 하였느니라

(슥14:4. 그 날에 그의 발이 예루살렘 앞 곧 동편 감람산에 서실 것이요 감람산은 그 한가운데가 동서로 갈라져 매우 큰 골짜기가 되어서 산 절반은 북으로, 절반은 남으로 옮기고

(말03:1, 2. 만군의 여호와가 이르노라 보라 내가 내 사자를 보내리니 그가 내 앞에서 길을 예비할 것이요 또 너희의 구하는바 주가 홀연히 그 전에 임하리니 곧 너희의 사모하는바 언약의 사자가 임할 것이라 그의 임하는 날을 누가 능히 당하며 그의 나타나는 때에 누가 능히 서리요 그는 금을 연단하는 자의 불과 표백하는 자의 잿물과 같을것이라 

For the events connected with the Second Advent see APPEARING; DAY OF THE LORD; JUDGEMENT; KINGDOM; MILLENNIUM.

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary

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STUDY - 구절(WESLEY), 단락(MATTHEW), 읽기(Wayne),
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