

세계관광명소 Cyber World TourAsia › 중국 Dulechenguang

cyber | 2016.04.07 07:29:36 | 본문 건너뛰기 쓰기
중국 09 Dulechenguang
Tianjin, China
Dule TempleDule Temple (dú lè sì 独乐寺), also called Great Buddha Temple (dà fó sì 大佛寺), is situated inside the western gate of Jixian County. It was fist built in the Tang Dynasty. Its main building, the Goddess of Mercy Pavilion (guān yīn gé 观音阁), was rebuilt in A.D. 984. The two-storied wooden pavilion is twenty-three meters high, and so well designed that it has withstood the test of several earthquakes and remains intact to this day. It is one of the oldest and best-preserved tall wooden structures in China. The pavilion contains a standing statue of the Guanyin Bodhisattva with the heads of ten small Buddhas above it. The sixteen-meter-high statue is known as the "Eleven-face Guanyin," one of the largest painted clay sculptures in China.

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