▶ 장 요약

  행7:1         스데반 집사의 설교
  행7:54        스데반이 돌아 맞아 순교함

Stephen, being permitted to answer for himself relative to the charge of blasphemy brought against him by his accusers, gives a circumstantial relation of the call of Abraham, when he dwelt in Mesopotamia, in Charran, The history of Jacob and Joseph, 9-17. The persecution of their fathers in Egypt, 18,19. The history of Moses and his acts till the exodus from Egypt, 20-37. The rebellion and idolatry of the Israelites in the wilderness, 38-43. The erection of the tabernacle of witness, which continued till the time of David, 44-46. Of the temple built by Solomon for that God who cannot be confined to temples built by hands, 47-50. Being probably interrupted in the prosecution of his discourse, he urges home the charge of rebellion against God, persecution of his prophets, the murder of Christ, and neglect of their own law against them, 51-53. They are filled with indignation, and proceed to violence, 54. He sees the glory of God, and Christ at the right hand of the Father; and declares the glorious vision, 55,56. They rush upon him, drag him out of the city, and stone him, 57,58. He involves the Lord Jesus, prays for his murderers, and expires, 59,60.

1.스데반의 설교에 처음으로 나오는 인물은(행 7:2)?
2.아브라함과 언약을 맺기 위해 나타나신 하나님의 명칭은(행 7:2)?
3.하나님이 아브라함에게 주신 약속은(행 7:5-8)?
4.스데반이 요셉을 언급한 이유는(행 7:9-16)?
5.모세의 생애를 통해 스데반이 강조하는 것은(행 7:20-36)?
6.모세가 궁중에서 생활한 기간은(행 7:23)?
7.하나님은 모세에게 무엇이라고 말씀하셨나(행 7:33)?
8.광야의 이스라엘 백성은 어디를 그리워했나(행 7:39)?
9.이스라엘 백성은 어떤 우상을 만들어 섬겼나(행 7:41)?
10.하나님은 이러한 이스라엘 백성을 어떻게 하셨나(행 7:42)?
11.이스라엘 백성이 광야에 있을 때 하나님을 만나던 곳은(행 7:44)?
12.설교를 마친 스데반은 무엇을 보았는가(행 7:55)?
13.스데반이 돌에 맞을 때 증인들의 옷을 지킨 사람은 누구인가(행 7:58)?
14.돌에 맞아 죽은 스데반을 성경은 무엇이라 표현했는가(행 7:60)?

NIV (KJV) 사도행전 7장 본문 (클릭)

1 Whose daughter brought up Moses?
2 Which mountain did the flaming bush appear to Moses?
3 What form did the idol take?

4 How many hundred years would Abrahams descendants be enslaved?
5 Where did Abraham go when he left Chaldeans?
6 Who was the grandson of Abraham?

7 Whose sons did Abraham buy the tomb from?
8 God visited Abraham whilst he was in where?
9 Who was jealous of Joseph and sold him to slavery in Egypt?

10 What did the Lord instruct Moses to take off?
11 Where did the prophets say they would be sent into exile beyond?
12 Who was the son of Abraham?

13 Who saw the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God?
14 How old was Moses when he visited his fellow Israelites?
15 What did God give Joseph to gain the goodwill of Pharaoh?

16 Who was born at the time that newborn babies were to be thrown out?
17 Who gave approval to the death of Stephen?
18 How many were in Jacobs family?

19 How many sons did Moses have?
20 Where did Moses flee to after trying to break up two Israelites fighting?

개역한글KHRV( 120일1독, 1년1독, 권별, 성경통독 )

STUDY - 구절(WESLEY), 단락(MATTHEW), 테마별, 읽기(Wayne), 소요리, 대요리 문답, 신앙고백WCF
Dictionary - Chapter, OT구약, NT신약,

성경연대표 1.창조 2.족장 3.출애굽 4.광야 5.정복 6.사사 7.통일왕국 8.분열왕국 9.포로 10.포로귀환 11.중간 12.예수 13.초대교회 14.세계선교