▶ 장 요약

  눅9:1         열두 제자 파송
  눅9:10        오병 이어의 축복
  눅9:18        고난을 예언하심
  눅9:21        수난에 대한 첫 번째 예고
  눅9:28        변화산에서의 예수
  눅9:37        귀신들린 아이를 고침
  눅9:44        수난에 대한  두 번째 예고
  눅9:46        천국에서 큰 자
  눅9:51        배척을 받으심
  눅9:57        제자 되는 세 가지 시험

Christ sends his apostles to preach and work miracles, 1-6. Herod, hearing of the fame of Jesus, is perplexed; some suppose that John Baptist is risen from the dead; others, that Elijah or one of the old prophets was come to life, 7-9. The apostles return and relate the success of their mission. He goes to a retired place, and the people follow him, 10,11. He feeds five thousand men with five loaves and two fishes, 12-17. He asks his disciples what the public think of him, 18-21. Foretells his passion, 22. Shows the necessity of self-denial, and the importance of salvation, 23-25. Threatens those who deny him before men, 26. The transfiguration, 27-36. Cures a demoniac, 37-43. Again foretells his passion, 44,45. The disciples contend who shall be greatest, 46-48. Of the person who cast out devils in Christ's name, but did not associate with the disciples, 49,50. Of the Samaritans who would not receive him, 51-56. Of the man who wished to follow Jesus, 57,58. He calls another disciple who asks permission first to bury his father, 59. Our Lord's answer 60-62.

1. 예수님의 고난, 죽음, 부활을 예고한 말씀은?
2. "누구든지 내 이름으로 이 어린 아이를 (     )하면 곧 나를 (     )함이요 또 누구든지 나를 (     )하면 곧 나 보내신 이를 (     )함이라."

===== god 개역한글
1. 예수님의 열두 제자 파송 과정은(눅 9:1, 2)?
2. 예수님은 따라오는 무리들을 어떻게 대하셨나(눅 9:11, 12)?
3. 예수님께서 빈 들에서 오천 명을 먹이신 재료는(눅 9:12-17)?
4. 오병이어 이적의 성격은 무엇인가(눅 9:12-17)?
5. 예수님께서 변화산에서 함께 의논한 사람은 누구인가(눅 9:30)?
6. 변화산에서 예수님이 모세와 엘리야와 함께 말씀하신 내용은 무엇인가(눅 9:31)?
7. 베드로가 변화산에서 제안한 것은 무엇인가(눅 9:33)?
8. 변화산에서 내려왔을 때 기다리고 있던 일은(눅 9:37-40)?
9. 예수님께서 장차 사람들의 손에 넘기우리라는 말을 듣고 제자들이 보인 태도는(눅 9:44, 45)?
10. 누가 크냐는 제자들의 변론에 대해 주님이 주신 교훈은(눅 9:46-48)?
11. 예수님을 좇겠다는 사람에게 예수님께서 하신 말씀은(눅 9:57,58)?
12. 예수님을 좇기에 앞서 가족과 작별하려는 사람에게 주신 교훈은(눅 9:61,62)?
NIV 누가복음 9장 본문 (클릭)

1 What did Jesus tell the disciples not to take?
2 Who appeared with Jesus on the mountain?
3 Where did Jesus take the apostles when they returned?

4 Whoever is for you is not what?
5 How many items did Jesus use to feed the 5000?
6 The person who looks back whilst what, is not fit to serve in the Kingdom of God?

7 What did Jesus tell his disciples to take on their journey?
8 Approximately how many groups did the disciples put the 5000 in?
9 What were the disciples to shake off their feet?

10 Herod was puzzled, some said who had appeared?
11 Who was one of the three disciples to go with Jesus into the mountains?
12 Who did Peter say Jesus was?

개역한글KHRV( 120일1독, 1년1독, 권별, 성경통독 )

STUDY - 구절(WESLEY), 단락(MATTHEW), 테마별, 읽기(Wayne), 소요리, 대요리 문답, 신앙고백WCF
Dictionary - Chapter, OT구약, NT신약,

성경연대표 1.창조 2.족장 3.출애굽 4.광야 5.정복 6.사사 7.통일왕국 8.분열왕국 9.포로 10.포로귀환 11.중간 12.예수 13.초대교회 14.세계선교