1. 최근게시물
  2. 103인 세계위인
  3. 서양미술 사조별 분류
  4. Theme - Venus




한국 명화감상

세계 명화감상


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Mobile Menu, Mobile W-paintings, Cyber World Tour, 한국역사부도, 세계역사부도, 역사년표

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Notice 공지 World Museums Report & Map 파일 46679  
Notice 공지 재미있는 미술스토리와 경매이야기, 그리고 작품감상 [1] 37269  
  • The Coronation of the Virgin

    Raffaelo | 조회:4286 / 추천:7

  • The Coronation of the Virgin Detail

    Raffaelo | 조회:5894 / 추천:7

  • Crucifixion with Sts Mary Virgin, Mary Magdalen, John and Jerome

    Raffaelo | 조회:4987 / 추천:11

  • The Betrothal of the Virgin ('Sposalizio')

    Raffaelo | 조회:3828 / 추천:17

  • Madonna and Child Enthroned, with Saints

    Raffaelo | 조회:4733 / 추천:3

  • St. George Fighting the Dragon

    Raffaelo | 조회:4764 / 추천:2

  • St. George Fighting the Dragon

    Raffaelo | 조회:3870 / 추천:3

  • Virgin and Child enthroned with Sts John the Baptist and Nicholas of Bari (the Ansidei altarpiece)

    Raffaelo | 조회:4791 / 추천:4

  • Madonna dell Granduca

    Raffaelo | 조회:5499 / 추천:7

  • The small Cowper Madonna

    Raffaelo | 조회:3968 / 추천:8

  • The Entombment

    Raffaelo | 조회:4738 / 추천:5

  • The Entombment Detail

    Raffaelo | 조회:3897 / 추천:6

  • La Belle Jardinère

    Raffaelo | 조회:3279 / 추천:2

  • St Catherine

    Raffaelo | 조회:3981 / 추천:3

  • Disputa (Dispute Over the Sacrament)

    Raffaelo | 조회:9494 / 추천:2

  • Disputa (Dispute Over the Sacrament) Altar area

    Raffaelo | 조회:12419 / 추천:3

  • Disputa (Dispute Over the Sacrament) Lower left

    Raffaelo | 조회:11425 / 추천:3

  • Disputa (Dispute Over the Sacrament) Lower right

    Raffaelo | 조회:12816 / 추천:4

  • Disputa (Dispute Over the Sacrament) Upper central

    Raffaelo | 조회:11790 / 추천:5

  • Disputa (Dispute Over the Sacrament) Upper left

    Raffaelo | 조회:12152 / 추천:4

  • Disputa (Dispute Over the Sacrament) Upper right

    Raffaelo | 조회:12352 / 추천:3

  • The School of Athens

    Raffaelo | 조회:9609 / 추천:5

  • School of Athens Detail of left side

    Raffaelo | 조회:8467 / 추천:3

  • School of Athens Detail of lower right

    Raffaelo | 조회:6856 / 추천:3

  • School of Athens Detail of Plato and Aristotle

    Raffaelo | 조회:6688 / 추천:2

  • School of Athens Detail of Zoroaster, Ptolemy, Raphael and Perugino

    Raffaelo | 조회:7233 / 추천:2

  • Portrait of a Cardinal

    Raffaelo | 조회:6677 / 추천:6

  • Madonna di Foligno

    Raffaelo | 조회:6778 / 추천:8

  • Study of a Sibyl for the Chigi chapel

    Raffaelo | 조회:6080 / 추천:9

  • The nymph Galatea

    Raffaelo | 조회:7715 / 추천:1

  • The Sistine Madonna

    Raffaelo | 조회:5400 / 추천:2

  • The Sistine Madonna Detail of Pope Sixtus II

    Raffaelo | 조회:4912 / 추천:1

  • St Cecilia with Sts Paul, John Evangelist, Augustine and Mary Magdalene

    Raffaelo | 조회:6457 / 추천:1

  • The Burning of the Borgo

    Raffaelo | 조회:8056 / 추천:1

  • The Burning of the Borgo Detail

    Raffaelo | 조회:6955 / 추천:0

  • Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione

    Raffaelo | 조회:7089 / 추천:3

  • Bindo Altoviti

    Raffaelo | 조회:6545 / 추천:3

  • Lo Spasimo di Sicilia

    Raffaelo | 조회:10156 / 추천:2

  • Lo Spasimo di Sicilia Detail

    Raffaelo | 조회:7728 / 추천:3

  • Workshop of Pieter van Aelst (after RAPHAEL) The Miraculous Draught of Fishes Tapestry

    Raffaelo | 조회:5903 / 추천:2

  • Pope Leo X with two cardinals

    Raffaelo | 조회:11637 / 추천:2

  • Portrait of a Nude Woman (the 'Fornarina')

    Raffaelo | 조회:7018 / 추천:9

  • Portrait of the Artist with a Friend, Traditionally Described as His Fencing Master

    Raffaelo | 조회:6621 / 추천:6