Exo0205-Baby Moses found by Pharaoh_s daughter02.jpg
02Exo0101 [LLM0301] Baby Moses is Born

개역한글성경 (출01:01 - 출02:10)
After Joseph and his brothers, and all their children died, there were a very great number of Israelites, so many that the land was filled with them.  And there was a new king in Egypt who did not know who Joseph was.

Now the king was worried because he thought that  if there was a war, the Israelite people might join with the Egyptians' enemies and fight against them, and so the king made many people to be taskmasters, that is people who were in charge of making the Israelites work for the Egyptians.  And they made them build treasure cities, but the harder they had to work, the more they grew in number.

And so the king spoke to the Hebrew ladies who helped when the children were born and told them that they should kill the boy babies.  But the Hebrew ladies feared God, and they did not do as the king told them to, and they told the king that the babies were born before they got there.  And so God blessed those ladies.

And then the king, who was called Pharaoh, said that every son that was born must be thrown into the river.

At that time there was a man of the house of Levi who married a lady who was also of the house of Levi.  And the lady had a baby boy, and when she saw that he was beautiful, she hid him for three months.  And when she could not hide him any longer she made for him a little boat of bulrushes, and she put slime and pitch, (that is something sticky like the sap you find on some trees) on the little boat to make it waterproof, and she put the little child in, and she lay it in the plants by the river.

And the child's sister stood watching from a distance away to see what would happen to him.  Now the daughter of Pharaoh came down to the river to wash herself, and she saw the little boat among the plants, and sent her maid to fetch it.

And when she opened it, she saw the little child, and the baby was crying.  And she had compassion for him, and she knew that it was one of the Hebrew children.  Compassion means that she felt sorry for the little babe and wanted to help it.

But the baby's sister went to the daughter of Pharaoh and asked if she should call one of the Hebrew women to feed the baby because he still needed milk.  And Pharaoh's daughter told her to go, and the girl went and got the baby's own mother.

Now when Pharaoh's daughter saw the woman, she told her to take the baby and feed and care for it, and that she would be paid money.  And so the baby's mother took the child, her own child, and fed and cared for it.

And when the child grew, his mother took him to Pharaoh's daughter and he became her son.  And she named him Moses because she drew him out of the water.

Isn't that a wonderful story?  God protected the baby, and when he was found, he was given back to his own mother to care for him, and she was paid wages to do it.  God is so good to bless those who are faithful to him.

Memory verse: Exodus 1:17 "But the midwives feared God......and saved the men children alive"

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