Gen4412-The cup was found in Benjamin_s sack.jpg
The Misssing Silver Cup
The famine grew worse and Jacob and his family needed more corn. Jacob once more asked his sons to go back to Egypt and buy some more. Judah reminded him that they had to take Benjamin back with them. Jacob did not like this. But after much talking Judah convinced Jacob that he would take responsibility for Benjamin, and if anything happened to him, Judah would take the blame.

So again the little donkeys left Canaan for Egypt. Again the brothers presented themselves to Joseph, although they did not know it was him, not yet. Simeon was released from prison, and all the brothers were invited to a feast. The brothers tried to explain about their money being in their sacks to some of Joseph's servants, but they told them not to worry about it.

At the feast the brothers were seated according to their age. When Joseph entered the room he saw Benjamin. He asked the brothers if this was the brother whom they had spoken of. They answered, "Yes." Tears welled up in Joseph's eyes. His one true brother was there with him. Quickly he left the room, for he did not want them to see him crying. After washing his face, Joseph rejoined them and the feast began.

The brothers wondered at their seating. How was it that they sat in accordance with their ages? Did this man know their ages? And why was Benjamin, the youngest, getting five times as much food as the others? Normally the oldest received the most food. It all seemed strange, but the brothers did not grumble or complain. They were just curious. When the feast was over the brothers loaded the corn on their donkeys and started off for home.

As they left, one of Joseph's servants came running after them. He accused them of stealing his master's silver cup. The brothers said they had not, and to search them. If one of them had the cup, that one would die and the others would become the Master's slaves. The servant said that only the one in whose bag it was found would become his Master's servant. The search began with each brother opening his bag. Benjamin was last. Ah ha! The servant found Joseph's silver cup in Benjamin's bag. The brothers were devastated. Not Benjamin. What would their father do?

All the brothers went back with Benjamin to plead his case. They said how Jacob had not wanted him to go Egypt, and that if anything should happen to him Jacob, their father, would die. Judah offered to be Joseph's servant instead of Benjamin. Simeon offered to be put back in prison.

Joseph finally had his answer. Yes, his brothers had changed into good men. Now Joseph sent everyone from the room except his brothers. He then began to cry out loud. He stood up and said, "I am Joseph. Does my father still live?"

Benjamin, filled with joy, ran to Joseph and hugged him, but the other brothers thought that Joseph would punish them for what they had done to him. But Joseph told them he had forgiven them. Although they had meant to harm him, God had made it turn into good. They all came and hugged him. They also told him that Jacob was still alive.

Joseph told them how much longer the famine would last and that they should go home and bring their father and all their families back to Egypt. He was second in command in all Egypt and he would look after them all. Joseph gave carts and wagons to his brothers to bring everything back on. He also gave them many presents, and they left for home very excited.

The brothers hurried home. They told Jacob that Joseph was still alive, and that he was the Governor of Egypt. Jacob couldn't believe his ears. Could Joseph really be alive? The brothers told Jacob everything that Joseph had told them to say. Finally Jacob believed them, and decided to move to Egypt to live with him.

Jacob took all his son, daughters, their families, their cattle, their goods, and all that they had acquired in Canaan and came into Egypt. Joseph had promised them an area called Goshen, so Jacob sent Judah ahead to find Joseph so that he could direct them to the correct area.

Joseph was so excited that he jumped into his chariot, and galloped all the way to meet his father. He fell on his neck and cried for joy. After more than twenty years of separation, father and son were reunited. Jacob was so happy that he said he could not die.

And Pharaoh gave Jacob and his descendant the land of Goshen to live in. Jacob lived in Egypt with all his children for 17 years. And Jacob died at the age of one hundred and forty-seven years. Joseph and his brothers took his body back to the cave of Machpelah, and buried him there as they promised they would do while he was still alive.

Joseph forgave his brothers for everything they had done to him. We must learn to forgive others for the wrongs they do to us. If we cannot forgive others for their wrongs, God cannot forgive our wrongs or sins.

(Genesis 43:1-34; 44:1-34; 45:28; 46:1-7, 28-34; 47:1-31; 50:14. Josephstory)

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