Gen0101 The Beginning.jpg
01Gen0101 Creation of This World
The Godhead, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, did make the beautiful world that they had planned to make.

The Holy Spirit moved upon the waters of this dark, formless, empty world. The Father looked on with much interest while the Son using the power bestowed upon Him from the Father, spoke saying, "Let there be light."

Instantly there was light, and God saw that it was good. He called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. As the darkness was first, so the evening and night of the first twenty-four hour day of this world was before the daytime. This is the way God made our days. So the evening and the morning were the first day.

The next day God decided that He would make a firmament or a space of air between the waters. Between the waters? Yes, there was water everywhere upon the surface of the earth, and God put clouds, which are made of water, up in the sky. Between these two lots of water He made air. Every living thing upon this earth needs air and water to survive. All God did was speak and the firmament was made. God called the firmament Heaven, and the evening and the morning were the second day.

On day three God said, "Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so." The water that was upon the surface of the earth was put into one place and the dry land appeared. God called the dry land Earth, and the gathered waters He called Seas. God was not yet finished His work for today. Next He called into being every grass, herb, tree, shrub and flower covering the dry land with a rich, lush, green covering dotted with the most beautiful, colourful, fragrant flowers. Everything was beautiful. And the evening and the morning were the third day.

Next God made the sun, moon and the stars. These were to divide the day from the night. The greater light or the sun was to rule the day, and the lesser light or the moon was to rule the night. He made the stars also. God set them in their place in the firmament of heaven to give light upon the earth. He also made them for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years. God saw that what He made was good. And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

On day five God made all the creatures that live in the sea and in the air. He made the whales, fish, and every other creature that lives is the sea, as well as all the birds and every other winged creature that flies in the air. God saw that it was good, and blessed them. He told them to produce offspring, and fill the sea and air with their own kind. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

Day six God created the beasts of the earth, the cattle, and every thing that creeps upon the earth. He made the tiny grasshopper right through to the gigantic Behemoth, and everything else in-between. God was pleased with everything He had made, but He was not quite finished yet. There was one more thing that God wanted to do. He wanted to make man, not just a creature, but a being who would look like Himself. This being would be able to think for himself and choose whether or not to follow God's rules. So God formed man out of the dust of the earth, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. His name was Adam. God placed Adam in a lovely garden He had made especially for Adam to live in. God then asked Adam to name all the creatures that He had made.

While Adam was naming all the creatures he notices that they all had a mate, someone just like themselves. He was the only one that did not have a mate. So, God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep. While he slept God took a rib from Adam's side and made a woman. When Adam awoke God presented her to Adam. He called her Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

God's crowning work of creation now completed, He saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

God had finished all His work in six days, but He was not quite finished with the first week of this world's history. On day seven he rested from all His work. He blessed the seventh day and sanctified it or made it holy. God was not tired from His work, for God is never tired, but He knew that man would be. So God made a day of rest on which man was to put aside all his work and come together to commune with God and worship Him, and be refreshed after working for six days. The seventh day of the week was called the Sabbath which means rest.

Although the seven day week has no scientific basis, we still have it. Why? Because that is the way God planned it. He wants us to work for six days, just as He did, then rest on the seventh day of the week, Saturday, just like He did.

개역한글KHRV( 120일1독, 1년1독, 권별, 성경통독 )

STUDY - 구절(WESLEY), 단락(MATTHEW), 테마별,
Dictionary - Chapter, OT구약, NT신약, 읽기(Wayne), 소요리, 대요리 문답, 신앙고백WCF

성경연대표 1.창조 2.족장 3.출애굽 4.광야 5.정복 6.사사 7.통일왕국 8.분열왕국 9.포로 10.포로귀환 11.중간 12.예수 13.초대교회 14.세계선교