▶ 아비엘(Abiel)

뜻:하나님은 돕는다

[1] 므낫세 지파 함몰레겟의 아들(대상07:17-18).
므낫세 지파중의 가장 적은 족속중의 하나이며 그 자손은 오브라에 거주한다(삿06:24, (삿08:32).
사사 기드온은 이 족속의 자손이다(삿06:11).

[2] 다윗의 30용사중 한 사람인데(대상11:32) (삼하23:31)의 아비알과 동일 인 이다.


Abiel. [A'biel]

1.  Father of Kish and of Ner and grandfather of Saul and of Abner. That this is the most probable genealogy is confirmed by Ner being said to be Saul's uncle, 1 Sam. 9:1; 1 Sam. 14:50, 51; though in 1 Chr. 8:33; 1 Chr. 9:39, Saul is said to be the son of Kish, the son of Ner. This Ner may have been an earlier ancestor; and here Abiel is not named at all. It was not unusual to leave out many names in the genealogies.

2.  One of David's mighty men, 1 Chr. 11:32; he is called Abi-Albon in 2 Sam. 23:31.

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary


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